Can I Give My Chickens Baked Potato with Skin On?

Can I Give My Chickens Baked Potato with Skin On? | The Truth About Feeding Your Flock.

If you have chickens, you know that they will eat almost anything. However, you must be careful about what you feed them because some foods can harm their health. One of the most common questions chicken owners ask is whether they can feed their chickens baked potatoes with the skin still on.

The short answer is yes, chickens can eat baked potatoes with the skin still on, but there are a few things you should know before feeding them to your flock. In this article, I will discuss whether baked potatoes are safe for chickens, the benefits and drawbacks of feeding them to your chickens, and how to properly prepare them.

Are baked potatoes safe for chickens?

Potatoes are a good source of carbohydrates, vitamins C and B6, and potassium, which are all essential for the growth and development of chickens. However, potatoes also contain a natural toxin called solanine, which is found in the skin, sprouts, and green parts of the plant. Solanine is harmful to chickens, and if they consume too much of it, they can suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, and even death.

Fortunately, solanine is mostly concentrated in the green parts of the potato and not the skin. As long as the potato skin is not green, it is safe to feed your chickens. However, if the potato has started to sprout or has green spots on the skin, it is best to avoid feeding it to your chickens.

Benefits and drawbacks of feeding baked potatoes to chickens

Now that we know that baked potatoes are safe for chickens, let’s talk about the benefits and drawbacks of feeding them to your flock.


  1. High in carbohydrates: Chickens need a diet high in carbohydrates to produce energy, and baked potatoes are an excellent source of carbohydrates.
  2. Rich in vitamins and minerals: Baked potatoes contain essential vitamins and minerals that are important for the overall health and well-being of chickens.
  3. Cost-effective: Baked potatoes are a cheap and easy source of nutrition for your chickens, especially if you have leftover potatoes that you do not want to waste.


  1. High in starch: Baked potatoes are high in starch, which can cause digestive problems for chickens if they consume too much of it. It is important to feed them in moderation.
  2. Not a complete diet: Baked potatoes should not be the sole source of nutrition for your chickens. They need a balanced diet that includes other sources of protein, vitamins, and minerals.
  3. Feeding in moderation: As with any food, it is important to feed baked potatoes to your chickens in moderation. Too much of anything can be harmful to their health.

How to prepare baked potatoes for your chickens

If you decide to feed baked potatoes to your chickens, it is important to prepare them properly. Here are some tips on how to do it:

  1. Cook the potatoes: Raw potatoes are difficult for chickens to digest and can cause digestive problems. Always bake, boil, or steam the potatoes before feeding them to your chickens.
  2. Remove any green spots: As mentioned earlier, green spots on the potato skin indicate the presence of solanine. Be sure to remove any green spots before feeding the potatoes to your chickens.
  3. Cut them into small pieces: Chickens have small beaks and cannot consume large pieces of food. Cut the potatoes into small, bite-sized pieces before feeding them to your chickens.
  4. Feed in moderation: As with any food, it is important to feed baked potatoes to your chickens in moderation. Too much of anything can be harmful to their health.


feeding chickens baked potatoes with the skin still on can be a healthy and nutritious addition to their diet, as long as it is done in moderation and the potatoes are prepared properly. It is important to avoid feeding them green potatoes or potato peels, as these can be toxic to chickens.

By following the guidelines outlined in this article and being mindful of the quality and safety of the potatoes you feed your chickens, you can provide them with a tasty and beneficial treat.

Always remember to consult with a veterinarian or poultry nutritionist if you have any concerns about your chickens’ diet or health. With the right care and attention, your chickens can thrive and provide you with delicious eggs for years to come.

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