Amberlink Chicken – All you need to Know.

If you’re a backyard chicken enthusiast looking for a new addition to your flock, you may want to consider the Amberlink breed. This hybrid chicken breed has gained popularity due to its outstanding egg-laying abilities and docile temperament. In this guide, we’ll delve into the history, physical characteristics, temperament, health care, egg production, and breeding considerations of the Amberlink breed.

Before diving into these topics in detail, it’s important to understand why knowing about breed characteristics is crucial. Choosing the right breed of chicken can make or break your experience as a flock owner.

Different breeds have unique personalities and traits that affect their health, egg production, and overall happiness. Understanding these characteristics can help you provide better care for your birds and ensure they thrive under your care.

The Amberlink is a hybrid chicken breed created by crossing two different breeds: Rhode Island Reds and Leghorns. The result is a bird with excellent egg-laying abilities (up to 300 eggs per year!) that also possesses desirable traits like hardiness and calm demeanor.

Their friendly nature makes them great pets for families with children or other animals who might be around them frequently. In the next sections of this article, we’ll take a closer look at what makes Amberlink chickens unique in terms of their history and origin story as well as their physical appearance so that you can have a better understanding of what to expect when owning one (or several) of these wonderful birds!

History and Origin

The Amberlink chicken breed is a relatively new breed that was developed in the early 1980s. It was created by a Dutch company called Hendrix Genetics, which has been specializing in poultry breeding for over 100 years.

The goal of the company was to create a hardy, dual-purpose chicken breed that would be suitable for both egg and meat production. To achieve this goal, they crossbred Rhode Island Red hens with Light Sussex roosters.

The resulting offspring were then selectively bred for their desirable traits, such as high egg production, good meat quality, and resistance to disease. The final result was the Amberlink chicken breed we know today.

Characteristics that distinguish it from other breeds

One of the main characteristics that sets the Amberlink apart from other breeds is its exceptional egg-laying ability. They are known to lay up to 300 large brown eggs per year, making them one of the most productive breeds on the market. Amberlinks also have a distinctive feather coloration, with golden red feathers on their necks and backs and white feathers on their chests and bellies.

They have single combs and bright red wattles, which are indicative of their good health. Another distinguishing characteristic of Amberlinks is their hardiness.

They are resistant to many common poultry diseases like Marek’s disease and coccidiosis and can adapt well to different climates or living conditions. Overall, the Amberlink chicken breed’s unique combination of excellent egg-laying ability, attractive feather coloring, hardiness make it an excellent choice for both backyard hobbyists or commercial farmers looking for an all-purpose bird.

Physical Characteristics

Size, Weight, and Body Shape

Amberlink chickens are known for their medium size and sturdy build. These birds are not too large or too small, making them a great choice for backyard flocks.

The average weight of an adult Amberlink hen is about 6-7 pounds, while the roosters can weigh up to 8-9 pounds. Their bodies are well-muscled and somewhat rectangular in shape with a broad breast and strong legs.

Feather Color and Texture

One of the key features that make Amberlink chickens stand out is their feather color. They have golden brown feathers with speckles of black which shimmer in the sunlight.

The feathers have a soft texture with some individuals having downy feathers on their bodies. The tail feathers of Amberlinks have an iridescent greenish-black sheen which gives them an eye-catching look.

Comb Type and Wattles

Amberlink chickens have a single comb which is medium-sized and stands upright on their heads. This makes it easy to distinguish them from other breeds that may have different types of combs or wattles.

Their wattles are also fairly large and hang from either side of the beak, giving them a distinctive appearance. Amberlink chickens have a unique physical appearance that sets them apart from other chicken breeds.

From their sturdy body build to the shimmering golden-brown feathers speckled with black, these birds will make for an eye-catching addition to your flock. With their single comb type and large wattles, they are easy to identify among different chicken breeds as well!


The temperament of Amberlink chickens can be described as friendly, docile, and easy-going. They are known to be very sociable and will often follow their owners around seeking attention.

This makes them an excellent breed for families with children or as a companion for someone who spends a lot of time in their yard. Amberlinks are also known to be very curious birds and will happily explore their surroundings.

Personality Traits

Amberlink chickens have several personality traits that make them a great addition to any backyard flock. They are not aggressive birds and will get along well with other chickens, making them ideal for mixed flocks.

Amberlinks are also very intelligent birds and can easily learn tricks or commands. Another personality trait of the Amberlink chicken breed is that they are not prone to wander off.

They seem to prefer staying close to home, making it easier for backyard chicken keepers who do not have the space or desire to fence in a large area. One thing to note about the personality of Amberlink chickens is that they do not like being confined for long periods of time.

They thrive when given plenty of space to roam around and explore. If left in close quarters for too long, they may become stressed or agitated.

Interaction with Humans and Other Animals

Amberlink chickens are well-known for their affable disposition towards humans. They enjoy being handled and petted by their owners, which makes them an excellent choice as pets or companion animals. In terms of interacting with other animals, Amberlink chickens generally get along well with dogs, cats, and other household pets when introduced properly.

However, it is important to supervise these interactions at first until you can determine how your pets will react towards each other. When introducing Amberlink chickens to other birds, it is important to do so gradually and in a controlled environment.

Introducing new birds too quickly can lead to fights and aggression. As with any new addition to your flock, quarantine should be observed for up to 30 days before introducing the new members into the rest of your flock.

