Raising Russian Orloff Chickens: A Comprehensive Guide

The Russian Orloff chicken breed is a stunningly beautiful bird with an interesting backstory. The breed was created in Russia during the early 18th century by Count Alexis Orloff. He was a lover of fine chickens and decided to create his own unique breed that would be both functional and beautiful to look at.

The Count crossed several different breeds including Malay, Cochin, and Dorking chickens to create his new bird. The result was a large, majestic bird that had feathers down its legs and sported a distinctive pea comb on its head.

Importance of understanding the breed

It is essential for anyone who keeps chickens or is planning on keeping them to understand what makes each breed unique. Knowing this information can help you determine if the Russian Orloff is the right fit for your flock or not. In addition, understanding their temperament, nutritional requirements, and other care needs can ensure their health and longevity.

It also helps in breeding them if you choose to do so as it allows you to select the appropriate birds for your desired outcome. So let’s dive into all aspects of this magnificent bird and learn why it might be an excellent addition to your flock!

Appearance and Characteristics

The Russian Orloff chicken breed is a majestic bird that boasts an impressive appearance coupled with unique characteristics. These birds are medium to large in size, with mature roosters weighing around 7-8 pounds and hens weighing in at around 5-6 pounds.

The breed has a broad, muscular frame with a long, deep body. They have broad shoulders and a sloping back that gives them an elegant posture.

Physical features and color variations

Russian Orloff chickens have distinct physical features that set them apart from other chicken breeds. They have feathered legs and toes, which make them look even more regal.

Their feathers are thick and soft to the touch, making them ideal for cold climates. The breed’s plumage comes in various shades of blue-gray, with light silver hackles on their necks.

Unique characteristics such as feathered legs and pea comb

The feathered legs of this breed serve as protection against predators such as foxes or coyotes who might grab onto the bird’s leg to pull it off its perch or nest box. The extra feathers provide some cushioning which can prevent injury during struggles to free themselves from predators’ grasp. Another unique characteristic of the Russian Orloff chicken is its pea comb, which is smaller than most combs found on chickens but also thicker and shaped more like raised bumps than the traditional single row of teeth comb you see on American breeds like Rhode Island Reds or Plymouth Rocks.

This style of comb makes it easier for these birds to survive cold weather climates because they don’t expose as much skin at the top of their head (where combs usually grow) like other breeds do; this helps prevent frostbite in colder temperatures. Overall, there’s no mistaking a Russian Orloff chicken if you ever come across one – they stand out both visually and in terms of their unique characteristics.

Temperament and Behavior

Docile Nature

Russian Orloffs are known for their calm and friendly temperament, which makes them a great choice for backyard chicken keepers who want to raise chickens as pets. They are not aggressive and tend to get along well with other breeds, as long as they are introduced properly. As chicks, they are known to be curious and playful, making them a fun addition to any flock.

Interaction with Other Breeds

While Russian Orloffs can get along with other breeds, it’s important to introduce them slowly and carefully. This will not only reduce the risk of injury or fighting but will also help the birds establish a hierarchy within the flock. It’s also important to remember that Russian Orloffs have feathered legs which can make them more susceptible to mites and other parasites that can be spread from other birds.

Egg-Laying Habits

While Russian Orloffs may not be as prolific egg-layers as some other breeds, they do lay consistently throughout the year. Their eggs tend to be medium-sized with light brown shells.

On average, they lay around 150-180 eggs per year. They reach sexual maturity around 5-6 months of age, but it is recommended to wait until they are closer to 7 months old before allowing them access to roosters for breeding purposes.

Housing and Care

Ideal Living Conditions for Russian Orloffs

When it comes to housing, Russian Orloffs require a spacious coop and run that is well-ventilated. They are large birds, so ample space is essential to ensure their comfort and well-being.

The coop should also be predator-proof, as these birds are at risk of being attacked by predators such as foxes and raccoons. Additionally, they need a dry area to perch on at night, which is crucial for their health.

Feeding Requirements

Russian Orloffs have an appetite for protein-rich foods such as insects and worms. These can be provided in the form of mealworms or crickets.

Additionally, they require a balanced diet that includes a good quality poultry feed supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s important not to overfeed them as this can lead to obesity.

