How to Extend Chain Link Fence Height.

A chain link fence is a type of fence made from galvanized steel wire that is woven into a mesh pattern. This type of fence is commonly used for both residential and commercial properties as it provides security and is relatively low maintenance. Chain link fences are especially popular for enclosing chicken runs because they allow for good ventilation and visibility while also keeping predators out.

One common problem with chain link fences is that they may not be tall enough to keep certain animals out of the chicken run. This can be a concern for those who live in areas with high predator populations, such as coyotes or raccoons. Additionally, some chicken breeds are skilled at flying and may be able to easily jump over a standard chain link fence. In these cases, it may be necessary to extend the height of the fence to ensure the safety and security of the chickens.

In this article, we will explore different methods for extending the height of a chain link fence to protect a chicken run.

Assessing the Fence

Chain link fences come in various heights, from 3 feet to 6 feet tall. However, for some situations, a higher fence may be necessary to keep animals in or out of an area. Before extending the height of a chain link fence for a chicken run, it’s important to assess the existing fence to determine its type and size. This will help in choosing the right method for extending the fence.

Measuring the existing fence

The first step in assessing the fence is to measure the height of the existing fence. This can be done using a measuring tape or a yardstick. It’s important to measure from the ground up to the top of the fence.

Identifying the type of fence

The second step is to identify the type of fence. Chain link fences are made up of steel wire that is woven together in a diamond pattern. The wire is then coated with zinc to prevent rust and corrosion. There are two main types of chain link fences: galvanized and vinyl-coated. Galvanized chain link fences are silver in color, while vinyl-coated chain link fences come in different colors.

Considering the surroundings

The third step is to consider the surroundings. This includes any nearby structures, trees, or power lines. These may affect the height of the fence that can be installed. It’s important to ensure that the fence does not interfere with any structures or power lines.

Once the assessment is complete, it’s time to choose the method for extending the fence height.

Choosing Materials

If you’re planning to extend the height of your chain link fence for a chicken run, it’s important to choose the right materials to ensure a safe and secure enclosure. Here are some factors to consider:

Types of materials to use

  1. Chain link mesh: One of the most popular materials for extending the height of a chain link fence is to add more chain link mesh. This can be done by attaching another section of chain link mesh to the existing fence using ties or clamps. This is a relatively inexpensive option and allows for good visibility and ventilation.
  2. PVC pipe: Another option is to attach PVC pipes to the top of the existing fence, creating a frame that can support additional fencing material. PVC pipes are lightweight, easy to work with, and can be cut to size. They also come in a variety of colors to match your existing fence.
  3. Wood panels: For a more attractive and sturdy option, wood panels can be attached to the top of the existing fence using brackets or screws. This is a more expensive option but can provide more privacy and better aesthetics.

Cost considerations

When choosing materials for extending your chain link fence, it’s important to consider the cost. Adding more chain link mesh is the least expensive option, while wood panels will be more expensive. PVC pipes are a mid-range option in terms of cost.

Durability and maintenance

Another important factor to consider is the durability and maintenance of the materials. Chain link mesh is relatively low maintenance, but it can rust over time. PVC pipes are durable and require little maintenance, but can become brittle and crack over time. Wood panels are the most durable option, but require regular maintenance such as painting or staining to protect against weather damage.

Preparing for Installation

Before extending the height of a chain link fence, there are several preparatory steps that need to be taken to ensure a smooth and efficient installation process. These steps include obtaining necessary permits, assembling tools, and clearing the work area.

Obtaining necessary permits

Before beginning any fence extension project, it is important to check with your local building department to determine if any permits are required. Permit requirements vary depending on location, so it is crucial to check with your local government to ensure that you are in compliance with all regulations.

Some municipalities may require a building permit for fence extensions, while others may require a zoning permit. Some areas may also have specific guidelines on fence height limitations, so it is important to check with local authorities to avoid any potential fines or legal issues.

Assembling tools

Once any necessary permits have been obtained, the next step is to assemble the tools and materials needed for the installation. Tools required may include a level, measuring tape, pliers, bolt cutters, and a saw. Depending on the type of fence extension being installed, additional tools such as brackets or post caps may also be needed.

It is important to have all necessary tools on hand before beginning the installation process to avoid any delays or interruptions. Taking the time to ensure that all tools are in good working condition and properly stored can help make the installation process smoother and more efficient.

Clearing the work area

Before beginning the installation process, it is important to clear the work area of any obstructions. This includes removing any plants, debris, or other objects that may impede the installation process or pose a safety hazard.

If the fence extension will require digging, it is important to call 811 to have utility lines marked before beginning any excavation. This will help avoid any potential damage to underground utilities and ensure that the installation process is conducted safely.

