Tips for Successful Incubation of Chicken Eggs.

Tips for Incubating and Hatching Chicken Eggs: A Beginner’s Guide.

Raising chickens can be a rewarding experience, but incubating eggs is a whole different ball game. As an experienced chicken owner, I thought I had a good handle on the incubation process.

However, my latest batch of eggs has left me with some questions. Despite my careful monitoring of temperature and humidity, and culling eggs that showed no signs of growth, only 34 out of the 50 healthy eggs hatched between days 21-23. As I contemplate what could have gone wrong, I want to share my experience with other chicken owners who may be facing similar challenges.

Here are some tips and advice I’ve learned through my experience with incubating chicken eggs:

Start with High-Quality Eggs

When it comes to incubating chicken eggs, starting with high-quality eggs is essential for a successful hatch. It’s important to carefully select eggs that are fertile, free of cracks, and are of good size. Fertile eggs have a higher chance of hatching than infertile ones, so it’s important to check for fertility before incubating the eggs.

Candling is a simple and effective way to check for fertility. To do this, you’ll need a bright light and a dark room. Hold the egg up to the light, making sure to cover the light source with your hand so that only the egg is illuminated. If the egg is fertile, you should be able to see veins and a developing embryo. If the egg is not fertile, you’ll see a clear, empty space inside the egg.

Choosing eggs that are free of cracks is also important because cracks can allow bacteria to enter the egg and harm the developing embryo. You can easily check for cracks by carefully inspecting the egg before placing it in the incubator.

Lastly, selecting eggs of good size is important because smaller eggs may not contain enough nutrients and energy to sustain a developing chick. Larger eggs, on the other hand, may have a higher chance of developing abnormalities. Aim for eggs that are medium to large in size and are uniform in shape.

Starting with high-quality eggs is the first step towards a successful hatch. By carefully selecting fertile, crack-free, and appropriately sized eggs, you’ll increase your chances of hatching healthy chicks.

Maintain Consistent Temperature and Humidity

Consistency is key when it comes to hatching chicken eggs. The temperature and humidity in your incubator must be stable and at the optimal level throughout the entire incubation period. A temperature range of 99 to 101 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for most chicken breeds. It’s important to invest in a high-quality thermometer to monitor the temperature accurately. Keep in mind that different models of incubators may have varying optimal temperature ranges.

Humidity is equally important when it comes to hatching eggs. The ideal humidity level for chicken eggs is between 50 to 60 percent. However, this can vary depending on the breed of chicken and the conditions in your environment. Humidity levels that are too high or too low can lead to poor hatch rates, so it’s crucial to keep a close eye on it. Invest in a reliable hygrometer to monitor the humidity accurately.

One of the most common mistakes made by novice incubators is not maintaining the appropriate temperature and humidity levels. It’s crucial to check and adjust these levels daily. Incubators have different methods for controlling temperature and humidity. Some models come with built-in thermostats and hygrometers, while others require manual adjustments. It’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and make necessary adjustments regularly to ensure optimal conditions for your eggs.

Additionally, make sure to avoid opening the incubator too often, as this can lead to temperature and humidity fluctuations. It’s tempting to check on your eggs frequently, but opening the incubator can cause significant changes in the internal environment, which can be harmful to your developing embryos. Instead, use candling to check the progress of your eggs.

Maintaining consistent temperature and humidity levels can be a challenging task, especially if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions. However, investing in high-quality equipment and monitoring it closely can make all the difference in the success of your hatch.

Monitor Your Incubator Regularly

Regular monitoring of your incubator is essential to ensure a successful hatch. Checking on the incubator regularly will help you to identify any issues that may arise during the incubation process. Temperature and humidity levels can fluctuate, and it’s crucial to keep them consistent for the best results.

To monitor your incubator, you should check the temperature and humidity levels at least twice a day. You can use a thermometer and hygrometer to measure the temperature and humidity, respectively. Make sure to record these levels each time you check them, so you can monitor any changes over time.

You should also inspect the eggs periodically to ensure they are developing correctly. Candling is an effective method for checking the development of the embryo inside the egg. Candling involves shining a bright light through the egg to observe the growth and movement inside. You can perform candling around day 7 and again around day 14 to assess the progress of the eggs.

In addition to monitoring the temperature, humidity, and egg development, you should also check the incubator itself. Look for any signs of damage or wear and tear, such as cracks, leaks, or malfunctioning components. Addressing any issues with the incubator as soon as possible can prevent them from affecting your hatch.

By monitoring your incubator regularly, you can catch any issues early and take the necessary steps to ensure a successful hatch.

Proper Egg Turning

Proper egg turning is a crucial step in incubating chicken eggs. When a hen sits on her eggs, she naturally moves and turns them to ensure even development of the embryos inside. When incubating eggs, you’ll need to mimic this process manually. Turning eggs regularly helps to prevent the embryos from sticking to the inside of the eggshells and promotes even growth.

It’s recommended to turn chicken eggs at least three times a day for the first 18 days of incubation. However, some incubators have an automatic turning function, which can save you time and effort. If you’re turning the eggs manually, make sure to mark one side of each egg with an “X” and the other with an “O” to keep track of which eggs you’ve turned.

After day 18, stop turning the eggs and increase the humidity level to around 70 percent. This will help the chicks to break through the eggshell more easily during the hatching process. During this time, you’ll also want to stop opening the incubator as much as possible to avoid disrupting the environment and potentially harming the developing chicks.

It’s important to note that some breeds of chicken, such as Silkies, have been known to have difficulty breaking through their shells during hatching. In these cases, it may be necessary to assist the chicks by carefully peeling away some of the shell or making a small hole to help them emerge.

Proper egg turning is just one aspect of successful egg incubation, but it can have a significant impact on the hatch rate. By turning your eggs regularly and following the other necessary steps, you can increase your chances of a successful hatch and raise healthy, happy chickens.

Culling Unhealthy Eggs

During the incubation process, it’s not uncommon for some eggs to not develop properly. These eggs can be identified by candling, which involves shining a bright light on the egg to see if there is any growth inside. If an egg does not show any signs of development, it should be removed from the incubator.

It’s important to cull unhealthy eggs as soon as possible to prevent the spread of disease and to allow healthy embryos enough space and resources to develop properly. Unhealthy eggs can also cause problems with humidity and temperature levels, which can affect the overall hatch rate.

Additionally, eggs that have cracks or damage to the shell can also pose a risk to the developing embryo. Bacteria can enter through the cracks and cause infections, which can be fatal to the embryo. Cracked or damaged eggs should be removed from the incubator immediately.

Proper culling of unhealthy eggs helps to ensure that only healthy and viable eggs are left in the incubator, increasing the chances of a successful hatch.

Other Factors

Despite following these tips, I still had some issues with my recent hatch. One possible factor could be the age of the eggs. Fresh eggs tend to have a higher hatch rate than those that have been stored for a longer period. Another issue could be the incubator itself, as not all models are created equal.


In conclusion, successful incubation requires careful attention to details such as temperature, humidity, egg turning, and culling. It’s essential to monitor your incubator regularly and make adjustments as needed to ensure the best hatch rate. While there can be unforeseen factors that can impact the outcome, following these tips can help to increase your chances of a successful hatch.

As for my remaining 16 eggs, I’ll continue to keep a close eye on them and hope for the best.

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