Nigerian Dwarf Goats as Dairy Goats: What You Need to Know.

Nigerian Dwarf

I get asked a lot of questions about different breeds and their suitability for various purposes. One question that I’ve encountered quite often is whether Nigerian Dwarf goats are dairy goats.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the characteristics of Nigerian Dwarf goats, their milk production capabilities, and the key considerations for raising them as dairy animals. So, whether you’re a seasoned goat farmer or just getting started, let’s explore the world of Nigerian Dwarf goats together.

Understanding Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Nigerian Dwarf goats are a small breed that originated in West Africa and have gained popularity in the United States in recent years. They are a versatile breed that can be raised for meat, fiber, or dairy production. Nigerian Dwarf goats are known for their friendly and playful personalities, as well as their compact size and colorful coats.

In terms of physical characteristics, Nigerian Dwarf goats typically weigh between 60 and 80 pounds and stand at a height of 17 to 21 inches at the shoulder. They come in a variety of colors, including black, white, gold, and brown. Nigerian Dwarf goats are also known for their small, delicate features, including their ears, which can be either upright or floppy.

Milk Production Capabilities of Nigerian Dwarf Goats

While Nigerian Dwarf goats are a small breed, they are capable of producing a significant amount of milk. In fact, they are considered a dairy breed, and their milk is often used for cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products. Nigerian Dwarf goats typically produce between 1 and 2 quarts of milk per day, with a butterfat content of around 6-10%.

One of the benefits of Nigerian Dwarf goats as dairy animals is that their milk is known for its rich, creamy texture and mild flavor. Many dairy farmers find that Nigerian Dwarf goat milk is well-suited for making cheese and other dairy products. Additionally, Nigerian Dwarf goats are known for their easy-going temperament, which can make them a pleasure to work with on the farm.

Important Considerations for Raising Nigerian Dwarf Goats for Dairy Production

While Nigerian Dwarf goats can make excellent dairy animals, there are some important considerations to keep in mind before embarking on a dairy goat farming venture. Here are some key factors to consider:

Genetics and Breeding

If you’re interested in raising Nigerian Dwarf goats for dairy purposes, it’s important to select animals that have strong dairy genetics. Look for goats that come from dairy lines and have a history of strong milk production. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that your breeding program is focused on producing dairy animals, rather than simply selecting animals based on appearance or other factors.

Nutrition and Management

In order for Nigerian Dwarf goats to produce high-quality milk, they need to be provided with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs. This may include a combination of high-quality hay, grains, and other feed supplements. It’s also important to ensure that your goats have access to clean water at all times.

In addition to nutrition, proper management is key to ensuring the health and productivity of your Nigerian Dwarf goats. This includes providing adequate shelter, regular health check-ups and veterinary care, and proper sanitation practices to prevent the spread of disease.

Marketing and Sales

Finally, it’s important to consider the marketing and sales aspect of dairy goat farming. While Nigerian Dwarf goat milk is highly valued by many consumers, it may take some effort to find a market for your products. Consider attending local farmers’ markets or connecting with specialty food stores and cheese makers in your area.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Nigerian Dwarf goats good dairy animals?

Nigerian Dwarf goats are a small breed of dairy goats that originated in West Africa. Despite their size, Nigerian Dwarf goats are capable of producing a significant amount of milk, making them an excellent choice for dairy production. Nigerian Dwarf goats are known for their rich, creamy milk with a butterfat content of around 6-10%, which is well-suited for making cheese and other dairy products. Additionally, Nigerian Dwarf goats are easy to manage and have a friendly temperament, which can make them a pleasure to work with on the farm.

One of the reasons Nigerian Dwarf goats make good dairy animals is their genetics. To be successful in dairy production, it is important to select animals that have strong dairy genetics. Nigerian Dwarf goats that come from dairy lines and have a history of strong milk production are ideal for dairy farming. The small size of the Nigerian Dwarf goat also makes them easier to manage, particularly for those with limited space. They require less feed and space compared to larger breeds, making them a more economical choice for small-scale dairy farming.

How much milk do Nigerian Dwarf goats typically produce?

Nigerian Dwarf goats are capable of producing between 1 and 2 quarts of milk per day, with a butterfat content of around 6-10%. While this may not be as much milk as larger dairy breeds such as Holstein cows or Nubian goats, it is still a significant amount for their size. The rich, creamy milk of Nigerian Dwarf goats is highly valued by many consumers and is well-suited for making cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products.

