Keeping Chickens’ Water from Freezing: A Guide to Chicken Water Heaters Without Electricity.

One of the most important things to consider is providing your birds with a consistent supply of fresh water. However, in colder months, keeping their water from freezing can be a challenge.

While there are electric water heaters available, what do you do if you don’t have access to electricity in your coop or run? That’s where a chicken water heater without electricity comes in.

In this article, I’ll cover everything you need to know about this handy tool, including how it works, the different types available, and some tips for using it effectively.

What is a chicken water heater without electricity?

A chicken water heater without electricity is a device that keeps water from freezing in cold weather without the use of electricity. There are a few different types available, but they all rely on some form of insulation and heat retention to keep the water above freezing temperatures.

One common type of chicken water heater without electricity is a thermal waterer. These waterers have a double-wall construction with an insulating layer in between. This insulation helps to trap the heat generated by the chickens’ body heat and keep it from escaping, which in turn keeps the water from freezing.

Another type of chicken water heater without electricity is a heated base. These bases are essentially a flat tray that you place your water container on top of. The base is heated using a chemical reaction when water is added to it. As the water in the base freezes, it releases heat, which keeps the water in the container from freezing.

How does a chicken water heater without electricity work?

As I mentioned above, a chicken water heater without electricity works by either insulating the water container to trap heat or by using a chemical reaction to generate heat. Let’s take a closer look at each type.

Thermal waterer

A thermal waterer is made up of two layers of material with insulation in between. The chickens’ body heat warms the air between the two layers, which in turn warms the water inside. This method is effective in keeping water from freezing as long as the temperature doesn’t drop too low.

Heated base

A heated base works by using a chemical reaction to generate heat. When water is added to the base, it mixes with a substance such as calcium chloride or magnesium sulfate. This creates an exothermic reaction that releases heat as the water freezes. The heat generated is enough to keep the water in the container above freezing temperatures.

Pros and cons of using a chicken water heater without electricity


  • No electricity required: This is the obvious advantage of using a chicken water heater without electricity. If you don’t have access to electricity in your coop or run, or you’re concerned about the safety hazards of using electric heaters around your chickens, a non-electric option is a great solution.
  • Cost-effective: Thermal waterers and heated bases are generally less expensive than electric water heaters.
  • No risk of fire: Since there are no electrical components involved, there is no risk of fire from a chicken water heater without electricity.


  • Limited heat retention: While a thermal waterer can work well in mild cold weather, it may not be effective in extremely low temperatures. Heated bases can also lose effectiveness as the chemical reaction slows down with prolonged use.
  • Not suitable for large flocks: If you have a large flock of chickens, you may need multiple non-electric water heaters to keep their water from freezing. This can become cumbersome and may not be as cost-effective as an electric water heater in the long run.
  • Requires manual maintenance: You will need to manually refill and clean the water container, and in the case of a heated base, replace the chemical reaction mixture periodically.

Tips for using a chicken water heater without electricity

  • Use a high-quality, insulated water container: Using a high-quality, insulated water container is key to keeping the water from freezing. Look for containers with double-wall insulation or foam insulation to keep the water warmer for longer.
  • Place the waterer in a sheltered location: To further prevent freezing, place the waterer in a sheltered location that is protected from wind and other elements. This will help to retain heat and prevent the water from cooling too quickly.
  • Consider using a cover: You can also consider using a cover over the water container to help insulate it even further. This can be as simple as placing a towel or blanket over the container, or using a specially designed cover made for chicken waterers.
  • Check the water regularly: Even with a non-electric water heater, it’s important to check the water regularly to ensure it hasn’t frozen over. If it has, you’ll need to remove the ice and add more warm water to the container.
  • Replace chemical reaction mixture when needed: If you’re using a heated base, be sure to replace the chemical reaction mixture periodically as directed by the manufacturer. This will ensure that the base continues to generate heat as needed.


A chicken water heater without electricity can be a great solution for keeping your chickens’ water from freezing in cold weather.

Whether you opt for a thermal waterer or a heated base, be sure to choose a high-quality product, place it in a sheltered location, and check the water regularly to ensure it stays ice-free. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to provide your chickens with fresh, unfrozen water all winter long.

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