Author Archives: James Polystead

Collecting Eggs for Hatching: How Long Are They Good For?

Tips for Incubating and Hatching Chicken Eggs: A Beginner’s Guide.

As a backyard poultry keeper, collecting and hatching eggs can be a rewarding experience. However, determining how long you can collect and store eggs before incubation can be a challenge. While some recommend collecting eggs within seven days, others suggest up to ten days. Egg type, storage conditions, egg age, and egg handling are critical […]

How to get rid of the ammonia smell in the chicken coop.

How to get rid of the ammonia smell in the chicken coop.

Introduction: The first time I encountered the strong smell of ammonia was when I transitioned my flock from a small coop to a larger one under the deep litter system. While I was familiar with the ammonia odor in urine, I hadn’t anticipated its presence in relation to chickens. The situation worsened when rainwater seeped […]

Types Of Chicken Coop Ventilation.

The Lancaster Chicken Coop

When it comes to raising chickens, ensuring proper ventilation within their coop is of utmost importance. Just like humans, chickens need fresh air to breathe and thrive. Adequate ventilation not only promotes their overall health and well-being but also boosts their egg-laying productivity. So, before you count your chickens before they hatch, let’s dive into […]

Why Is My Chicken Breathing Hard? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment.

One day, I noticed that one of my chickens was breathing heavily and seemed distressed. Concerned about its health, I immediately set out to investigate why my chicken was experiencing difficulty in breathing. In this article, I will share my findings and shed light on the potential causes, symptoms, and treatment options for chickens that […]

The Ultimate Guide to 5 Gallon Chicken Feeders: Benefits, Features, and How to Use Them

I understand the importance of providing a constant supply of food for our feathered friends. One of the most convenient and efficient ways to do that is by using a 5 gallon chicken feeder. In this article, I will discuss everything you need to know about using a 5 gallon chicken feeder, including the benefits, […]

How Much Bedding Do Chickens Need in their Coop?

I understand the importance of keeping the coop clean and comfortable for my feathered friends. However, sometimes it can be challenging to know exactly how much bedding is necessary to maintain a healthy and happy environment for them. In this article, I’ll share my insights on whether chickens need a lot of bedding in their […]

Affordable Windows for Your Chicken Coop: Where to Find Them.

Affordable Windows for Your Chicken Coop: Where to Find Them

Whether you are building a coop from scratch or looking to upgrade your existing one, finding affordable windows is a crucial aspect of ensuring the safety, health, and comfort of your feathered friends. Here are some practical tips and suggestions to help you find inexpensive windows for your chicken coop. Check out online retailers When […]

Fermenting Starter/Broiler Crumble: What to Expect and How to Manage.

One practice that has gained popularity in recent years is fermenting chicken feed. Fermented feed is believed to offer several benefits, such as improved digestion, stronger immune systems, and increased egg production. However, if you’re new to fermenting feed, you might be wondering if the consistency of your starter/broiler crumble is normal. On day three […]

Should I Let My Chickens Free Range? The Pros, Cons And Considerations

If you’re a chicken owner, one of the biggest decisions you’ll make is whether or not to let your birds free-range. This means allowing them to roam around outside of their coop during the day, rather than keeping them confined to a set area. While free-ranging can be beneficial for chickens in many ways, it’s […]

Understanding the Chicken Wing Stretch.

One of the things I enjoy the most is watching my birds stretch their wings. Chicken wing stretches are a natural behavior that helps keep your birds healthy and happy. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of chicken wing stretches, how to recognize them, and what you can do to encourage them. Why Chicken […]

Skin or Pluck: Which Is the Best Way to Prepare a Chicken?

I have always thought that plucking was the only way to prepare a chicken for cooking. However, recently, I learned about the option of skinning a chicken instead of plucking it. It seemed like a much faster and easier method, and I was intrigued to learn more. In this article, I will be exploring the […]

When Do Cayuga Ducks Start Laying Eggs?

Cayuga ducks, with their stunning iridescent feathers and friendly disposition, have captivated the hearts of many duck keepers. One question that often arises among duck enthusiasts is, “What age do Cayuga ducks lay eggs?” I had raised my Cayuga ducks from adorable ducklings, providing them with a nurturing environment and a wholesome diet. As they […]

Is Chicken Poop Dangerous? Understanding the Risks and How to Manage Them.

