Why Does My Hen Keep Scratching in Her Nesting Box?

Why Does My Hen Keep Scratching in Her Nesting Box?

I have observed my hens scratching in their nesting boxes for a prolonged period of time. I have often wondered why they do this and if it is normal behavior for when they are about to lay an egg.

In this article, I will discuss why hens scratch in their nesting boxes and what it means for their egg-laying habits.

What does it mean when a hen scratches in her nesting box?

Scratching in the nesting box is a natural behavior that hens exhibit as they prepare to lay their eggs. As mentioned earlier, hens have an instinctive drive to nest, and they will use various materials such as straw, hay, or any other bedding to create a comfortable and safe environment to lay their eggs.

I have observed that some hens prefer to lay their eggs in nests that have already been created by other hens. However, others will scratch and move the bedding around to create a depression to lay their eggs in. This behavior is common, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that your hen is unhappy or uncomfortable in her environment.

It’s essential to note that the amount of time a hen spends scratching in her nesting box varies. Some hens will only take a few minutes to create a nest, while others may take up to 30 minutes or longer. However, if your hen seems to be overly obsessive with the scratching behavior, it may indicate an underlying problem. In such cases, it’s crucial to investigate further to determine if there are any health issues or environmental factors that could be contributing to the behavior.

Is it normal for a hen to scratch in her nesting box for a prolonged period of time?

It’s entirely normal for hens to scratch in their nesting boxes for a prolonged period of time, especially if they are new layers. When a hen is getting ready to lay an egg, she may exhibit anxious behavior, spending up to an hour in and out of the nesting boxes, scratching and looking around for the ideal spot to lay her egg.

As an experienced chicken keeper, I have observed that some hens take longer to lay their eggs than others. Some hens may take their time to create the perfect nest, while others may lay their eggs quickly. In my experience, my hens take about an hour some days from the time they go in until they come out singing. However, over time, this panic and desperation seem to diminish as the hens become more accustomed to laying eggs.

It’s essential to note that excessive scratching or pacing may indicate underlying problems such as health issues or environmental factors that need to be addressed. However, if your hen scratches in the nesting box for a prolonged period of time but appears to be healthy and content, there is no need for concern.

What should I do if my hen scratches in her nesting box for too long?

If your hen is scratching in her nesting box for too long, there are a few things you can do to help her. Firstly, it is essential to ensure that the nesting box is clean and comfortable. You should remove any soiled bedding and replace it with fresh, clean material. Hens prefer dry and clean bedding, so ensure that the nesting box is dry and not damp.

If your hen continues to scratch excessively, it could be a sign that she is stressed or uncomfortable with her environment. Try to provide a quiet, private area away from predators and other chickens. It is also important to ensure that the nesting box is in a suitable location, away from high-traffic areas and other disturbances.

You can also try to offer different types of bedding materials to see if your hen prefers them. Hens have their preferences for nesting materials, and providing different options can help her create a more comfortable nest.

If you observe any other signs of illness in your hen, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or abnormal droppings, it is best to consult a veterinarian who specializes in poultry. Sometimes, excessive scratching can be a sign of mites or other parasites, and your hen may require treatment


Scratching in a nesting box is a natural behavior for hens that indicates their desire to create a safe and comfortable environment to lay their eggs.

This behavior is entirely normal and can be observed in both new and experienced layers. If you notice that your hen is scratching in her nesting box for a prolonged period of time, ensure that she is comfortable with the nesting material provided, her environment is not stressful, and she is not experiencing any health issues.

It is essential to understand your hens’ behaviors and take care of them properly. By providing a safe and comfortable environment, your hens will be happy and healthy, and they will lay eggs regularly

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