Hemp Bedding Vs Pine Shavings: Which is Best?

I know firsthand the importance of providing a comfortable and healthy environment for my feathered friends. One aspect of chicken care that often goes overlooked is the type of bedding used in their coop. In this article, I will compare two common types of bedding: hemp bedding and pine shavings, to help you make an informed decision for your flock.

Introduction to Hemp Bedding and Pine Shavings for Chickens

Hemp bedding and pine shavings are both popular options for chicken bedding, but they have different properties and benefits. Hemp bedding is made from the fibers of the hemp plant, which is a sustainable and eco-friendly material.

Pine shavings, on the other hand, are made from softwood trees and are widely available in many regions.

Both types of bedding have their pros and cons, and it’s important to understand these differences when choosing the best option for your chickens.

Pros and Cons of Pine and Hemp Bedding

PropertyHemp BeddingPine Shavings
Odor ControlGoodModerate
ComfortSoft and fluffyCoarse and sharp
CostHigher initial cost, but may save money in the long runLower initial cost, but may need to be replaced more frequently
SustainabilityRenewable and eco-friendlyRenewable, but may contribute to deforestation in some areas
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Hemp Bedding Vs Pine Shavings


Absorbency is an essential factor to consider when choosing bedding for your chicken coop. Chickens produce a significant amount of waste material, including poop and moisture, and it’s crucial to have bedding that can effectively absorb and hold onto these waste materials. A bedding that is too wet or damp can lead to the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens, which can cause various health issues for your chickens.

Hemp bedding has a higher absorbency rate compared to pine shavings, which means it can hold more moisture without becoming too damp or soggy. This is especially important in areas with high humidity, as damp bedding can lead to mold growth and other health issues for your chickens. Hemp bedding can absorb up to four times its weight in moisture, which makes it a great option for chicken owners who want to keep their coop clean and dry.

In contrast, pine shavings have a moderate absorbency rate, meaning they may not be as effective at absorbing moisture as hemp bedding. This can lead to dampness in the coop, which can be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and fungi. Additionally, pine shavings may need to be changed more frequently than hemp bedding, as they may become saturated with moisture more quickly.

When it comes to absorbency, hemp bedding is the clear winner. Its high absorbency rate and ability to hold onto moisture make it a great choice for chicken owners who want to keep their coop clean, dry, and free from harmful bacteria and fungi.

Odor Control

Odor control is another crucial factor to consider when choosing bedding for your chicken coop. Chickens are notorious for producing a strong and unpleasant odor, especially in their coop. It’s essential to have bedding that can effectively control the odor, as it can not only be unpleasant but also lead to respiratory issues for both the chickens and their owners.

Hemp bedding is a great option for odor control due to its natural properties. The high absorbency rate of hemp bedding allows it to absorb moisture and ammonia in the chicken waste, which are the primary sources of odor. By doing so, hemp bedding can effectively control the odor in the coop and keep it smelling fresh and clean. Additionally, hemp bedding is less likely to develop an odor of its own compared to other bedding options, making it an ideal choice for chicken owners who want to keep their coop smelling fresh.

On the other hand, pine shavings may actually contribute to the smell in the coop. As pine shavings break down, they release volatile compounds that can add to the odor. While pine shavings may initially have a pleasant smell, it can quickly become overpowered by the smell of chicken waste. Therefore, if you are looking for bedding that can effectively control odor, pine shavings may not be the best option.

When it comes to odor control, hemp bedding is the clear winner. Its natural properties can effectively control the odor in the coop, keeping it smelling fresh and clean. Pine shavings, on the other hand, may actually contribute to the smell in the coop, making them a less desirable option for those looking for effective odor control.


The comfort of your chickens is an essential consideration when choosing bedding for your coop. As chickens spend a significant amount of time in their coop, it’s crucial to provide them with a comfortable and supportive surface to rest on. Bedding that is not comfortable can lead to a lack of sleep and restlessness in your chickens, which can impact their overall health and egg-laying productivity.

Hemp bedding is an excellent option for comfort, as it is soft and fluffy. The texture of hemp bedding provides a cushioned surface for your chickens to rest on, which can help reduce pressure points and ensure that they have a comfortable place to relax. Additionally, the softness of hemp bedding makes it an excellent choice for broody hens who need a comfortable surface to sit on for extended periods.

