Author Archives: James Polystead

Choosing the right type of chicken fencing. A detailed guide.

Choosing the right type of chicken fencing can be a matter of life and death for your chickens. The type of chicken fence selected should be able to serve the purpose of protecting your chicken, while at the same time controlling their movements.  Sometimes a combination of different chicken fencing materials is used, taking advantage […]

American Game Chicken Breed – All you need to know

The American game chicken breed, also known as the American gamefowl,  was developed to be a game fowl, a bird for cockfighting.  With its many varieties and colors, the American gamefowl is mostly kept as a show bird (Ornamental bird), due to the stick laws on cockfighting.  An interesting fact about the American fowl is […]

Wyandotte Chickens Breed and management Information

The Wyandotte is an American chicken breed that is reared by homesteaders and backyard flock keepers for its yellow-skinned meat and brown eggs. Bred to be dual purpose, the Wyandotte chicken breed was to solve a particular issue. Back then, there existed no breed that could produce meat and eggs well. The chicken breeds that […]

Jersey Giant Chicken Breed Details and Management Information

The Jersey Giant, as the name suggests is one of the largest chicken breeds in the world. When you encounter one, you will probably never forget it.  Though the popularity had gone down, due to its poor feed-to-weight conversion ratio, the Jersey Giant is becoming popular among backyard poultry keepers.  The poor feed-to-weight conversion ratio […]

Cornish Chickens Profile and Management Information

The Cornish chickens breed, previously referred to as the Indian game is an impressive chicken breed that has been used to develop most of the present meat chickens, including the popular Cornish Cross.  Muscular, broad, Widely spaced legs with a large diameter, the cornish chicken was bred for one purpose only; war. It was meant […]