Essential Components of a Chicken Run: Creating a Safe and Comfortable Environment for Your Flock

Essential Components Of A Chicken Run

It is important to provide a safe and comfortable environment for your feathered friends. While the coop is where your chickens will sleep and lay their eggs, the run is where they’ll spend most of their day scratching, foraging, and spreading their wings. In this article, I’ll be sharing some of the most important components of a run that I would suggest having to ensure your chickens are happy and healthy.

  1. Make sure it’s tall enough to walk in

The height of your chicken run is a crucial factor that should not be overlooked. The last thing you want is to be hunched over while trying to clean out the run or feed your chickens. It’s not only uncomfortable, but it can also cause back pain over time.

That’s why it’s important to ensure that your run is tall enough for you to walk in comfortably. A good rule of thumb is to make sure your run is at least 6 feet tall. This height will give you enough space to move around freely and complete all necessary tasks without feeling cramped or uncomfortable.

Additionally, a taller run will also give your chickens more vertical space to climb and roost, which can improve their overall well-being.

  1. Predator proofing for all sides – roof, walls, underneath

Predator-proofing your chicken run is a crucial step in ensuring the safety of your flock. Predators such as raccoons, foxes, and coyotes are always on the lookout for an easy meal, and your chickens are just that. Therefore, it’s important to make sure that your chicken run is fully enclosed and secure from all angles. This includes the walls, roof, and even the ground underneath.

To start, use sturdy materials like hardware cloth or welded wire to cover the walls of your run. These materials are strong enough to keep predators out and will prevent them from being able to claw or chew through the walls. Additionally, make sure to bury the wire mesh at least a foot into the ground to prevent predators from digging underneath the run.

Covering the roof is equally important, as predators such as raccoons and owls can easily climb onto the roof and gain access to your flock. Use a strong and durable material for your roof, such as metal roofing or plywood covered with a tarp, to keep predators out.

It’s also important to check for any gaps or holes that predators could use to sneak in. Even the smallest gap can be an invitation for a predator to enter the run. Make sure to seal any openings, including gaps around doors or windows, with strong materials like hardware cloth or plywood.

  1. Cover your run with a roof of some sorts

A roof is an essential component of any chicken run. It provides a layer of protection against harsh weather conditions such as rain, snow, and extreme heat. A roof also prevents water from seeping into the run and mixing with the chicken poop, which can create an unpleasant environment for both the chickens and their caretakers. When the bedding material gets wet, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria, which can cause health issues for your flock. Additionally, a wet and dirty run can attract flies and other pests, making the area unpleasant to be around.

A roof can come in different shapes and sizes depending on your preference and the size of your chicken run. It can be a permanent structure, such as a pitched roof made of corrugated metal, or a temporary solution, like a tarp or canopy that provides shade and shelter. A well-designed roof should be sturdy and securely attached to the run’s walls, ensuring it won’t blow away or collapse during strong winds.

It’s also essential to make sure that the roof doesn’t block the sun entirely. Chickens need exposure to natural light to stay healthy and maintain their circadian rhythm, which affects their egg-laying and overall behavior. A partially covered run with an open-air space still provides enough natural light while offering protection from harsh weather conditions.

  1. Have places for them to perch on

Providing perches for your chickens is important for their physical and mental well-being. Chickens are natural roosters and they feel safer when they’re elevated off the ground. Perches also give them a place to rest and sleep, which is crucial for their health. They will spend a significant amount of their day perched, so it’s important to provide enough space for all your chickens to perch comfortably.

When choosing perches, make sure they’re sturdy and safe for your chickens to use. Natural branches or logs work well as perches, but make sure they’re not too thick or thin. If the branch is too thick, it can be difficult for your chickens to wrap their feet around it, and if it’s too thin, it can be uncomfortable for them. You can also use prefabricated perches made from wood or plastic.

It’s important to note that perches should be installed at different heights to give your chickens options. The highest perch should be the furthest away from the nesting boxes, as chickens naturally want to roost in the highest spot. You can also add a ladder or two for your chickens to climb on. Chickens love to climb, and it’s a great way to keep them active and entertained.

  1. Add enrichment activities

Adding enrichment activities to your chicken run can also help prevent boredom and destructive behaviors, such as feather pecking and egg eating. One idea is to install a swing or other hanging toys for your chickens to play with. You can also add a dust bath area for them to roll around in, as this is a natural behavior for chickens and can help keep their feathers clean and healthy.

Another option is to scatter treats or mealworms around the run for them to forage. This not only provides mental stimulation but also encourages natural foraging behaviors. You can also try placing a small mirror in the run, as chickens are naturally curious and enjoy looking at their own reflections.

Additionally, rotating your chickens’ toys or enrichment activities can help keep them engaged and prevent boredom. For example, you can switch out the hanging treats or toys every week or so to keep things interesting. With a bit of creativity and experimentation, you can create a fun and engaging environment for your chickens to thrive in.

  1. Use hardware cloth for the walls

Hardware cloth is a type of wire mesh made from galvanized steel, which is incredibly strong and durable. Unlike chicken wire or welded wire, which predators can easily tear apart, hardware cloth is difficult to cut through and can withstand even the strongest predators’ attacks. It’s also small enough to keep out smaller predators like rats or snakes.

When using hardware cloth for the walls of your run, you’ll want to make sure to use a size that’s appropriate for your needs. Generally, a mesh size of 1/2 inch or smaller is recommended to keep out the smallest predators. You’ll also want to make sure that the hardware cloth is securely attached to the frame of the run and that there are no gaps or holes that predators can squeeze through.

While hardware cloth may be more expensive than chicken wire or welded wire, it’s a small price to pay to protect your flock from predators. And by investing in hardware cloth, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your chickens are safe and secure in their run.

  1. Shade area for them to get out of the sun

Providing a shaded area for your chickens is not only important for their comfort but also for their health. Chickens can easily overheat, and when they do, it can lead to dehydration, heatstroke, and even death. By giving them a place to escape from the sun, you can prevent these issues from occurring.

There are many ways to create a shaded area in your chicken run. One of the simplest and most cost-effective methods is to use a tarp or some other type of cover. You can attach it to the top of the run, making sure it provides enough shade throughout the day. Just be sure to secure it properly to prevent it from blowing away in strong winds.

Another option is to plant trees or shrubs around the perimeter of the run. This not only provides shade but also creates a more natural environment for your chickens. Just be sure to choose plants that are safe for chickens and won’t be toxic if ingested.

If you’re looking for a more permanent solution, you can consider building a covered area within your run. This can be done using a simple frame and roofing material, such as corrugated metal or polycarbonate sheets. By having a dedicated shaded area, your chickens can retreat to it whenever they need to cool off.

No matter which method you choose, be sure to monitor your chickens during hot weather and make sure they have access to shade and plenty of water. With a little bit of planning, you can create a comfortable and safe environment for your feathered friends.


When building a run for your chickens, there are a few essential components to keep in mind. First and foremost, make sure it’s tall enough for you to walk in comfortably. Predator-proofing is crucial, so make sure the run is enclosed on all sides, including the roof and the ground underneath. Covering the run with a roof is also essential to protect your chickens from the elements and keep the run clean. Having plenty of places for your chickens to perch and roost, as well as adding enrichment activities like hanging treats and toys, can keep your chickens entertained and stimulated. Use hardware cloth for the walls to keep predators out, and don’t forget to provide a shaded area for your chickens to get out of the sun.

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