Can You Raise Turkeys and Chickens Together? Pros and Cons.

Are you considering raising chickens and turkeys together, but not sure if it’s a good idea? Look no further!

In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of keeping these birds together, as well as important factors to consider, such as disease prevention and nutrition.

Discover how you can benefit from raising chickens and turkeys together while avoiding potential pitfalls. Get ready to take your poultry farming to the next level!

The Basics of Raising Chickens and Turkeys

First, let’s talk about the basics of raising chickens and turkeys. Chickens are a common bird to raise and are often kept for their eggs or meat. They are social animals and do well in groups, known as a flock. Turkeys, on the other hand, are typically raised for their meat and are not as social as chickens. Turkeys can be kept in groups, but it’s important to keep in mind that they can be aggressive towards each other, especially during breeding season.

When it comes to housing chickens and turkeys, they have different requirements. Chickens need a roosting area to sleep on at night, nesting boxes to lay their eggs in, and a run to move around in during the day. Turkeys, on the other hand, need a sheltered area to protect them from the elements and a large outdoor area to roam in during the day. They also need access to water and food that is specifically formulated for them.

Can Chickens and Turkeys be Raised Together?

Now that we have gone over the basics of raising chickens and turkeys, let’s talk about whether or not they can be raised together. The short answer is yes, they can be raised together, but there are some things to consider.

One of the main things to consider when raising chickens and turkeys together is disease. Chickens and turkeys can both carry different diseases that can be harmful to each other. For example, turkeys are more susceptible to blackhead disease, which is carried by chickens. This disease can be deadly to turkeys, so it’s important to keep them separated or to take measures to prevent the spread of disease.

Another thing to consider is the size difference between chickens and turkeys. Turkeys are much larger than chickens and can be intimidating to them. This can lead to aggression between the two birds, with the turkeys bullying the chickens. This can be avoided by providing enough space for both birds and making sure there are enough food and water sources for everyone.

It’s also important to consider the feed requirements of both birds. Chickens and turkeys have different nutritional requirements, and it’s important to make sure that they are both getting the nutrients they need. For example, chickens need a higher level of calcium than turkeys, so their feed should be supplemented with oyster shells or other sources of calcium.

Benefits of Raising Chickens and Turkeys Together

Despite the potential challenges of raising chickens and turkeys together, there are also benefits to keeping these birds together. One of the main benefits is that they can help to keep each other clean. Chickens are known for scratching and pecking at the ground, which can help to keep the area around them clean. Turkeys are also known for being clean birds, and their larger size can help to keep the area around them clear of debris.

Another benefit is that they can help to deter predators. Chickens and turkeys both have different ways of alerting each other to danger. Chickens will often squawk loudly when they sense danger, while turkeys are known for their loud gobbling sounds. By keeping both birds together, you can increase the chances of detecting and deterring predators.


In conclusion, chickens and turkeys can be raised together, but it’s important to consider the potential challenges and benefits before doing so. Make sure to provide enough space, food,and water sources for both birds, and take measures to prevent the spread of disease. With proper care and attention, raising chickens and turkeys together can be a rewarding experience for any poultry farmer.

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