Backyard Chickens And Pregnancy.

Backyard chickens have become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more people seek to live a sustainable lifestyle by growing their own food. Raising chickens is a great way to get fresh eggs, manure for the garden and the satisfaction of caring for animals. However, pregnant women should be aware of some potential concerns when it comes to keeping backyard chickens.

The Rise of Backyard Chickens

In recent years, many people have turned to backyard chicken rearing as a way to connect with nature, reduce their carbon footprint, and enjoy fresh eggs. Not only do backyard-raised eggs taste better than store-bought ones, but the chickens themselves also make great pets that provide companionship and entertainment.

Potential Concerns for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women should be aware that raising backyard chickens does come with some risks. One major concern is the risk of exposure to bacteria such as salmonella that can cause serious illness or even miscarriage.

Additionally, pregnant women should also be cautious about handling chicken feces which can contain harmful bacteria such as E.coli or Cryptosporidium. Proper hand washing techniques must be practiced after handling any animal waste material or surfaces in contact with it.

Despite these risks, many pregnant women continue to keep backyard chickens throughout their pregnancy by taking appropriate precautions. In this article we will look at both the pros and cons of raising backyard chickens while pregnant so you can decide whether this rewarding hobby is right for you.

Benefits of Keeping Backyard Chickens During Pregnancy

Fresh, Organic Eggs for a Healthy Diet

One of the biggest benefits of keeping backyard chickens during pregnancy is having a steady supply of fresh, organic eggs. These eggs are packed with protein and nutrients that are essential for a healthy pregnancy.

The benefits of consuming organic eggs include increased levels of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and antioxidants. Pregnant women can rest easy knowing that the eggs they consume from their backyard chickens are free from harmful chemicals and additives that supermarket eggs often contain.

Opportunity for Light Exercise and Outdoor Activity

Another advantage to keeping backyard chickens during pregnancy is getting to enjoy some light exercise and outdoor activity. Taking care of the birds can be a fun way to get some fresh air and sunlight while pregnant.

Walking around the yard to collect eggs or refill water bowls is an easy way to make sure you stay active during this time. It’s important to note that pregnant women should not overexert themselves, so it’s best to take breaks often and stay hydrated while caring for your chickens.

Emotional Benefits of Caring for Animals

Caring for animals can have several emotional benefits during pregnancy. Backyard chickens have unique personalities, which makes them entertaining pets that can provide comfort when needed most.

They also offer companionship, which can be especially important if you’re feeling isolated or lonely during your pregnancy. Additionally, taking care of animals has been shown to reduce stress levels in humans – something all pregnant women could benefit from!

Risks and Precautions

While there are definitely benefits to keeping backyard chickens during pregnancy, it’s also important to be aware of the risks and take precautions to avoid potential health issues. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Potential exposure to salmonella and other bacteria

Chickens can carry salmonella and other types of bacteria, which can be harmful if they’re transmitted to humans. Pregnant women are particularly susceptible because their immune systems are often weaker than usual. To reduce your risk of getting sick, make sure you thoroughly cook any eggs you eat, avoid cross-contamination with other foods, and be careful when handling chickens or anything in their environment.

Importance of hand washing and proper hygiene practices

One of the best ways to protect yourself from bacteria is by practicing good hygiene. Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling chickens or anything in their environment.

Don’t touch your face or mouth until you’ve washed your hands. Use hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t readily available.

Avoiding contact with chicken feces

Feces (poop) is a primary source of bacteria that can make humans sick. Avoid contact with chicken poop as much as possible by wearing gloves while cleaning the coop or handling chickens.

Try not to breathe in any dust or particles that may be present while cleaning up chicken waste. By taking these precautions, you can significantly reduce your risk of getting sick from backyard chickens during pregnancy.

Choosing the Right Breeds

Low-Maintenance Breeds that are Docile and Friendly

When it comes to choosing the right breeds of chickens for your backyard flock, it’s important to consider a few factors. First and foremost, you’ll want to select low-maintenance breeds that require minimal care and upkeep. This is especially important during pregnancy when you may not have as much energy or mobility as usual.

Some great options include Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, and Plymouth Rocks. These breeds are known for their friendly dispositions and docile temperaments, making them easy to handle.

Avoiding Aggressive or Flighty Breeds that May Pose a Risk

On the other hand, it’s crucial to avoid aggressive or flighty breeds that may pose a risk during pregnancy. Certain breeds like Leghorns and Sussex chickens tend to be more high-strung and can become easily frightened or aggressive if they feel threatened. This could put you at risk of getting pecked or injured while tending to your flock.

It’s also important to consider the size of the birds when choosing breeds – larger birds like Brahmas may be harder for pregnant women to handle due to their weight. Overall, selecting the right breed of chicken is key in ensuring a safe and enjoyable backyard flock experience during pregnancy.

Coop Maintenance during Pregnancy

Importance of keeping the coop clean to avoid bacteria buildup

Maintaining a clean coop is crucial when it comes to raising backyard chickens, but it is especially important for pregnant women who are more susceptible to illnesses. Keeping the coop clean not only helps prevent the spread of bacteria, but it also creates a healthier environment for both the chickens and their caregivers.

Bacteria can accumulate rapidly in chicken coops, and if left unattended, can lead to serious health issues. Pregnant women should make sure that their coop is cleaned regularly and disinfected using safe and effective methods.

Tips for safe coop cleaning while pregnant

Cleaning the coop can be a daunting task for pregnant women, but with some precautions, it can be done safely. Some tips for safe coop cleaning include wearing gloves and protective clothing such as long sleeves or aprons. Pregnant women should avoid breathing in dust from chicken droppings or bedding materials by wearing a mask or using a wet broom to sweep up debris.

It’s also important to use natural cleaning products such as vinegar or hydrogen peroxide instead of harsh chemicals that may be harmful to both mother and child. After completing any work involving contact with chickens or their environment, remember to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.


Backyard chicken keeping has many benefits for pregnant women, including access to fresh organic eggs, an opportunity for light exercise and outdoor activity, and emotional benefits. However, there are also risks associated with keeping chickens during pregnancy.

Pregnant women should take proper precautions to avoid exposure to bacteria such as salmonella by practicing good hygiene practices and avoiding contact with chicken feces. When choosing breeds for your backyard flock, it’s important to consider low-maintenance breeds that are docile and friendly.

Avoiding aggressive or flighty breeds can help reduce the risk of injury or other complications during pregnancy. Maintaining a clean coop is essential during pregnancy to avoid bacterial buildup.

Proper cleaning techniques include using gloves and masks while cleaning the coop and avoiding contact with chicken waste. Overall, keeping chickens in your backyard can be a great way to enjoy fresh eggs while also experiencing the joys of animal husbandry.

However, pregnant women should take necessary precautions to protect themselves from potential health risks. With proper care and attention given to hygiene practices and breed selection, raising backyard chickens can be a safe and enjoyable experience for all involved.

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