The Benefits of Buying Chicken Feed from a Co-Op.

When I first started keeping chickens, I was overwhelmed by the different types of feed available and the various places to purchase it from. I heard people talking about buying their feed from a co-op and was curious to learn more about it.

What is a Co-Op Feed Mill?

A co-op feed mill is a unique type of business model that’s quite different from the traditional feed stores that most people are used to. A co-op feed mill is essentially a feed store that is owned and operated by a group of farmers or agricultural producers. These farmers or producers work together to purchase feed ingredients in bulk and then manufacture their feed products on-site.

Because co-op feed mills purchase feed ingredients in bulk, they can often offer high-quality feed at a lower price than traditional feed stores. This is because the co-op members are able to leverage their collective buying power to negotiate better prices with suppliers. Additionally, since the co-op members are also the owners and operators of the feed mill, they have a vested interest in producing high-quality feed products that meet the specific nutritional needs of their animals.

Why Should You Buy Feed from a Co-Op?

Buying feed from a co-op offers several benefits that make it a popular choice for farmers and backyard chicken keepers. First and foremost, co-ops can offer their feed products at a lower price than traditional retailers because they purchase feed ingredients in bulk. This cost savings is especially beneficial for those on a budget or with smaller operations.

In addition to cost savings, co-ops also provide personalized service that can be hard to come by at larger retailers. Co-ops often have nutritionists on staff who can work with you to create a custom feed blend tailored to your specific needs. This is especially helpful if you have unique dietary requirements for your chickens or are looking to optimize their nutrition for better health and egg production.

Moreover, co-ops can answer questions about feed quality and provide advice on raising healthy chickens. They have extensive knowledge and expertise in animal nutrition, which they are always happy to share with their customers. This level of personalized attention is a hallmark of co-op business models and sets them apart from other feed retailers.

How to Find a Co-Op Feed Mill Near You

Finding a co-op feed mill near you can be a bit tricky, especially if you live in a rural area. One way to start your search is to Google “local feed mills in your area” or ask around at local farms. They may be able to point you in the right direction.

Another option is to check with your local small feed stores. They are frequently associated with co-ops or at least know who they are. Many small feed stores will also carry feed from co-ops, so it’s worth checking with them as well.

If you’re having trouble finding a co-op feed mill in your area, try reaching out to homesteading groups on social media. They may have suggestions for local mills or co-ops that you haven’t considered before.

Supporting Co-Ops

Supporting co-ops is one of the best things you can do for your local agricultural community. Not only do they offer affordable feed options, but they also provide a sense of community for small-scale farmers and backyard chicken keepers. By working together, they can pool their resources and knowledge to create a better farming experience for everyone.

In addition to purchasing feed from co-ops, you can also consider becoming a member. Many co-ops offer membership options that provide additional benefits like discounts on feed and access to educational resources.


In conclusion, buying feed from a co-op can be a great way to save money and receive personalized service for your chickens’ nutritional needs. Whether you’re a small-scale farmer or a backyard chicken keeper, it’s worth exploring the options available in your area. By supporting co-ops, you are not only helping yourself but also your local agricultural community.

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