Ameuracana Chicken Breed Guide.

Chickens are fascinating animals that have been domesticated for thousands of years. They come in a variety of breeds, each with unique physical and behavioral characteristics.

One such breed is the Ameuracana chicken, which is known for its blue- and green-colored eggs. In this guide, we will provide an in-depth look at the Ameuracana chicken breed, including its history, physical characteristics, temperament and behavior, health concerns, breeding and genetics, as well as raising requirements.

Brief Overview of Ameuracana Chicken Breed

The Ameuracana chicken breed originated from South America and was brought to North America by Dr. Joseph M. Robinson in the 1970s. This breed is known for its distinctive blue and green eggs that are a result of a specific gene called oocyan found in some birds’ reproductive systems. Their physical characteristics also set them apart from other breeds; they have pea combs on their heads, muffs (feathers covering their ears) and beards (feathers around their chin), giving them an almost ‘fluffy’ appearance.

Additionally, they come in a variety of feather colors ranging from black to white. The Ameuracana chicken breed is becoming increasingly popular among backyard poultry enthusiasts due to their attractive appearance as well as the novelty factor of their colored eggs.

Importance of Understanding the Breed for Chicken Enthusiasts

Whether you’re a seasoned poultry farmer or just starting out with backyard chickens for the first time, it’s important to understand the different breeds available so that you can choose one that suits your needs and preferences best. Understanding the specific characteristics of each breed can help you create a suitable living environment, provide appropriate nutrition, and recognize any potential health issues. This is particularly important with Ameuracana chickens since they have some unique traits, including their egg color and distinctive physical appearance.

Knowing how to identify and address specific behaviors or health concerns can also ensure that your flock is healthy and happy. Additionally, understanding the genetics behind the feather color variation in Ameuracanas can help you selectively breed for desired traits if you’re interested in creating a breeding program.

History and Origin

Origins of Ameuracana Chickens in South America

The Ameuracana chicken breed has its origins in South America, specifically in the region of Chile and Argentina. The breed is believed to have been developed from a combination of Araucana chickens, which are known for their blue eggs, and Quetro chickens, which have tufted ears. Both of these breeds are native to Chile and Argentina.

The name “Ameuracana” is a combination of “America” and “Araucana”, reflecting the bird’s unique blend of American and South American genetics. One theory suggests that the breed was first developed by indigenous South American peoples over 500 years ago.

These people were skilled chicken farmers who bred birds with unique physical characteristics such as tufted ears, rumpless tails, and blue eggs. In the 1970s, Ameuracanas were imported to the United States where they were bred for their unique appearance.

Development and Introduction to North America

In North America, Ameuracanas gained popularity due to their unusual physical characteristics such as pea combs, muffs or beards around the face, slate or black legs, feathered shanks (lower legs), ear tufts (or tufted cheeks), rumplessness (no tail feathers), or a combination thereof. The first time when they appeared in North America was when Dr. Joseph G. McRae from Louisiana State University imported some birds from Chile in 1971 followed by Mr. William Cushman importing some Quetros stock into USA as well after visiting Argentina; then both exchanged stock with each other based on individual preferences creating two distinct strains: The McRae Lineage that carries tail feathers but no ear tufts; while Cushman Lineage carries ear tufts but no tail feathers. The strains have been separated so long that they are now recognized as 2 different breeds, namely the Easter Egger and Ameraucana respectively.

Differences between Ameuracana and Other Chicken Breeds

Ameuracanas are distinguished from other chicken breeds by their unique physical characteristics, most notably their blue eggs. They also have a stubby tail and a small pea comb instead of the more common single comb found on many chicken breeds.

They can come in a wide range of feather colors including black, blue, blue wheaten, brown red, buff, silver and white. Another distinguishing feature of Ameuracanas is their personality.

They are known for being friendly birds that enjoy human interaction. Unlike some other breeds that may be aggressive or skittish, Ameuracanas are calm and docile.

Ameuracanas have a rich history dating back to indigenous South American peoples who were skilled chicken farmers. The breed’s unique physical characteristics and friendly personality make it a popular choice among chicken enthusiasts in North America today.

Physical Characteristics

Ameuracana chickens are a medium-sized breed that typically weigh between 4.5 and 5.5 pounds for hens, and 6 to 7 pounds for roosters. The body type is rounded and compact, with short legs that allow them to run quickly if needed. Their wings are relatively small and kept close to the body, making them not very strong fliers.

One of the most distinguishing physical characteristics of Ameuracanas is their pea combs, which are small and consist of three rows of small bumps instead of a single large comb like many other chicken breeds have. This feature is unique to the breed and helps prevent frostbite in cold climates due to its smaller size.