In contrast, pine shavings, while also providing some cushioning, can be more coarse and sharp. The texture of pine shavings may cause discomfort or irritation for some chickens, especially those with sensitive skin or footpad issues. While pine shavings can be a good option for nesting boxes, they may not be the best choice for the entire coop floor, especially if you want to ensure the maximum comfort for your chickens.

When it comes to comfort, hemp bedding is the clear winner. Its soft and fluffy texture provides a cushioned surface for your chickens to rest on, promoting better sleep and overall health. While pine shavings can be an acceptable option for nesting boxes, they may not be the best choice for the entire coop floor if you want to ensure maximum comfort for your chickens.


Dust can be a major problem in chicken coops, especially for chickens with respiratory issues. Dust can cause irritation and even lead to respiratory problems in chickens, which can have a negative impact on their health and egg-laying productivity. Dust can also be irritating for humans when cleaning the coop, making it essential to choose bedding that produces as little dust as possible.

Hemp bedding is an excellent option when it comes to dust control. It produces less dust than pine shavings, making it a better choice for both chickens and their human caretakers. The minimal dust produced by hemp bedding can help reduce respiratory issues in chickens, as they are less likely to inhale harmful particles.

In contrast, pine shavings can produce a significant amount of dust, especially when being spread or moved around the coop. The dust produced by pine shavings can be irritating to both chickens and humans, making it less desirable as a bedding option. Pine shavings can also contain a type of fungus called Aspergillus, which can cause respiratory issues in chickens.

When it comes to dust control, hemp bedding is the superior choice. Its minimal dust production makes it an excellent option for chickens with respiratory issues and for their human caretakers who want to keep the coop clean and dust-free. While pine shavings may be an acceptable option for bedding, they may not be the best choice if you want to ensure minimal dust production in your coop.


Cost is always an important consideration when choosing bedding for your chickens, especially if you are on a tight budget. In this regard, pine shavings may seem like the more affordable option compared to hemp bedding. However, it’s important to think beyond just the initial cost and consider the long-term expenses as well.

While pine shavings may be less expensive upfront, they may require more frequent replacement due to their lower absorbency rate. As chickens produce a lot of poop and moisture, the bedding needs to be changed regularly to keep the coop clean and healthy. Pine shavings may become saturated with moisture and chicken waste quickly, leading to unpleasant odors and unsanitary conditions.

On the other hand, hemp bedding has a higher absorbency rate, meaning it can hold more moisture and waste without becoming too damp or soggy. This means that hemp bedding may need to be replaced less frequently than pine shavings, ultimately saving you money in the long run. Additionally, hemp bedding can be composted after use, providing a natural fertilizer for your garden, which can also be a cost-saving benefit.

While pine shavings may seem like a more affordable option initially, the cost of frequent replacement and potential health issues associated with damp bedding may end up outweighing the lower upfront cost. Hemp bedding, while initially more expensive, may prove to be a more cost-effective and healthier option for your chickens in the long run.


In today’s world, sustainability is a crucial factor to consider when making any purchase, including bedding for your chickens. When it comes to sustainability, hemp bedding is a clear winner over pine shavings.

Hemp bedding is made from the fibers of the hemp plant, which is a highly renewable and eco-friendly resource. Hemp plants require less water and pesticides than other crops, making it a more sustainable option for the environment. Additionally, hemp plants have a short growth cycle and can be grown in a variety of climates, making it a more versatile option for farmers.

Pine shavings, on the other hand, are also a renewable resource but require more resources to produce. Pine trees are a slow-growing crop and require a lot of water and nutrients to grow, making it a less sustainable option compared to hemp. Moreover, the production of pine shavings can also contribute to deforestation in some areas, which can have a negative impact on the environment.

By choosing hemp bedding for your chickens, you are not only providing them with a healthier and more comfortable living environment, but also contributing to a more sustainable future. Hemp bedding is biodegradable and can be composted after use, providing a natural fertilizer for your garden. The sustainable and eco-friendly nature of hemp bedding makes it a more responsible choice for environmentally conscious chicken keepers.


In conclusion, both hemp bedding and pine shavings are viable options for chicken bedding, but they have different properties and benefits. Hemp bedding has a higher absorbency rate, better odor control, is more comfortable, produces less dust, and is more sustainable than pine shavings. While pine shavings may be less expensive initially.

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