Height of a Chicken Nesting Box: Guidelines for Comfortable and Safe Laying.

how high should a chicken nesting box be

One of the most important aspects of raising happy and healthy chickens is providing them with a comfortable and safe place to lay their eggs.

One of the key components of this is having an appropriately sized nesting box. In this article, I’ll be discussing how high a chicken nesting box should be and what factors to consider when deciding on the height.

Why the Height of a Chicken Nesting Box Matters

Before we dive into the specifics of how high a chicken nesting box should be, let’s talk about why it’s important in the first place. Chickens need a comfortable and safe place to lay their eggs, and the nesting box is where they will spend a significant portion of their time.

A properly designed nesting box will provide a cozy and secure environment for your hens to lay their eggs, which will help prevent them from laying eggs in undesirable locations such as on the ground or in random spots throughout their coop.

The height of the nesting box is a critical factor to consider when designing or selecting a nesting box. If the nesting box is too low, chickens may be hesitant to use it, as they prefer to lay their eggs in areas that are elevated off the ground. On the other hand, if the nesting box is too high, chickens may struggle to access it, which can lead to injuries or an increased likelihood of eggs breaking.

Factors to Consider When Deciding on the Height of a Chicken Nesting Box

There are a few key factors to consider when deciding on the appropriate height for a chicken nesting box. These include the breed of chicken you have, the size of your coop, and the individual preferences of your hens.

Breed of Chicken

Different breeds of chickens have different sizes and shapes, which can impact their ability to access and use a nesting box. For example, a larger breed such as a Buff Orpington may need a higher nesting box than a smaller breed such as a Leghorn. Additionally, some breeds may prefer a more enclosed nesting box, while others may prefer a more open design.

Size of Your Coop

The size of your coop can also impact the height of your nesting box. If your coop is relatively small, you may need to keep the nesting box lower to ensure that your hens can access it comfortably. On the other hand, if you have a larger coop, you may have more flexibility in terms of the height of your nesting box.

Individual Preferences of Your Hens

Finally, it’s important to consider the individual preferences of your hens when deciding on the height of your nesting box. Some hens may prefer a higher nesting box, while others may prefer a lower one. Additionally, some hens may be more comfortable using a nesting box that is more enclosed, while others may prefer a more open design.

How High Should a Chicken Nesting Box Be?

So, now that we’ve discussed the importance of the height of a chicken nesting box and the factors to consider when deciding on the appropriate height, let’s talk about some general guidelines for how high a chicken nesting box should be.

Generally, a chicken nesting box should be at least 12 inches off the ground. This height will ensure that your hens feel comfortable and secure when using the nesting box, while also allowing them to easily access it without jumping or struggling.

However, the ideal height for a chicken nesting box can vary depending on the factors we discussed earlier. For example, if you have larger breeds of chickens or a relatively small coop, you may need to adjust the height of your nesting box accordingly.

It’s also worth noting that the size of the nesting box itself can impact the height. If you have a larger nesting box, you may need to keep it slightly lower to ensure that your hens can access it comfortably.

Tips for Designing or Selecting a Chicken Nesting Box with the Right Height

When designing or selecting a chicken nesting box, there are a few additional tips to keep in mind to ensure that it has the right height for your hens.

  1. Use a Ramp

If your nesting box is higher off the ground, consider adding a ramp to make it easier for your hens to access. This can help prevent injuries and ensure that your hens feel comfortable using the nesting box.

  1. Add Perches

Chickens like to perch, so consider adding a perch or two inside the nesting box. This will give your hens a comfortable place to rest while they’re laying their eggs.

  1. Keep it Clean

Make sure to keep your nesting box clean and free of debris, as a dirty nesting box can discourage your hens from using it. Consider using a removable tray or liner to make cleaning easier.

  1. Provide Privacy

Most chickens prefer a private and enclosed space to lay their eggs, so consider adding a curtain or other type of cover to the front of your nesting box. This will provide your hens with the privacy they need to feel comfortable laying their eggs.


In conclusion, the height of a chicken nesting box is an important factor to consider when designing or selecting a nesting box for your hens. A properly designed nesting box with the appropriate height will provide a comfortable and safe environment for your hens to lay their eggs, which can help prevent them from laying eggs in undesirable locations.

When deciding on the height of your chicken nesting box, consider the breed of chicken you have, the size of your coop, and the individual preferences of your hens. As a general guideline, a chicken nesting box should be at least 12 inches off the ground, but you may need to adjust the height depending on these factors.

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