Health Concerns to Watch Out For

Russian Orloff chickens are generally healthy birds but like all chicken breeds, they are susceptible to certain health issues. One common issue is respiratory illness which can be caused by poor ventilation in the coop or exposure to cold temperatures. Another concern is parasites such as mites or lice which can cause feather loss and skin irritation.

It’s important to keep an eye on your Russian Orloffs and treat any health concerns promptly. Overall, providing your Russian Orloff chickens with ideal living conditions including spacious housing, balanced diet, good ventilation, perching area along with monitoring their health regularly will help keep them happy and healthy!

Breeding and Incubation

Selecting Breeding Stock

Breeding Russian Orloff chickens requires careful selection of breeding stock. It is important to choose healthy, disease-free birds with good genetics to ensure the best possible offspring.

Start by selecting birds that exhibit the breed’s unique physical characteristics, such as feathered legs and a pea comb. Additionally, you’ll want to consider temperament and egg-laying ability when selecting breeding stock.

Look for roosters with strong, muscular builds and hens with broad hips and strong legs for optimal egg production potential. It’s also important to avoid inbreeding by introducing new bloodlines every few years.

Incubation Process and Tips for Hatching Chicks

Once you have selected your breeding stock, it’s time to start incubating eggs. You can use either an incubator or a broody hen for this process.

If you’re using an incubator, make sure it’s set up correctly before you begin the process. Eggs should be kept at a consistent temperature of 99-101 degrees Fahrenheit with a humidity level around 50-60% throughout the incubation period which lasts approximately 21 days.

It’s important to handle the eggs carefully during incubation as rough handling can damage the embryo inside. When using a broody hen, make sure she is healthy and has enough space in her nesting area for comfortable sitting on eggs.

Give her unfertilized eggs or any eggs that you don’t want to hatch so she can sit calmly on them until hatch day which also takes around 21 days. Once your chicks hatch they will need warmth (95-100 degrees Fahrenheit) , water (clean source), food (starter feed), sanitation (clean out litter frequently).

Uses of Russian Orloff Chickens

Meat Production Potential

Russian Orloff chickens are known for their meat production potential. They have a plump body with a lot of meat and can be raised for their meat just like other popular breeds such as Cornish Cross and Jersey Giant.

The meat from Russian Orloff chickens is juicy and flavorful, making it a great choice for cooking savory dishes. These chickens are also known to grow quite fast, reaching maturity in under 6 months, which makes them a preferred option for commercial farming operations.

Exhibition/Showing Potential

While Russian Orloffs are not as commonly shown in exhibitions compared to other breeds such as Rhode Island Reds or Plymouth Rocks, they still hold their own when it comes to their show-worthy characteristics. Their unique features such as feathered legs and pea comb make them stand out from the crowd.

Additionally, the breed’s rich history adds to its appeal in exhibitions around the world. With proper grooming and care, Russian Orloffs can be a stunning addition to any poultry show or exhibition.

While Russian Orloff chickens are versatile birds that can be raised for both meat production and exhibition purposes, they require dedicated care and attention just like any other breed of chicken. Whether you’re raising them on your farm or showcasing them in an exhibition, these birds’ unique features and rich history make them a truly special breed worth considering.


Russian Orloff chickens are a unique and fascinating breed that any poultry enthusiast should consider adding to their flock. From their distinctive physical features to their friendly and docile personalities, these birds have a lot to offer. Throughout this guide, we have explored the various aspects of the Russian Orloff breed, including their appearance, behavior, care requirements, breeding potential, and uses.

We’ve learned that Russian Orloffs have striking feather patterns and color variations that make them stand out from other breeds. They also possess some unique characteristics such as feathered legs and pea combs that set them apart.

In terms of temperament, Russian Orloffs are known for being friendly and easy-going birds that get along well with other breeds. They are also reliable egg-layers in addition to being good meat producers.

When it comes to caring for Russian Orloffs, we’ve discussed the importance of providing adequate housing conditions, proper nutrition, and monitoring for any health concerns. We’ve explored the breeding potential of these birds and discussed how they can be used for both meat production and exhibition/showing purposes.

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