All You Need to Know About Sumatra Chickens: Characteristics, Care, and Maintenance.

Sumatra chicken is a breed of domestic chicken that originated from the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. This breed is also known as the Black Sumatra chicken, and it is famous for its beautiful black plumage with iridescent green and purple sheen. Sumatra chickens have a muscular build, with long legs and tails, and they are primarily kept for ornamental purposes.

Origin of Sumatra chicken

The Sumatra chicken breed is believed to have been brought to Europe by the Dutch in the early 19th century. It is said that the breed was initially used for cockfighting, a popular blood sport in the Netherlands at the time. However, the breed gained popularity among poultry enthusiasts in Europe and the United States as a show bird due to its unique and striking appearance.

Characteristics of Sumatra chicken

The most notable characteristic of Sumatra chicken is its beautiful black plumage with iridescent green and purple sheen. The feathers of Sumatra chickens are shiny and sleek, which gives them a regal and elegant appearance. The males are larger than the females and have longer tails, which can reach up to two feet in length.

Sumatra chickens have a muscular build, with long legs and necks, and they are active and alert birds. They are also known for their friendly and docile personalities, which make them great pets for children and adults alike.

Sumatra chicken care and Maintenance

Sumatra chickens are relatively easy to care for and maintain. They are hardy birds that can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, from hot summers to cold winters. However, like all chickens, they require proper housing, feeding, and health care to thrive.


Sumatra chickens are active and alert birds that require ample space to move around and exercise. Therefore, it is essential to provide them with a spacious and secure coop or run. The coop or run should be well-ventilated, predator-proof, and provide protection from the elements.


Sumatra chickens require a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. They should be fed a high-quality commercial feed that is specifically formulated for chickens. In addition, they should also be given access to clean water and grit for digestion.

Health care

Sumatra chickens are hardy birds that are relatively resistant to diseases. However, they still require regular health checks and vaccinations to prevent common chicken ailments such as respiratory infections and parasites. It is also essential to maintain a clean and hygienic living environment to prevent the spread of diseases.

Breeding and egg production

Sumatra chickens are primarily kept for ornamental purposes, and they are not a prolific egg-laying breed. However, they can still lay up to 100 small to medium-sized eggs per year, which are white or cream-colored. The eggs of Sumatra chickens are not as popular as those of other breeds, but they are still nutritious and delicious.

Breeding Sumatra chickens can be challenging due to their long tails, which can make it difficult for them to mate naturally. Therefore, artificial insemination or selective breeding is often used to produce offspring with desirable traits, such as shorter tails.


In conclSumatra chickens are a unique and fascinating breed of chicken that is prized for their beautiful black plumage and elegant appearance. They are friendly, docile, and easy to care for, making them great pets for chicken enthusiasts of all ages

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