Why Did My Regularly-Producing Hens Lay a Small Egg After a Year?

Why Did My Regularly-Producing Hens Lay a Small Egg After a Year?

As a proud owner of a flock of chickens, I have come to appreciate the importance of regular egg production. My hens have been laying eggs for almost a year now, and they have been doing a fantastic job. However, today, I was surprised to find a very small egg among the usual medium-sized eggs. I wondered what could be the reason for this, and I decided to do some research. Here’s what I found out.

What Causes Small Eggs in Chickens?

Small eggs are a common occurrence among chickens, and they can be caused by various factors. Some of the most common reasons include:

  1. Age

The age of a chicken plays a significant role in the size of the eggs it lays. Young chickens tend to lay small eggs, while older chickens lay larger eggs. This is because the size of the eggs increases as the hen grows and matures.

  1. Breed

Different breeds of chickens lay eggs of different sizes. For instance, bantam chickens, which are small in size, lay small eggs, while larger breeds like Rhode Island Reds lay larger eggs.

  1. Nutrition

The type and quality of food that a chicken eats can also affect the size of the eggs it lays. Chickens require a balanced diet that contains all the necessary nutrients to lay healthy, large eggs. If a chicken is not getting the right nutrients, it may lay smaller eggs.

  1. Stress

Stress can affect the size of the eggs a chicken lays. If a chicken is stressed, it may lay smaller eggs, or it may stop laying eggs altogether. Common stressors include overcrowding, poor living conditions, and exposure to predators.

  1. Genetics

The genetics of a chicken can also play a role in the size of the eggs it lays. Some chickens may be genetically predisposed to laying small eggs, while others may lay larger eggs.

What to Do About Small Eggs

If you notice that your chickens are laying small eggs, there are several things you can do to address the issue. Here are some tips:

  1. Ensure Proper Nutrition

One of the most important things you can do to encourage your chickens to lay larger eggs is to provide them with a balanced and nutritious diet. This should include a mix of grains, protein, and vegetables, as well as access to fresh water.

  1. Reduce Stress

Reducing stress in your chickens can also help encourage them to lay larger eggs. This may involve ensuring that they have enough space to move around, providing them with a clean and comfortable living environment, and protecting them from predators.

  1. Monitor Egg Size

Keeping track of the size of the eggs your chickens are laying can help you identify any changes in size or consistency. If you notice that your chickens are laying consistently small eggs, you may need to adjust their diet or living conditions.

  1. Consider the Breed

If you are looking to encourage your chickens to lay larger eggs, it may be worth considering the breed. Some breeds are known for laying larger eggs than others, so doing your research can help you choose the right breed for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions on Hens Laying Small Eggs

  1. Why did my hen lay a small egg? A hen may lay a small egg due to several reasons, including its age, genetics, diet, stress, or health issues. Sometimes, hens may also lay small eggs at the beginning or end of their egg-laying cycle.
  2. Can small eggs be consumed? Yes, small eggs can be consumed just like regular-sized eggs. They have the same nutritional value, but smaller eggs may have less egg white and yolk. However, you may need to use more small eggs in a recipe to compensate for the difference in size.
  3. Will my hen continue to lay small eggs? It depends on the reason for the small egg. If it’s due to the hen’s age or genetics, then it may continue to lay small eggs. However, if it’s due to a temporary issue like stress or diet, then the hen may resume laying regular-sized eggs.
  4. Should I be concerned if my hen lays small eggs regularly? Not necessarily. As long as your hen is healthy, active, and laying eggs regularly, small eggs may not be a cause for concern. However, if you notice any other changes in your hen’s behavior or egg-laying pattern, it’s always best to consult a veterinarian.
  5. How can I encourage my hen to lay regular-sized eggs? Ensuring that your hens have a healthy and balanced diet, adequate water, and a stress-free environment can help encourage them to lay regular-sized eggs. You can also provide them with calcium supplements like crushed eggshells or oyster shells, which can improve the quality of their eggshells.
  6. Is there any way to predict if my hen will lay small eggs? There’s no surefire way to predict if a hen will lay small eggs. However, you can monitor its health, diet, and egg-laying pattern to help identify any potential issues that may lead to small eggs. Additionally, certain breeds of hens may be more prone to laying small eggs than others.


Small eggs in chickens are a common occurrence, and they can be caused by various factors. These may include age, breed, nutrition, stress, and genetics. As a chicken owner, it is essential to ensure that your chickens are well-fed, comfortable, and stress-free to encourage them to lay larger, healthier eggs. By keeping a close eye on your chickens and making adjustments as necessary, you can help ensure that your flock continues to thrive and produce delicious, nutritious eggs for years to come.

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