One of the questions that you may have is whether or not chicken poop is dangerous. In this article, we’ll explore the potential risks associated with chicken poop and how you can safely manage it. Understanding Chicken Poop First, let’s take a closer look at what chicken poop is and why it’s produced. Chickens produce […]

Rent to Own Chicken Coop: A Convenient and Affordable Option for Raising Chickens.

As the trend towards self-sustainability continues to grow, more and more people are interested in raising their own chickens for fresh eggs and meat. However, the cost of building a chicken coop can be prohibitive for some. That’s where rent-to-own chicken coops come in – a convenient and affordable option for those who want to […]

Parrot Flight Risk: Understanding Likelihood of Escape.

Parrot Flight Risk: Understanding Likelihood of Escape.

Parrots are fascinating animals that are known for their intelligence, colorful feathers, and ability to mimic human speech. As pets, they are highly social creatures that require plenty of attention and interaction with their owners. Various species of parrots have been kept as pets for centuries, with the most popular being the budgerigar (or budgie), […]

A Guide to Showcasing Your Chicken

Poultry exhibitions are events that showcase the best chickens, ducks, and other birds. They are important for many reasons. First, they allow breeders to showcase their work and potentially win prizes for their efforts. Second, poultry exhibitions provide an opportunity for people to learn about different breeds of birds and gain a greater appreciation for […]

Raising Antibiotic-Free Backyard Chickens: Benefits

Have you ever considered raising your own backyard chickens? Not only do they provide a fresh source of eggs, but they can also help control pests in your yard and provide excellent fertilizer for your garden. However, with the rise of commercial chicken farming, the use of antibiotics has become a common practice to prevent […]

Are My Chickens’ Eggs Considered Free-Range?

One of the questions that has often crossed my mind is whether the eggs produced by my free-ranging chickens would be considered “free-range eggs” if I were to sell them. In this article, I will delve into the world of free-range eggs, exploring the criteria that define them and determining if my chickens’ eggs meet […]

Crafting a Pallet Chicken Roost

Raising chickens in your backyard is a fulfilling experience, both for yourself and the animals. However, if you own chickens, you know that they require a safe place to sleep at night. A roost is essential for their well-being because it keeps them off the ground, away from predators and other dangers. A pallet chicken […]

Cali White Chicken Breed Guide

Have you ever looked at a chicken and wondered what breed it is? Well, if you’re a backyard flock owner or aspiring to be one, knowing the breeds of your chickens is essential. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth dive into one of the most popular chicken breeds out there: the Cali White. The […]

Finding Meaningful Ways to Thank My Egg-Giving Neighbor

Living in a close-knit community has its perks, one of which is the occasional act of kindness that reminds us of the beauty of human connections. In my case, I have been fortunate enough to have a neighbor who keeps chickens and generously shares a dozen fresh eggs with me every week. As a token […]

Understanding Average Chicken Weight: Factors, Breeds, and Measurement.

Chickens are one of the most popular domesticated birds globally, with an estimated population of over 20 billion. They are a source of food, feathers, and companionship for many people worldwide. Understanding your chicken’s weight is essential for their health and well-being. In this article, we will discuss the average chicken weight, the factors that […]

Hatching Chicken Eggs

Hatching chicken eggs is a process where fertilized eggs are incubated and hatched to produce baby chicks. It is an exciting and rewarding process that requires patience, care, and attention to detail. The process involves creating a safe environment for the eggs, maintaining proper temperature, humidity, and ventilation during the incubation period, candling the eggs […]

Cost of Raising Chickens

Are you considering raising chickens? Whether you want to have fresh eggs every morning or simply enjoy the company of these feathered friends, knowing the cost of raising chickens is an essential part of planning for your new adventure. In this article, we’ll go over all the expenses that come with raising chickens so that […]

Building an Easy and Practical Chicken Run: A Step-by-Step Guide

One essential element of a chicken’s living space is a well-designed chicken run. In this article, I will share my experience and provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help you build an easy and practical chicken run for your feathered friends. Get ready to embark on this rewarding DIY project that will ensure the security […]

The Perfect Time to Butcher Buff Orpington Chickens: A Comprehensive Guide

Having raised Buff Orpington chickens for several years now, I have come to appreciate their docile nature, beautiful appearance, and delicious meat. Buff Orpingtons are a popular dual-purpose breed, meaning they are suitable for both egg production and meat consumption. However, determining the ideal time to butcher these chickens can be a bit of a […]

Looking for Tiny Chickens in Rosedale: A Guide to Bantam Breeds.