In addition to their pea combs, Ameuracanas also have muffs and beards around their heads that give them a distinctive appearance. Muffs refer to feathers around the face that cover the earlobes, while beards are feathers under the chin that give the appearance of a beard-like tuft.

Variety of Feather Colors

Ameuracana chickens come in an array of feather colors including black, blue, buff, splash, wheaten, white or brown-red. The most common variety is blue which has slate-blue colored feathers; however black or white feathered birds can also be found quite easily.

Each feather coloration comes from different genetic mutations which can get quite complicated due to overlapping genes allowing for different color combinations creating inconsistencies throughout flocks overtime. The breed’s feather colors are one reason why they’re so popular among backyard chicken owners; they make for great show birds with each one being so unique looking compared to other chicken breeds available on market.

It’s important to note that even within a certain feather color there can still be variation between individual Ameuracanas depending on genetics, diet and other factors affecting feather development. It’s recommended to purchase chickens from a reputable breeder to ensure consistent results in the appearance of the flock.


Ameuracana chickens are a unique breed with a distinctive appearance that sets them apart from other chicken breeds on the market. They are medium-sized birds with compact bodies and short legs that make them great for backyard flocks.

Their physical characteristics such as pea combs, muffs, and beards give them an unmistakable look. Additionally, their variety of feather colors makes them popular among chicken enthusiasts who enjoy showing off their flocks at poultry shows.

Overall, understanding the physical characteristics of Ameuracanas is important for those considering adding this breed to their backyard flock or breeding program. With proper care and attention to genetics, these birds can make valuable additions to any homestead or farm.

Temperament and Behavior

General Temperament of Ameuracana Chickens

Ameuracana chickens are known for their gentle demeanor and friendly personalities. They are social creatures that enjoy interacting with their human caretakers and other chickens in the flock. They are relatively calm birds that do not tend to be overly aggressive towards each other or humans, making them ideal for those who are first-time chicken owners.

However, as with any breed of chicken, there is always the potential for an individual bird to exhibit aggressive behavior, especially during breeding season when hormones can cause a rooster to become more territorial. It is important to keep a close eye on your flock and monitor any signs of aggression or bullying among individuals.

Interaction with Other Chickens

Ameuracanas typically get along well with other breeds of chickens, although they may occasionally squabble over food or roosting spots. It is best to introduce new birds slowly and carefully, allowing them time to adjust to each other before integrating them fully into the flock. It is also important to ensure that there is enough space in the coop and run area for all chickens to have access to food, water, and comfortable roosting spots without feeling crowded or stressed.

Egg-Laying Habits

One of the main reasons many people choose Ameuracanas as their preferred breed is because of their unique blue/green eggs. These eggs are often larger than average and have a distinct flavor that many find delicious.

On average, Ameuracanas will lay around 250-300 eggs per year depending on factors such as age, diet, and seasonality. Although they are known for being consistent layers throughout the year, it is not uncommon for egg production to slow down during molting season or extreme weather conditions.

It is important to provide your chickens with a comfortable and clean nesting area filled with soft bedding material such as straw or shavings. This will help encourage them to lay their eggs in the designated area and ensure that they are kept safe until you are ready to collect them.

Health Concerns

Ameuracana chickens are generally healthy birds; however, like all poultry, they are susceptible to certain health issues. The following are some of the most common health problems that can affect Ameuracanas:

Respiratory Infections

Respiratory infections are a common issue among chickens and can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, and labored breathing.

To prevent respiratory infections from spreading throughout your flock, isolate any sick birds immediately and keep them away from healthy ones. Maintaining a clean coop is also important to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria.

Egg Binding

Egg binding is another common problem in chickens and occurs when an egg becomes stuck in the hen’s reproductive tract. Symptoms include lack of appetite, lethargy, and straining to lay an egg.

If left untreated, egg binding can be fatal. To prevent this from happening to your hens, make sure they have access to calcium supplements such as oyster shells or crushed eggshells which help strengthen their reproductive system.


Predators such as foxes and raccoons can be a major threat to outdoor chickens including Ameuracanas. It’s important to take steps to safeguard your chicken coop by ensuring it has a secure fence around it and that any openings or gaps in walls or roofing are sealed off properly. Additionally, installing motion-activated lights around the coop area can help deter predators at night.

Keeping Ameuracana chickens healthy requires vigilance on the part of the owner. By taking preventative measures such as maintaining a clean environment for your flock, providing proper nutrition and supplementation such as calcium for egg production support ,and protecting them from potential predators through adequate shelter , you can help ensure your birds stay healthy and happy for years to come.

Breeding and Genetics

Understanding the genetics behind feather color variations

Ameuracana chickens are known for their unique feather colors, including blue, black, and splash. Understanding the genetics behind these variations can help breeders selectively breed for specific traits.

