Raising Chicks: A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing the Right Brooder and Avoiding Common Mistakes.

Is Your Heating Plate Too Hot for Your Chicks? Here’s What You Need to Know.

Raising chicks is an exciting experience, but it requires careful planning and attention to ensure their health and safety. One of the most important things to consider when raising chicks is setting up a brooder that is comfortable, clean, and safe for them. In this guide, I will explain how to set up a brooder for your chicks and offer tips on how to keep them healthy and happy.

Choosing the Right Brooder

When it comes to choosing the right brooder for your chicks, it’s important to keep in mind that plastic totes from the store are not the best option. While they may seem like a convenient choice, they are often too small for the chicks and will not last long before they outgrow them. Another issue with plastic totes is that they can melt if the heat lamp is too close to them, which can be dangerous for the chicks.

To ensure the safety and comfort of your chicks, it’s recommended that you use a large plastic tote or box for the brooder. This will give them plenty of space to move around and grow, as well as provide a safe and secure environment for them to thrive. Make sure that the brooder is large enough to accommodate your chicks comfortably, but not so large that it becomes difficult to maintain the proper temperature and bedding.


When setting up a brooder for your chicks, choosing the right bedding is essential for their comfort and health. Fine pine shavings should be avoided as they can be harmful if ingested by the chicks. Instead, opt for small pine shavings or flakes, large pine chips, or horse stall pellets. These bedding options are safer for your chicks and can also help to absorb moisture and control odors. If you plan to brood your chicks indoors, puppy pads can be a great alternative. They are easy to clean and can help to reduce dust in your home. Whatever bedding you choose, make sure to change it regularly to keep the brooder clean and hygienic for your chicks.

Temperature Control

Maintaining a suitable temperature is essential for your chicks’ survival and development. A heat lamp suspended securely above the brooder is necessary to provide warmth for the chicks.

The ideal height of the lamp from the brooder should be about 18 inches, depending on your room temperature. Use a digital thermometer to check the temperature inside the brooder regularly.

In the first week after hatching, the temperature should be kept around 95 degrees Fahrenheit directly under the light. As the chicks grow, you can gradually reduce the temperature to around 90 degrees Fahrenheit during the second week and 85 degrees Fahrenheit in the third week. It is important to ensure that the heat lamp is secure and will not fall into the brooder.

Using a chain and two carabiners to suspend the lamp from an immobile item above the brooder is a good way to prevent accidents.

Water and Feeding

Water and feeding are critical factors in raising healthy chicks. You should always provide clean water and chick feed for your chicks. Quail waterers are recommended for tiny chicks to prevent them from falling in. It is important to change the water frequently during the day to ensure that it is clean and fresh. You can also add 1/2 tsp of electrolytes to the water instead of ACV to promote the health of your chicks.

In addition to providing clean water, you should also pay close attention to the bedding in the brooder. Pine shavings are a popular bedding choice, but it is important to change them every 3-7 days depending on the brooder size and the number of chicks to keep the brooder clean and hygienic.

Another issue to watch out for is pasty butt, which occurs when droppings stick to a chick’s vent and prevent it from defecating. If left untreated, pasty butt can be fatal. To prevent this condition, check your chicks regularly and clean off any pasty butt as needed.


Giving your chicks enough space to move around is crucial for their well-being. When setting up your brooder, ensure that there is enough space for your chicks to move around comfortably. Overcrowding the brooder is not recommended, as it can lead to stress and health issues for the chicks. Each chick should have enough room to move around and spread out.

It’s also important to ensure that the chicks have enough space to get under the heat lamp or away from it, as needed. This allows them to regulate their own temperature and helps prevent overheating or chilling. Keep in mind that as your chicks grow, they will need more space. Plan accordingly and make sure to adjust the brooder size or transfer them to a larger area as needed.

Alternative Brooder Options

In addition to using plastic totes as brooders, there are other alternatives that you can consider. One of these options is a brooder plate, which can be used in a large water trough, box, or fully zipped little popup playpen. This type of brooder does not require a thermometer as the chicks can come out from under the plate when they are warm enough and go back under it when they get too cold. It mimics a mother hen by providing warmth from the bottom instead of using a heat lamp.

When using a brooder plate, it is important to get the right size to fit your chicks. Brooder plates come in different sizes depending on the number and size of chicks you have. A good rule of thumb is to get a brooder plate that is at least two-thirds the size of your brooder to ensure that all of the chicks can access it.

Using a brooder plate has some advantages over using a heat lamp. For example, they use less electricity, are less of a fire hazard, and do not produce bright light that can disrupt the chicks’ sleep. Additionally, brooder plates can be used for a longer period of time, even after the chicks have fully feathered, as they provide a constant source of warmth.


In summary, setting up a brooder for your chicks requires careful consideration and planning. The right brooder, bedding, temperature control, water and feeding, and spacing are all important factors to consider. Make sure to monitor your chicks closely, keep them clean and healthy, and enjoy the experience of raising them. Remember that there are different ways to successfully raise chicks, so be open to trying new methods that work best for you and your chicks.

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