5 Low-Cost Ways to Supplement Chicken Feed

What’s the Best Way to Store Chicken Feed?

I’m always looking for ways to keep my feathered friends healthy and well-fed without breaking the bank. While commercial chicken feed provides all the necessary nutrients, it can also be quite expensive, especially if you have a large flock. That’s why I’ve been exploring different ways to supplement my chickens’ feed with low-cost alternatives.

One day, I noticed my chickens eagerly pecking at the grass in their enclosure. It got me thinking: why not let them graze on the grass instead of buying more feed? So, I started researching other low-cost ways to supplement their diet, and I was surprised to discover a whole range of options that were both nutritious and budget-friendly.

In this article, I’ll share my top 5 favorite ways to supplement chicken feed with low-cost alternatives. Whether you’re looking to save money on feed costs or just want to provide your chickens with some variety in their diet, these tips will help you keep your flock happy and healthy. So, let’s dive in!

Why Supplement Poultry Feed?

While commercial feed is designed to provide a balanced diet for poultry, it can be expensive, especially if you have a large flock. Additionally, feeding your birds a varied diet can provide them with additional nutrition and improve their overall health. By supplementing your feed with other sources of nutrition, you can save money while still providing your birds with the nutrients they need to thrive.

Supplementing your chicken’s diet with low-cost alternatives not only saves you money on feed costs, but it also provides them with a more natural and diverse diet. In the wild, chickens would forage for their food, eating a variety of seeds, insects, and plants. By giving them the opportunity to graze and forage, you’re allowing them to engage in natural behaviors and consume a wider range of nutrients.

It’s important to note that while supplementing your chicken’s diet can be beneficial, it’s essential to ensure they’re still receiving all the necessary nutrients. Commercial feeds are formulated to provide a complete and balanced diet, so any supplements should be used to enhance their diet, not replace it entirely.

So, what are some low-cost alternatives you can supplement your chicken feed with? Let’s take a look.

Supplementing Poultry Feed with Forage

Supplementing poultry feed with forage is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to provide your birds with a varied and healthy diet. As a chicken owner, I’ve seen firsthand how happy and healthy my birds are when they have access to fresh forage.

Chickens are natural foragers and love to scratch and peck for food. By allowing them to free-range in a safe area, you can provide them with a diverse diet of grass, bugs, and other small animals. Not only does this supplement their diet with additional nutrition, but it can also help to reduce stress and boredom in your flock.

In my experience, free-ranging chickens have a much better quality of life than those kept in confined spaces without access to natural forage. They’re able to engage in natural behaviors and have plenty of space to roam and explore. Plus, watching your chickens forage and interact with their environment is a rewarding and entertaining experience for any chicken owner.

But what if you don’t have the space or resources to allow your chickens to free-range? Don’t worry, there are other ways to supplement their feed with forage. For example, you can plant a small garden or container of herbs, vegetables, and other plants that your birds can peck at. You can also scatter grass clippings or fallen leaves in their coop or run for them to scratch through.

Supplementing your poultry feed with forage is a natural and cost-effective way to improve the health and well-being of your birds. Not to mention, it’s a fun and rewarding experience for any chicken owner to watch their birds thrive on a varied and nutritious diet.

Supplementing Poultry Feed with Kitchen Scraps

Supplementing your poultry feed with kitchen scraps is a great way to provide your birds with additional nutrition while reducing food waste in your household. Most chickens will eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as bread, pasta, and other cooked foods.

When I first started raising chickens, I was amazed at how much food scraps they could eat. Instead of throwing away leftover lettuce or carrot tops, I started feeding them to my flock. Not only did I reduce my waste, but my birds were also getting a wider range of nutrients in their diet.

However, it’s important to be mindful of what you’re feeding your birds. Foods high in sugar or salt, such as candy or chips, should be avoided as they can cause health problems. Additionally, foods that are spoiled or moldy can make your birds sick and should never be fed to them.

It’s also important to remember that kitchen scraps should only make up a small portion of your birds’ diet. A good rule of thumb is to limit scraps to around 10% of their total diet. This will ensure that they are still getting the proper balance of nutrients from their commercial feed.

Supplementing your poultry feed with kitchen scraps can be a fun and cost-effective way to provide your birds with additional nutrition while reducing waste in your household. Just be sure to offer a variety of healthy foods in moderation and avoid anything that could be harmful to your birds’ health.

Supplementing Poultry Feed with Insects

When it comes to supplementing poultry feed, insects might not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, insects are an excellent source of protein for poultry and can be a cost-effective way to supplement your feed.

Some poultry owners choose to raise their own insects, such as mealworms, crickets, and black soldier flies. Raising insects can be done in small containers in your home or backyard, and they can be fed with kitchen scraps or other food waste. Not only is this a cost-effective option, but it’s also a sustainable way to feed your flock.

In addition to providing your birds with protein, raising insects can also be a fun and educational project for the whole family. Kids will love watching the insects grow and develop, and it’s a great way to teach them about the importance of sustainable food sources.

If you’re not up for raising your own insects, you can also purchase dried insects or insect-based feed from pet supply stores or online retailers. While these products can be more expensive than raising your own insects, they can still be a cost-effective way to provide your birds with additional nutrition.

It’s worth noting that not all insects are safe for poultry to eat. For example, fireflies, millipedes, and centipedes can be toxic to birds and should be avoided. Stick to safe insects such as mealworms, crickets, and black soldier flies.

Supplementing your poultry feed with insects can be a great way to provide your birds with additional nutrition while also saving money. Whether you choose to raise your own insects or purchase them from a store, your flock is sure to love the added protein in their diet.

Supplementing Poultry Feed with Grains

Supplementing your poultry feed with grains is another way to save money while still providing your birds with the nutrients they need. Grains such as corn, wheat, and barley can be purchased in bulk and mixed with your regular feed to help stretch your supply. However, it’s important to remember that grains alone do not provide a complete source of nutrition for poultry and should be offered in moderation.

When supplementing your poultry feed with grains, it’s important to ensure that your birds are still receiving a balanced diet. This means incorporating other sources of nutrition, such as protein and vitamins, into their diet. A good rule of thumb is to limit grains to no more than 50% of your bird’s diet.

If you’re unsure about how to create a custom feed blend that meets your bird’s nutritional needs, consult with a veterinarian or poultry nutrition expert for guidance. They can provide you with recommendations on what to include in your bird’s diet and how to balance their nutritional needs with your budget.


Supplementing your poultry feed with forage, kitchen scraps, insects, and grains can be a cost-effective way to provide your birds with additional nutrition and save money on feed costs. By experimenting with different supplements and finding what works best for your flock, you can provide your birds with a varied and nutritious diet while still keeping costs under

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