The blue coloration is caused by a gene called “bl,” which dilutes the black pigment in feathers. This gene also causes the characteristic slate-blue color of Ameuracana eggs.

The black feather color is caused by a dominant gene called “B,” while the splash variation is caused by two copies of the “bl” gene. It’s important to note that different combinations of these genes can produce a range of feather colors and patterns in Ameuracana chickens.

The Importance of Genetic Diversity

When breeding Ameuracana chickens, it’s important to maintain genetic diversity within the population to avoid genetic defects and health problems. Inbreeding can lead to reduced fertility, poor egg production, and susceptibility to diseases. Breeders should avoid mating closely related birds and instead aim for as much genetic variation as possible.

How to selectively breed for desired traits

To selectively breed for desired traits in Ameuracanas, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve with your breeding program. Whether you’re looking to improve egg production or develop specific feather patterns or colors, there are several steps you can take. Firstly, identify birds with desirable traits such as strong egg-laying ability or vibrant feather colors.

Use these birds as parents in future generations to pass on these favorable characteristics. Secondly, cull birds that don’t meet your breeding goals or show signs of disease or health issues that may compromise their offspring’s quality.

Keep detailed records of your breeding program and evaluate its success regularly. This can help you identify which breeding strategies are most effective and make adjustments as needed.

Breeding Ethics

It’s important for breeders to prioritize the health and well-being of their birds above all else. Selective breeding should never be done at the cost of an animal’s quality of life, and breeders should avoid practices that compromise their birds’ safety or welfare. By following ethical breeding practices and focusing on genetic diversity and desirable traits, breeders can contribute to the preservation and improvement of the Ameuracana chicken breed for years to come.

Raising Ameuracanas

Housing requirements for the breed

When it comes to raising Ameuracanas, providing them with proper housing is an essential requirement. These chickens need ample space to move around and exercise, so a coop that is at least 4 square feet per chicken is recommended. The coop should also have proper ventilation and be well-insulated to keep the chickens comfortable in all weather conditions.

Additionally, the coop should have nesting boxes that are comfortable and secure for laying eggs. Ameuracanas chickens are known for their ability to fly, so it’s crucial that the coop has a high-fenced run to prevent them from escaping.

The fencing should be at least 6 feet tall with a covered top since these birds can fly up to 5-6 feet high if they feel threatened. It’s essential to keep the coop clean by regularly removing droppings and debris as they can lead to diseases like coccidiosis.

Feeding and Nutritional Needs

Ameuracanas chickens have a unique dietary requirement because of their colorful feathers. Feeding them a diet rich in protein helps maintain vibrant feather colors throughout their life.

Their diet should consist of commercial chicken feed containing approximately 16% protein or more, along with fresh fruits and vegetables like pumpkin, carrots, kale, or spinach. Another crucial factor while feeding these birds is providing them clean water at all times.

Chickens need access to clean water as dehydration can cause serious health problems such as egg-laying issues or even death. It’s also recommended not to feed Ameuracana’s anything moldy or spoiled as this can cause gastrointestinal problems leading to diseases.

Vaccination Schedule

Vaccinations are vital in keeping your Ameuracana flock healthy and protected against various diseases. The first vaccine that should be given to young chicks is the Marek’s disease vaccine, which is essential in preventing paralysis and tumors.

Ameuracanas are also susceptible to respiratory diseases like Avian Influenza, so vaccination against this disease is recommended as well. Other common vaccinations for chickens include Newcastle disease and Infectious Bronchitis.

It’s best to schedule regular check-ups with a veterinarian to keep track of your flock’s health and ensure they receive the appropriate vaccinations at the right time. Raising Ameuracanas can be a rewarding experience if their housing requirements, feeding habits, and vaccination schedules are kept in mind.

Providing them with adequate space and a nutritious diet along with clean water will lead to healthy chickens with vibrant feather colors. Regular check-ups by a veterinarian will ensure your flock stays healthy free of any diseases or illnesses.


After reading this guide, you have gained a deeper understanding of Ameuracana chickens and what makes them unique. From their history and origin in South America to their physical characteristics, temperament, and breeding habits, these birds are a fascinating addition to any flock. With their wide variety of feather colors and distinctive pea combs, muffs, and beards, Ameuracanas are sure to turn heads.

While there are some health concerns to consider with this breed, taking preventative measures can help ensure their optimal health. Additionally, understanding the genetics behind feather color variations allows for selective breeding for desired traits.

Raising Ameuracanas requires proper housing and feeding as well as a vaccination schedule. Ameuracana chickens are an exceptional breed that is sure to delight any chicken enthusiast.

With their charming personalities and distinct appearance, they are an excellent choice for both hobbyists and commercial farmers alike. Consider adding Ameuracanas to your flock today!

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