How to Make a Mouse-Proof Chicken Feeder: A Step-by-Step Guide.

I’ve experienced the frustration of dealing with pesky mice getting into my chicken feeder. Not only is it a nuisance, but it can also lead to health problems for my feathered friends. After trying various solutions, I finally found a method that works: a mice-proof chicken feeder. In this article, I’ll share my experience and give you a step-by-step guide on how to make your own mice-proof chicken feeder.

What is a mice-proof chicken feeder?

A mice-proof chicken feeder is a feeder that has been designed to keep mice out while still allowing your chickens to access the food. The feeder is typically made out of metal or plastic and has a secure lid or door that only opens when a chicken steps on a platform or lever.

Why is it important to have a mice-proof chicken feeder?

Mice can carry harmful diseases and parasites that can spread to your chickens. Not only that, but they can also consume a large amount of feed, which can be expensive and wasteful. By having a mice-proof feeder, you can ensure that your chickens are getting the food they need without the risk of contamination or waste.

How to make a mice-proof chicken feeder

Here are the steps I followed to make my own mice-proof chicken feeder:

Step 1: Gather materials You’ll need the following materials:

  • A metal or plastic container with a lid
  • PVC pipe (large enough to fit the container)
  • Chicken feeder (either purchased or homemade)
  • Screws
  • Metal or plastic plate (large enough to cover the opening of the container)
  • Bungee cords or other secure fasteners

Step 2: Create the platform Cut a length of PVC pipe that is slightly longer than the height of the container. Attach the chicken feeder to the top of the pipe using screws. This will be the platform that the chickens stand on to access the food.

Step 3: Attach the container Cut a hole in the lid of the container that is slightly larger than the diameter of the PVC pipe. Insert the pipe through the hole so that the container is resting on the platform. Secure the container to the platform with screws.

Step 4: Add the lid Cut a hole in the metal or plastic plate that is slightly larger than the opening of the container. Place the plate over the opening and secure it with bungee cords or other fasteners.

Step 5: Test the feeder Place some feed in the container and observe how the chickens interact with the feeder. Adjust the height of the platform or the size of the opening as necessary to ensure that only the chickens can access the food.

Tips for maintaining a mice-proof chicken feeder

  • Keep the feeder clean and dry to prevent mold and bacteria growth.
  • Use a high-quality feed that is less likely to attract mice.
  • Place the feeder in a secure location away from areas where mice are known to be active.
  • Inspect the feeder regularly for damage or wear and replace any worn parts.

In conclusion, a mice-proof chicken feeder is an essential item for any chicken owner who wants to keep their birds healthy and their feed bill under control. By following the steps above, you can create a feeder that is easy to use and effective at keeping mice out. With a little bit of effort, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your chickens are safe and well-fed.

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