Clearing the work area before beginning the installation process can help make the process smoother and more efficient, as well as ensure the safety of those involved in the installation process.

Installing Fence Extensions

Extending the height of a chain link fence for a chicken run can be achieved using different methods. Here are the common ways to install fence extensions:

Method 1: Use a fence post extension

A fence post extension is an easy and affordable way to increase the height of your chain link fence. This method involves attaching a metal extension to the top of the existing fence post using brackets or bolts. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Measure the height of the existing fence posts to determine the length of the fence post extension needed.
  2. Purchase the appropriate size of fence post extensions and brackets or bolts.
  3. Secure the brackets or bolts to the top of the existing fence post.
  4. Attach the fence post extension to the brackets or bolts.
  5. Use self-tapping screws or nuts and bolts to secure the extension to the post.

Method 2: Use a fence topper

A fence topper is a pre-made section of fence that is designed to be attached to the top of an existing fence. It comes in different materials and designs, including wood, vinyl, and metal. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Measure the length of the existing fence to determine the length of the fence topper needed.
  2. Purchase the appropriate size and style of fence topper.
  3. Place the fence topper on top of the existing fence, ensuring that it is centered and level.
  4. Secure the fence topper to the existing fence using screws or other fasteners.

Method 3: Use a mesh or wire extension

A mesh or wire extension involves attaching a mesh or wire panel to the top of the existing fence. This method is ideal if you want to add a bit more height to the fence without obstructing the view. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Measure the length of the existing fence to determine the length of the mesh or wire panel needed.
  2. Purchase the appropriate size and style of mesh or wire panel.
  3. Attach the mesh or wire panel to the top of the existing fence using zip ties or wire.
  4. Ensure that the mesh or wire panel is tight and secure.

Tips and tricks for successful installation

  • Ensure that you obtain any necessary permits before beginning the installation process.
  • Use the appropriate tools, including a saw, drill, and measuring tape.
  • Clear the work area to avoid obstructions and accidents.
  • Wear safety gear, including gloves and safety glasses, when handling the materials.
  • Ensure that the fence extensions are level and straight to avoid an uneven look.
  • Consider adding privacy slats to the fence extensions for added privacy.

Additional Tips for Chicken Run Fence

Keeping Predators Out

One of the main reasons for extending the height of a chicken run fence is to keep predators out. However, it’s important to remember that predators can be resourceful and persistent. To ensure the safety of your chickens, there are a few additional steps you can take.

First, consider burying the bottom of the fence. This will prevent predators from digging under the fence and entering the chicken run. Bury the fence at least 6 inches deep and extend it outward from the fence at a 90-degree angle.

Second, install a roof or cover over the chicken run. This will prevent predators from flying or climbing over the fence to access your chickens. Use sturdy materials like chicken wire or hardware cloth to ensure the roof is secure.

Ensuring Proper Ventilation

While it’s important to keep predators out, it’s equally important to ensure proper ventilation inside the chicken run. Poor ventilation can lead to a buildup of moisture and harmful gases like ammonia, which can be harmful to your chickens’ health.

To ensure proper ventilation, make sure there are plenty of openings in the chicken run. This can be achieved by leaving gaps in the fence or installing additional vents. It’s also a good idea to place the chicken run in a well-ventilated area.

Regular Fence Maintenance

Proper maintenance is crucial to ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of your chicken run fence. Regularly inspect the fence for damage, including holes or rust. Repair any damage as soon as possible to prevent predators from exploiting weaknesses in the fence.

You should also clean the fence regularly to prevent the buildup of dirt and debris, which can compromise the fence’s integrity over time. Use a mild detergent and water to clean the fence, and rinse thoroughly with a hose.

In addition to regular maintenance, consider applying a protective coating to the fence. This can help prevent rust and other forms of damage and extend the life of the fence


Extending the height of a chain link fence for a chicken run is a great way to provide a safe and secure environment for your feathered friends. By following the right steps and taking necessary precautions, you can ensure that your chicken run is protected from predators and other hazards.

In this guide, we’ve covered everything from assessing your existing fence and choosing the right materials to preparing for installation and additional tips for maintenance. With the right tools and a little bit of elbow grease, you can extend your fence height and provide a safe space for your chickens to roam and forage.

However, it’s important to remember that safety should always be a top priority. Follow the necessary safety precautions such as wearing protective gear, obtaining necessary permits, and hiring a professional if you’re not comfortable with the installation process.

Finally, it’s important to regularly maintain your fence to ensure that it continues to provide the necessary protection for your chickens. Keep an eye out for any damage or wear and tear, and promptly address any issues that arise.

With these tips in mind, you can extend your chain link fence height and provide a safe and secure chicken run for your beloved feathered friends.

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