Ways to Save on Chicken Feed

Raising chickens can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also get expensive if you’re not careful about how much you spend on their feed.

Fortunately, there are several ways to save money on chicken feed without sacrificing the health or well-being of your birds.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most effective strategies for keeping your feed costs down while still providing your chickens with all the nutrition they need.

The Importance of Saving Money on Chicken Feed

If you’re raising chickens for eggs or meat, the cost of chicken feed can quickly add up. But even if you’re just keeping chickens as pets, you still want to make sure that they’re getting a high-quality diet that supports their overall health and well-being. The good news is that there are ways to reduce your feed costs without compromising on quality, so you can keep your feathered friends happy and well-fed without breaking the bank.

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So what are some of these cost-saving strategies? In this article, we’ll cover four main approaches: growing your own feed, buying in bulk, mixing your own feed, and supplementing with kitchen scraps. Each option has its own benefits and challenges, but by combining them in different ways depending on your situation and goals for raising chickens, you can create a feeding plan that’s both affordable and effective.

The Benefits of Growing Your Own Feed

Growing your own feed for your chickens has many benefits, including a significant cost savings compared to buying commercial feed. You’ll also have more control over what your chickens are consuming, as well as the satisfaction of providing them with fresh and nutritious food. Additionally, growing your own feed can be a fun and rewarding hobby if you enjoy gardening.

Suggestions for What to Grow

When it comes to choosing what to grow for your chickens, there are several options that work well. Corn is a popular choice, as it’s easy to grow and provides carbohydrates that are essential in their diet.

Wheat is another great option that offers protein and fiber. Sunflowers not only provide seeds that are high in protein but also offer shade and shelter for the chickens.

Tips for Planting and Harvesting

Before planting any crops, make sure you have enough space available in your garden or yard. Choose an area with good soil quality and plenty of sunlight. It’s important to research planting times based on where you live and the climate conditions in your area.

Make sure to water regularly and protect plants from pests during the growing season. When it comes time to harvest, make sure the crops are fully mature before cutting them down.

Allow them to dry out completely before storing or using as chicken feed. Keep in mind that certain plants may need additional processing before they’re ready – such as removing husks from corn or threshing wheat – so plan accordingly!

Buy in bulk

Buying chicken feed in bulk can be a great way to save money, especially if you have a large flock. When you buy in bulk, you can often get a lower price per pound than if you were to buy smaller bags. Plus, buying in bulk means less packaging waste and fewer trips to the store.

Where to buy in bulk

Farm supply stores are a great place to start when looking for options for buying chicken feed in bulk. They often carry large bags of feed that are specifically formulated for different types of poultry. You can also check with local co-ops or feed mills, as they may have discounts for buying larger quantities.

If you don’t have any local options, there are also many online retailers that specialize in selling animal feed in bulk. Just be sure to factor in shipping costs when comparing prices.

Storing bulk feed

Properly storing your bulk chicken feed is important to prevent spoilage and ensure it stays fresh for your flock. The best way to store it is in an airtight container that is kept cool and dry.

This will help prevent moisture from getting into the food and causing mold or bacterial growth. If possible, keep your stored feed out of direct sunlight and away from any pests that may try to get into it (such as mice or rats).

It’s also a good idea to label the container with the date it was purchased so you know how long it has been stored. By following these tips, buying chicken feed in bulk can be an effective way to save money while ensuring your flock has plenty of nutritious food available.

Mix Your Own Feed

When it comes to chicken feed, mixing your own blend can save you a lot of money in the long run. Not only is it cost-effective, but it also gives you control over what goes into your chickens’ diet. You can customize the blend to meet the specific nutritional needs of your flock, and ensure that they are getting high-quality ingredients.

Advantages of Mixing Your Own Feed

The biggest advantage of mixing your own feed is that you get to choose what goes into it. You can select high-quality ingredients that are free from harmful additives and preservatives.

This means that your chickens will be getting a healthier diet, which can translate into better overall health and improved egg production. Another benefit is cost savings.

When you buy pre-made chicken feed, you are paying for the convenience of having someone else do all the work for you. By mixing your own blend, you cut out the middleman and save money on each bag.

Basic Recipe for Homemade Chicken Feed Blend

Here’s a simple recipe for a homemade chicken feed blend: – 50% whole corn – 25% wheat

– 25% oats This blend provides a good balance of protein (around 10%) and carbohydrates (around 80%).

However, keep in mind that this recipe may not be appropriate for all flocks. Depending on their age, breed, and activity level, they may require different levels of nutrients or different types of grains.

Tips for Sourcing Ingredients

When sourcing ingredients for your homemade chicken feed blend, it’s important to look for high-quality grains that are free from mold or contaminants. Check with local farmers or co-ops to see if they have any bulk grains available at reasonable prices.

You can also consider growing some of the grains yourself if you have the space and resources to do so. This allows you to ensure that the ingredients are fresh and of high quality.

Mixing your own chicken feed blend can be a great way to save money while also providing your flock with a healthy, nutritious diet. With some careful planning and ingredient sourcing, you can create a blend that meets all of your chickens’ nutritional needs.

Supplement with Kitchen Scraps

How Kitchen Scraps Can Be Used as a Supplement to Chicken Feed

If you’re looking for a low-cost way to supplement your chicken’s diet, kitchen scraps are an excellent option. Not only are they readily available, but they can also add some important variety to their diet. By supplementing their feed with kitchen scraps, you can save a lot of money on buying commercial feed and give your chickens some natural treats.

Suggestions for What Types of Scraps Are Safe and Nutritious

While it might seem like a good idea to toss all of your kitchen scraps into the coop for your chickens, not everything is safe or nutritious for them. Some foods like onions, garlic, or citrus could make them sick while others may have too much salt or sugar.

That being said, many fruits and vegetables offer valuable vitamins and minerals while also providing an excellent source of hydration especially during hot summer days. Some examples include things like kale stems, melon rinds (remove the seeds), carrot tops and beet greens.

Tips on How to Properly Introduce Scraps into Their Diet

Introducing kitchen scraps into your chicken’s diet requires care so as not to upset their delicate digestive system. It is important that you first see how much commercial feed they eat daily before deciding how much scrap feeding can be done without upsetting their diet balance. Start by offering small amounts at first and slowly increase the quantity over time as you observe them eating it.

It is crucial that the scraps are fresh because spoiled food could make them sick causing potential health hazards such as salmonella. By following these tips and suggestions, you can keep your chickens healthy while saving money on feed costs!


After reading this article, you are now equipped to save money on chicken feed. By growing your own feed, buying in bulk, mixing your own feed, and supplementing with kitchen scraps, you can provide your chickens with a nutritious diet without breaking the bank. Remember that it’s important to ensure that your chickens are getting the right balance of nutrients for their health and wellbeing.

When trying out these methods of saving money on chicken feed, make sure to monitor their health and adjust their diet as necessary. Don’t be afraid to get creative with these methods and find what works best for you and your chickens.

With a little bit of effort and planning, you can save money on chicken feed while still providing your feathered friends with all the nutrition they need. So go ahead and give it a try – not only will it save you some money in the long run but it will also give you a sense of satisfaction knowing that you’re taking care of your chickens in a more sustainable way.

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