Amber Link Chicken Egg Production: Everything You Need to Know.

I know how important it is to choose the right breed of chicken for your needs. One breed that I highly recommend for egg production is the Amber Link chicken. In this article, I’ll provide an overview of the Amber Link chicken, including its characteristics, benefits, and tips for raising them.

The Amber Link chicken is a hybrid breed that is known for its excellent egg-laying abilities. It was developed by the French company Grimaud Frères and is a cross between Rhode Island Red and Rhode Island White chickens. The breed was specifically developed for commercial egg production and is now popular among backyard chicken keepers as well.

The Amber Link chicken is a medium-sized bird with a light brown and white feather pattern. They have a friendly temperament and are easy to handle, making them a great choice for families with children. They are also highly adaptable to different climates and can tolerate cold and hot temperatures well.

One of the most significant characteristics of the Amber Link chicken is its egg-laying ability. They are capable of laying up to 300 brown eggs per year, which is a remarkable number for a backyard chicken. The eggs are medium to large in size and have a rich, golden yolk.

There are several benefits to raising Amber Link chickens for egg production.

  • High egg-laying ability provides a constant supply of fresh eggs for the family, saving money on store-bought eggs and offering a healthier alternative.
  • Easy to care for and require minimal maintenance, making them a great choice for novice chicken keepers.
  • Highly adaptable and can thrive in a variety of environments.
  • Friendly temperament and enjoy spending time with their human caregivers.
  • Social birds can teach children about responsibility and animal care.
  • The eggs produced by Amber Link chickens have a high nutritional value, containing a good amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Raising Amber Link chickens can be a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to obtain fresh eggs, as they can be raised on a small scale and do not require as much feed and resources as other livestock.
  • By raising Amber Link chickens, you can have the satisfaction of knowing where your food comes from and how it was produced. This can be a rewarding experience for those who value self-sufficiency and sustainable living.

If you’re considering raising Amber Link chickens for egg production, here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Provide adequate space: Amber Link chickens are active birds and require ample space to move around. Provide at least four square feet of space per bird in the coop and ten square feet in the run.
  2. Feed a balanced diet: To ensure optimal egg production, feed your Amber Link chickens a balanced diet that includes a mix of grains, protein, and calcium.
  3. Provide proper lighting: Amber Link chickens require at least 14 hours of daylight to maintain optimal egg production. If you live in an area with short daylight hours, consider using artificial lighting to supplement.
  4. Provide clean water: Clean water is essential for the health and well-being of your chickens. Make sure to provide fresh, clean water at all times and clean the waterer regularly.
  5. Provide adequate ventilation: Proper ventilation is crucial for the health of your chickens. Ensure that the coop has adequate ventilation to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and fungi.

Amber Link chickens can be purchased from hatcheries or local breeders. It’s essential to choose a reputable source that provides healthy birds with proper vaccinations. Before purchasing, make sure to research the breeder or hatchery and read reviews from other chicken keepers.


Overall, the Amber Link chicken is an excellent choice for backyard chicken keepers looking for a reliable and productive egg-laying breed. With their friendly temperament, adaptability, and high egg-laying ability, they make a great addition to any flock.

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