Flock Size Limitations? Finding the Perfect Combination of Hens for Your Backyard Flock.

Flock Size Limitations? Finding the Perfect Combination of Hens for Your Backyard Flock.

As a new chicken owner, I was excited to start my backyard flock. However, my town’s ordinance only allows me to have five hens. I wanted a combination of different breeds, but finding them has proven to be quite a challenge. In this article, I will share my experience and provide tips on finding the right hens for your backyard flock.

Understanding the Town Ordinance

Before getting started, it’s important to understand the town’s ordinance regarding backyard chickens. Different towns have different rules and regulations, so it’s important to check with your local government before purchasing any chickens. In my case, the ordinance only allowed me to have five hens, so I had to be mindful of this limit when selecting my chickens.

Choosing the Right Breeds

Once you have a clear understanding of the town ordinance, the next step is to choose the right breeds for your flock. Different breeds have different personalities, egg-laying capabilities, and physical attributes. Some breeds are better suited for colder climates, while others do well in warmer weather.

In my case, I wanted a mix of breeds that would provide a variety of egg colors and sizes. After doing some research, I settled on a combination of Rhode Island Reds, Ameraucanas, and Buff Orpingtons. Rhode Island Reds are known for their large brown eggs, Ameraucanas lay blue and green eggs, and Buff Orpingtons lay medium-sized brown eggs.

Finding the Right Hens

Once I knew what breeds I wanted, the next challenge was finding them. Craigslist is a great place to start, but it can be hit or miss. I also reached out to local chicken groups on social media and checked with local farmers. I found that many farmers are willing to sell a few hens from their flock, which was perfect for my needs.

One thing to keep in mind when purchasing hens from different sources is that they may not get along at first. Chickens have a strict pecking order, and introducing new birds to an existing flock can be stressful for both the new and old hens. It’s important to introduce new birds slowly and monitor their behavior to ensure they are getting along.

Another thing to consider is the age of the hens. While it may be tempting to purchase baby chicks, it’s important to remember that they will take several months to mature before they start laying eggs. If you want eggs right away, it’s best to purchase adult hens that are already laying.

Stick to One Farmer?

If you’re having trouble finding the right hens, it may be tempting to purchase all of your hens from one farmer. While this may be easier in terms of introducing them to each other, it can also limit the genetic diversity of your flock. Inbreeding can lead to health problems and decreased egg production, so it’s important to have a diverse flock.

FAQs for new chicken owners looking to find the right hens for their backyard flock.

  1. What should I do before purchasing chickens for my backyard? It’s important to check your town’s ordinance regarding backyard chickens before purchasing any hens. Different towns have different rules and regulations, so it’s important to be aware of any limits on the number of hens you can have. You should also consider the space you have available, as well as any predators in the area.
  2. What breeds are best for backyard flocks? There are many breeds of chickens that are suitable for backyard flocks, each with their own unique characteristics. Some popular breeds include Rhode Island Reds, Ameraucanas, Buff Orpingtons, Plymouth Rocks, and Leghorns. It’s important to choose breeds that are well-suited for your climate and that meet your egg-laying needs.
  3. Where can I find chickens for my backyard flock? There are several places to find chickens for your backyard flock, including local farmers, online classified sites like Craigslist, and local chicken groups on social media. It’s important to buy from reputable sources and to inspect the hens before purchasing them to ensure they are healthy.
  4. Can I mix different breeds in my backyard flock? Yes, you can mix different breeds in your backyard flock. However, it’s important to introduce new birds slowly and monitor their behavior to ensure they are getting along. Chickens have a strict pecking order, and introducing new birds to an existing flock can be stressful for both the new and old hens.
  5. Should I buy baby chicks or adult hens for my backyard flock? If you want eggs right away, it’s best to purchase adult hens that are already laying. However, if you’re willing to wait several months for them to mature, baby chicks can be a good option. Keep in mind that raising baby chicks requires more attention and care than adult hens.
  6. How many hens should I have in my backyard flock? The number of hens you can have in your backyard flock depends on your town’s ordinance and the amount of space you have available. In general, a minimum of two to three hens is recommended to ensure they are happy and healthy.


In conclusion, finding the right hens for your backyard flock can be a challenge, but it’s worth the effort. Start by understanding your town’s ordinance and choosing the right breeds for your needs. Then, reach out to local farmers, check Craigslist, and join local chicken groups on social media to find the right hens for your flock. Remember to introduce new hens slowly and monitor their behavior to ensure they are getting along. With a little patience and persistence, you can create a happy and healthy backyard flock.

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