Health and Care

Common Health Issues to Watch for

Taking care of Amberlink chickens requires being aware of the most common health issues that may affect them. The first thing to keep in mind is that chickens are susceptible to respiratory infections, especially when they are overcrowded or exposed to cold drafts. These infections can lead to symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and runny noses.

Other common health problems include parasites like mites and lice, which can cause feather loss, skin irritation, and anemia. To prevent these issues from occurring, make sure your chicken coop is spacious enough for the number of birds you have.

Keep the coop clean by regularly removing any manure or dirty bedding. Providing adequate ventilation will also help prevent respiratory infections from spreading.

Nutritional Needs

Giving your Amberlink chickens a balanced diet is crucial to keeping them healthy. A good diet should include a combination of grains, protein sources like mealworms or cooked eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, and access to clean water at all times.

When determining how much feed to give your chickens per day, consider their age as well as their activity levels. Younger birds will require higher amounts of protein while older ones will need more calcium sources like oyster shell grits.

Housing Requirements

When it comes to housing your Amberlink chickens, there are several things you need to consider in order to provide them with a safe and comfortable living space. Make sure the chicken coop is large enough for the number of birds you have while providing adequate space per bird (a minimum of 4 square feet per bird).

The coop should also be well-ventilated with good airflow but without any drafts that could make the birds sick. Additionally, you’ll need nesting boxes where your hens can lay their eggs comfortably without being disturbed, and perches for roosting at night.

It’s important to keep the coop clean and free from any sharp objects or potential hazards to prevent injury or infection. Make sure you provide enough light for your chickens to see in both the coop and the run during dark hours.

Egg Production

Average Egg Production per Year

If you’re considering raising Amberlink chickens for their eggs, you’re in luck! These birds are known for being prolific layers. On average, a single Amberlink hen can produce up to 300 eggs per year.

That’s more than enough to keep your kitchen stocked with fresh, delicious eggs all year long. One of the reasons why the Amberlink breed is such a great choice for egg production is that they start laying at a relatively early age.

Most hens will begin laying at around 16-20 weeks old, depending on their individual development. From there, they’ll continue to lay consistently throughout their adult life.

Egg Size, Color, and Quality

When it comes to egg size, Amberlink chickens are pretty typical. Most of their eggs fall into the medium to large range, with an average weight of around 2-3 ounces per egg. Of course, individual hens may produce slightly larger or smaller eggs depending on their genetics and nutrition.

In terms of color and quality, Amberlink eggs are simply gorgeous. Most of them have a rich brown shell color that’s deeper than what you’ll find with many other breeds.

The yolk itself is also typically darker and more vibrant in color thanks to the diet that these chickens are raised on. As for taste and texture, Amberlink eggs are delicious!

Many people describe them as having a rich flavor that’s hard to beat. They’re also very versatile in terms of cooking – whether you’re making an omelet or whipping up some scrambled eggs for breakfast, these eggs will always deliver great results!

Breeding Considerations

Raising chickens is a rewarding experience, and if you want to take it one step further, you can breed your Amberlink chickens. Breeding Amberlinks requires patience and careful planning, but the end result can be a flock of strong, healthy birds that meet your specific needs.

There are two popular methods for breeding chickens: natural mating or artificial insemination. Natural mating is the most common method used with Amberlinks. It involves allowing the rooster to mate naturally with the hens.

For optimal results, it’s recommended that you have one rooster per 8-10 hens. Artificial insemination is another option if you want more control over your breeding program.

This method involves manually collecting semen from the rooster and introducing it into the hen’s reproductive tract using a syringe or similar tool. While this method can increase breeding success rates, it requires experience and knowledge to execute properly.

Incubation period and hatching success rates

Once eggs are laid by your hens, they need to be incubated before they hatch into cute little chicks. The incubation period of an Amberlink egg is approximately 21 days.

During this time, proper temperature and humidity levels need to be maintained in order for successful hatching. The success rate of hatching depends on many factors such as egg quality, incubator environment conditions & management protocols etc.. Many factors such as egg quality and incubator environment conditions play a role in determining successful hatching rates which may vary between different flocks.

All in all, breeding Amberlink chickens can be an exciting venture for those interested in raising their own flock of poultry birds. By selecting strong genetics through natural mating or artificial insemination methodologies and carefully monitoring environmental conditions during the incubation period., farmers can increase their chances of success and enjoy the process of raising healthy chickens for years to come.


After reading this guide, you should have a good understanding of the wonderful Amberlink breed of chicken. These birds are great for backyard flocks and even commercial operations.

They are friendly, attractive, and productive layers. Amberlinks have a fascinating history that dates back to the early 20th century.

They were bred for egg production and their genetics reflect that focus. They are hardy birds that can tolerate a variety of climates and environments.

One of the most appealing things about Amberlinks is their temperament. They are known to be docile, friendly birds that enjoy human interaction.

This makes them great for families with children or anyone who wants a pet-like chicken in their backyard flock. In terms of egg production, Amberlinks consistently lay high-quality eggs with strong shells and rich yolks.

Their average annual output is impressive, especially considering how easy they are to care for. Overall, if you’re looking for a versatile and low-maintenance breed for your backyard flock or small farm operation, the Amberlink chicken is definitely worth considering!

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