It is important to note that milk production can vary based on genetics, nutrition, and management practices. Nigerian Dwarf goats that come from strong dairy lines and are provided with a balanced diet and proper management can produce more milk than those that are not. Therefore, it is essential to select quality animals and provide them with the proper care to ensure optimal milk production.

What are the key factors to consider when raising Nigerian Dwarf goats for dairy production?

When raising Nigerian Dwarf goats for dairy production, there are several key factors to consider. One of the most important factors is genetics and breeding. Selecting animals that come from strong dairy lines and have a history of strong milk production is essential for a successful dairy farming venture. Additionally, it is important to focus on producing dairy animals rather than selecting animals based on appearance or other factors.

Nutrition and management are also crucial factors to consider when raising Nigerian Dwarf goats for dairy production. Providing a balanced diet that meets the nutritional needs of the goats is essential for high-quality milk production. This may include a combination of high-quality hay, grains, and other feed supplements. Proper management practices, such as providing adequate shelter, regular health check-ups and veterinary care, and proper sanitation practices to prevent the spread of disease, are also essential for the health and productivity of Nigerian Dwarf goats.

Marketing and sales is another important consideration when raising Nigerian Dwarf goats for dairy production. While Nigerian Dwarf goat milk is highly valued by many consumers, it may take some effort to find a market for your products. Consider attending local farmers’ markets or connecting with specialty food stores and cheese makers in your area to find potential customers. Building a network of loyal customers and developing a strong brand identity can also help to increase demand for your products.

How does Nigerian Dwarf goat milk compare to milk from other dairy breeds?

Nigerian Dwarf goats are known for their high-quality milk with a butterfat content of around 6-10%. Their milk is also rich in essential nutrients such as protein, calcium, and vitamins. In comparison to other dairy breeds, Nigerian Dwarf goat milk is richer and creamier in texture, making it well-suited for cheese and yogurt making. Furthermore, its mild flavor makes it a favorite among dairy enthusiasts. Additionally, Nigerian Dwarf goat milk is easier to digest than cow’s milk, making it a popular alternative for those with lactose intolerance.

Despite their small size, Nigerian Dwarf goats are capable of producing milk that can rival larger dairy breeds. In fact, their milk is known for its superior quality, flavor, and nutritional value. Many dairy farmers prefer Nigerian Dwarf goat milk because it has a higher butterfat content than cow’s milk, which makes it ideal for making cheese and butter. It is also less likely to cause allergic reactions in people compared to cow’s milk.

Are there any particular challenges associated with marketing and selling Nigerian Dwarf goat milk products?

One of the main challenges of marketing and selling Nigerian Dwarf goat milk products is finding a suitable market. Nigerian Dwarf goat milk is not as widely known or consumed as cow’s milk, and so farmers may need to invest more time and effort in promoting their products. Additionally, because Nigerian Dwarf goats are a smaller breed, they do not produce as much milk as larger dairy breeds, which can limit the amount of milk that is available for sale.

Another challenge is complying with regulations governing the sale of milk and dairy products. Many states have strict regulations that govern the sale of raw milk, which can make it difficult for farmers to sell their milk directly to consumers. Additionally, the cost of complying with these regulations, such as obtaining licenses and permits, can be prohibitive for some farmers.

What other purposes can Nigerian Dwarf goats be raised for besides dairy production?

While Nigerian Dwarf goats are most commonly raised for dairy production, they are a versatile breed that can also be raised for meat and fiber production. Nigerian Dwarf goats have a high reproductive rate, which makes them an excellent choice for breeding and meat production. Additionally, their fiber can be used to create high-quality yarn and textiles.

Aside from their practical uses, Nigerian Dwarf goats are also popular as pets due to their friendly and playful personalities. They make great companions and are often used as therapy animals for individuals with special needs. Due to their small size, Nigerian Dwarf goats are ideal for those with limited space or who live in urban areas. They are easy to care for and require minimal space and maintenance, making them a popular choice for hobby farmers and urban homesteaders.


In conclusion, Nigerian Dwarf goats are indeed dairy goats, and they can make excellent choices for those interested in raising goats for milk production. With their easy-going temperament and rich, creamy milk, Nigerian Dwarf goats can be a valuable addition to any dairy goat farming operation. By focusing on genetics and breeding, nutrition and management, and marketing and sales,

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