Bantam Chicken Size Comparison: Which Breed is Best for Your Backyard?

Bantam Chicken Size Comparison: Which Breed is Best for Your Backyard?

I have always been fascinated by the different breeds of chickens available. One breed that has caught my attention is the Bantam chicken. Bantam chickens are known for their small size and adorable appearance, making them popular among backyard chicken owners.

In this article, I will provide a detailed comparison of different Bantam chicken sizes, including their characteristics and suitability for backyard chicken keeping.

What are Bantam Chickens?

Bantam chickens are a smaller breed of chicken that has been selectively bred for their small size. They are often referred to as “miniature” chickens and can come in a variety of sizes, ranging from just a few ounces to a few pounds. Despite their smaller size, Bantams are incredibly versatile birds that can make excellent pets, show birds, and even egg-layers.

Due to their small size, Bantams require less space and resources than larger chicken breeds, making them an excellent choice for backyard chicken keepers. They are also known for their friendly personalities and can be very affectionate towards their owners. Bantams are social creatures and enjoy the company of other chickens, so they are best kept in flocks.

One of the great things about Bantams is their adaptability to different environments. They can thrive in both urban and rural settings, as long as their basic needs are met. Bantams are hardy birds that can tolerate cold and hot weather, making them an excellent choice for chicken keepers in different parts of the world.

In addition to their small size and friendly personalities, Bantams are also prized for their unique and striking appearance. There are many different types of Bantam chickens, each with their own distinct colors, patterns, and feather types. Some Bantam breeds have striking laced feathers, while others have bold colors or distinctive crests on their heads.

Types of Bantam Chickens

There are many different types of Bantam chickens, and each has its own unique size and characteristics. Here are some of the most popular types of Bantam chickens:

  1. Dutch Bantam: The Dutch Bantam is one of the smallest Bantam breeds, weighing in at around 16 ounces. They are known for their high-pitched crow and their striking appearance, which includes a unique V-shaped comb and bright red earlobes.
  2. Serama: The Serama Bantam is one of the smallest chicken breeds in the world, weighing in at just 8-16 ounces. They are known for their compact size, upright posture, and their ability to fly short distances. Seramas are often kept as house pets due to their small size and friendly demeanor.
  3. Sebright: The Sebright Bantam is a popular show bird, known for their striking appearance and small size. They weigh around 22-26 ounces and come in two varieties: silver and gold. Sebrights are known for their unique laced feathers and their upright carriage.
  4. Pekin: The Pekin Bantam is a popular breed among backyard chicken keepers, known for their friendly personalities and their excellent egg-laying abilities. They weigh around 1-2 pounds and come in a variety of colors, including black, white, and blue.

Size Comparison of Bantam Chickens

When it comes to the size of Bantam chickens, there is a significant variation between different breeds. Let’s take a closer look at how different Bantam breeds compare in terms of size:

  1. Dutch Bantam: As mentioned earlier, Dutch Bantams are one of the smallest Bantam breeds, weighing in at around 16 ounces. They are approximately 7-8 inches tall and have a short, broad body.
  2. Serama: Serama Bantams are the smallest chicken breed in the world, with a weight range of 8-16 ounces. They stand at around 6 inches tall and have a compact body with short, upright tail feathers.
  3. Sebright: Sebright Bantams are slightly larger than Dutch and Serama Bantams, weighing in at around 22-26 ounces. They stand at around 10-11 inches tall and have a slim, elegant body.
  4. Pekin: Pekin Bantams are one of the largest Bantam breeds, weighing around 1-2 pounds. They stand at around 12-13 inches tall and have a round, plump body with a full, fluffy tail.
BreedWeight (lbs)Height (in)Width (in)Length (in)
Serama0.5 – 0.756 – 105 – 77 – 8
Japanese0.75 – 1.258 – 107 – 99 – 10
Pekin1.5 – 2.510 – 129 – 1112 – 14
Sebright1.0 – 1.58 – 106 – 89 – 10
Silkies1.0 – 2.08 – 106 – 89 – 10
Note: The weights and dimensions listed above are approximate and can vary depending on the individual bird and breeding factors.

Suitability for Backyard Chicken Keeping

Bantam chickens are a popular choice among backyard chicken keepers due to their small size, friendly personalities, and excellent egg-laying abilities. However, different Bantam breeds have different needs and requirements, so it’s important to choose the right breed for your backyard flock.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a Bantam breed for backyard Keeping:

  • Space: Due to their small size, Bantam chickens require less space than larger breeds. However, it’s important to note that different breeds have different space requirements. Dutch and Serama Bantams can be kept in small coops or even indoors, while Sebright and Pekin Bantams require slightly more space to move around.
  • Climate: Bantam chickens are adaptable to different climates, but some breeds are better suited for colder or warmer environments. Dutch and Sebright Bantams have thick feathers that make them well-suited for colder climates, while Pekin Bantams have a lot of feathers and can be prone to heat stress in hot climates.
  • Egg Production: If you’re keeping Bantam chickens for egg production, it’s important to choose a breed that lays well. Dutch Bantams are not known for their egg-laying abilities, while Serama Bantams are moderate layers. Sebright and Pekin Bantams are excellent egg layers, with Pekin Bantams laying up to 200 eggs per year.
  • Personality: Bantam chickens are known for their friendly personalities, but different breeds have different temperaments. Serama Bantams are known for their docile and friendly nature, while Sebright Bantams can be more aloof and independent. Pekin Bantams are friendly and outgoing, making them a great choice for families with children.


Bantam chickens are a popular choice among backyard chicken keepers due to their small size, friendly personalities, and excellent egg-laying abilities.

While different Bantam breeds vary in size and characteristics, they all have their own unique charm and appeal. By considering factors such as space, climate, egg production, and personality, you can choose the right Bantam breed for your backyard flock.

Whether you choose a Dutch, Serama, Sebright, or Pekin Bantam, you’re sure to enjoy the companionship and entertainment that these adorable birds provide.

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