From Dog Kennel to Chicken Coop: How to Modify Your Existing Structure.

From Dog Kennel to Chicken Coop

Are you a dog owner looking to repurpose your dog kennel and add a flock of chickens to your backyard? You’re not alone! Many dog owners are turning to repurposing their dog kennels into chicken coops as a space-saving and convenient solution. Not only can you save money by repurposing your existing structure, but you can also create a safe and secure environment for your feathered friends.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps of modifying your dog kennel into a chicken coop and provide tips and tricks to ensure a successful conversion.

Step 1: Clean Out the Kennel

Before you start converting your dog kennel into a chicken coop, you need to remove any debris, old bedding, and dog toys that may be inside. Thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the space will help ensure that your chickens are safe from any harmful bacteria or parasites.

Start by removing any large debris, such as old dog toys or blankets. Use a broom or leaf blower to get rid of any loose dirt, leaves, or other small debris. If there is any old bedding, make sure to remove it and dispose of it properly.

Once you have cleared out the kennel, it’s time to give it a thorough cleaning. You can use a mixture of water and vinegar or a commercial disinfectant to clean the area. Make sure to scrub every surface, including the walls, floors, and ceiling.

After cleaning, let the kennel dry completely before moving on to the next step. This will help prevent the growth of mold or bacteria in the future.

Step 2: Assess the Space

Assessing the space is a crucial step in converting your dog kennel into a chicken coop. It’s essential to ensure that the area is large enough to accommodate the number of chickens you plan to house. Chickens require ample space to move around, flap their wings, and access their food and water without feeling cramped or overcrowded.

A general rule of thumb is to provide at least four square feet of space per chicken in the coop. However, this can vary depending on the breed and size of your chickens. Large breeds, such as the Jersey Giant, require more space than smaller breeds like the Silkie.

In addition to the floor space, you also need to consider the height of the kennel. Chickens need enough vertical space to roost at night comfortably. A minimum of 18 inches of roosting space per chicken is recommended. It’s also important to ensure that the kennel is well-ventilated to promote good air circulation, which helps prevent the buildup of ammonia and other harmful gases.

Once you’ve assessed the space, you may need to make some modifications to the kennel to make it suitable for your chickens. For example, if the kennel has a concrete floor, you may need to add a layer of bedding material, such as pine shavings or straw, to provide a soft and comfortable surface for your chickens to walk and rest on. You may also need to add perches and nesting boxes to the kennel to accommodate your chickens’ natural behaviors.

Step 3: Make Modifications

Once you have cleaned out the kennel, it’s time to make the necessary modifications to turn it into a suitable chicken coop. While dog kennels can provide a good foundation for a chicken coop, there are some modifications you need to make to ensure your chickens are safe and comfortable.

One of the first modifications you need to make is to add a roosting area. Chickens need a place to roost at night to feel safe and secure, so adding a sturdy roosting area is essential. You can use a simple wooden dowel or branch as a roosting bar, or you can purchase a pre-made roosting bar.

You will also need to add nesting boxes. Chickens need a designated area to lay their eggs, and nesting boxes provide them with a private and comfortable space to do so. You can purchase pre-made nesting boxes or make them yourself using simple materials like plywood and screws.

Another essential modification is to add ventilation. Chickens need fresh air to breathe, and proper ventilation helps to reduce humidity levels and prevent respiratory issues. You can add vents or windows to the kennel to allow for proper airflow.

Lastly, you need to ensure that the kennel is predator-proof. While dog kennels can be sturdy, they are not always designed to keep predators out. Install hardware cloth or welded wire mesh over any openings or windows to keep predators like raccoons and opossums out.

Step 4: Add Food and Water Sources

When it comes to feeding your chickens, it’s important to provide them with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs. You can purchase commercial chicken feed from your local farm store or feed supplier. Chicken feed is formulated to provide the right balance of protein, vitamins, and minerals that your chickens need to thrive.

In addition to commercial feed, you can also supplement your chickens’ diet with kitchen scraps, fruits, and vegetables. Chickens love to peck at leafy greens like kale and spinach, and they’ll also enjoy eating fruits like apples and berries. Just make sure to avoid feeding them anything that is spoiled, moldy, or toxic.

When it comes to water, chickens need access to clean water at all times. You can use a waterer designed specifically for chickens, which will prevent them from spilling the water and creating a mess. Alternatively, you can use a simple bowl or bucket to provide water for your chickens. Just make sure to clean and refill the waterer or bowl regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria.

In addition to food and water, you may also want to add a dust bath area for your chickens. Dust bathing is an essential part of a chicken’s hygiene routine, and it helps keep their feathers clean and free from pests. You can create a dust bath area by filling a shallow container with sand, dirt, and wood ash. Place it in a shaded area of the coop and watch your chickens enjoy their spa day!


Modifying your dog kennel into a chicken coop is a cost-effective way to provide your chickens with a safe and secure home. With a few modifications, you can turn your old kennel into a comfortable space for your feathered friends. Just remember to clean and disinfect the area, assess the space, make modifications, and add food and water sources.

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