Are you searching for tiny chickens to keep in your backyard or urban space? Bantam chickens may be the perfect fit for you. In this article, we will discuss the different breeds of bantam chickens available and where you can locate them. So whether you’re a seasoned poultry keeper or a novice looking to start […]

From Dog Kennel to Chicken Coop: How to Modify Your Existing Structure.

From Dog Kennel to Chicken Coop

Are you a dog owner looking to repurpose your dog kennel and add a flock of chickens to your backyard? You’re not alone! Many dog owners are turning to repurposing their dog kennels into chicken coops as a space-saving and convenient solution. Not only can you save money by repurposing your existing structure, but you […]

Raising Russian Orloff Chickens: A Comprehensive Guide

The Russian Orloff chicken breed is a stunningly beautiful bird with an interesting backstory. The breed was created in Russia during the early 18th century by Count Alexis Orloff. He was a lover of fine chickens and decided to create his own unique breed that would be both functional and beautiful to look at. The […]

Bantam Chicken Size Comparison: Which Breed is Best for Your Backyard?

Bantam Chicken Size Comparison: Which Breed is Best for Your Backyard?

I have always been fascinated by the different breeds of chickens available. One breed that has caught my attention is the Bantam chicken. Bantam chickens are known for their small size and adorable appearance, making them popular among backyard chicken owners. In this article, I will provide a detailed comparison of different Bantam chicken sizes, […]

Understanding the Hard-Boiled Egg Yolk Color Chart: What it Means for Your Eggs.

I’ve always been curious about the color of the yolk in hard-boiled eggs. I’ve heard people talk about how the color of the yolk can determine the quality of the egg, but I wanted to know more. So, I did some research and discovered the hard-boiled egg yolk color chart. In this article, I’ll share […]

Do Turkeys Nest in Trees

Turkeys are fascinating birds with unique characteristics and habits. One of their most interesting behaviors is their nesting habits. Turkeys are known for building nests to lay their eggs and raise their young. The nesting process is crucial to the survival of turkey populations, but many people are not familiar with the specifics of how […]

Hand Crank Chicken Pluckers: An Efficient and Eco-Friendly Poultry Processing Solution

The task of processing chickens can be quite daunting, especially when it comes to plucking those feathers. Luckily, I stumbled upon a game-changer in the world of poultry processing – the hand crank chicken plucker. In this article, I’ll take you on a journey to discover the wonders of this remarkable device, its benefits, and […]

Can You Keep One Chicken?

Raising chickens has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many individuals and families opting to keep them as pets or for their eggs. There are numerous benefits to raising chickens, from the joy of providing a happy and healthy life for animals, to the enjoyment of collecting fresh eggs every day. Additionally, chickens are […]

The Golden Beauties: A Guide to Buff Orpington Chickens

Backyard chicken keeping has become increasingly popular over the years, and Buff Orpingtons have emerged as a top choice for many enthusiasts. These charming birds are as beautiful as they are friendly, making them an excellent addition to any flock. Buff Orpington chickens were first bred in England by William Cook in the late 19th […]

Chicken Eggs: Surprising Facts

For many of us, eggs are a staple in our diets. They’re versatile and can be cooked in a myriad of ways: boiled, fried, scrambled or baked. Not to mention they’re incredibly cost-effective and packed with nutrition. But have you ever stopped to think about where these little powerhouses come from? That’s right – chickens! […]

Why Chickens Lay White Eggs: Genetics, Breeds, & Environment.

Chicken eggs come in an array of colors, from the classic white and brown to more exotic hues like blue and green. The colors that chickens lay are determined by genetics, so certain breeds will always lay a specific color. However, there are some breeds that can lay more than one color depending on their […]

Chicken Wormer with No Egg Withdrawal: A Safe and Effective Solution for Poultry Health.

I understand the joy and satisfaction that comes from raising chickens. However, keeping our feathered friends healthy is essential to ensure their well-being and the quality of the eggs they provide. One common challenge that backyard chicken keepers face is dealing with worm infestations. In this article, I will share my experiences with using a […]