Cream Legbar Chicken Breed Guide

Cream Legbar chickens are a fascinating breed with an interesting history. Developed in the early 20th century in the UK, they were created by crossing Gold Legbars, White Leghorns, and Araucanas. The goal was to produce a chicken that was not only prolific egg layers but also had a beautiful appearance and gentle personality.

Why Cream Legbars are the talk of the town

Today, Cream Legbars have become increasingly popular among backyard chicken keepers for their unique blue eggs and stunning feather patterns. Not only are they excellent egg layers, but they are also friendly and easy to handle.

Additionally, their docile temperament makes them an ideal breed for families with children or anyone looking for a calm addition to their flock. As more people discover this delightful breed’s charms, it’s no surprise that Cream Legbars continue to grow in popularity across the globe.

Appearance and Characteristics

Distinctive physical features of Cream Legbars

One of the most distinguishable features of Cream Legbars is their unique crest of feathers on their head, which resembles a mohawk hairstyle. Their bodies are long and slender, with a distinct curve to their back.

They have large combs and wattles, as well as feathered legs and feet. The roosters are larger than the hens, reaching up to seven pounds in weight, while the hens weigh around five pounds.

Egg production and size

Cream Legbars are known for their prolific egg-laying abilities, producing around 280-320 eggs per year. The eggs are medium-sized with a blue-green tint to the shell due to genetic factors inherited from its Araucana ancestry. These eggs have superior nutritional value compared to regular white or brown eggs.

Temperament and personality

Cream Legbars have an amiable personality and make great pets for families with children. They are active birds that love foraging for food in the yard but also enjoy human interaction. They’re not flighty like some other breeds and can be easily trained to come when called by name.

Roosters can be territorial but generally aren’t aggressive towards humans if they’re socialized from a young age. Hens usually don’t become broody often which is an added bonus for those who just want fresh eggs without having chicks running around!

Housing and Care

Ideal living conditions for Cream Legbars

Cream Legbars are active birds that need a lot of outdoor space to roam around. The ideal living conditions for them would be a spacious coop with enough room for them to move around comfortably.

They prefer being in a well-ventilated area, so make sure the coop is well-ventilated to keep it cool during the hot summer months. It’s also important to keep the coop clean and dry to prevent any health issues from arising.

Feeding requirements and dietary needs

Cream Legbars are omnivores and have specific dietary needs that should be met. They require a balanced diet of protein, calcium, vitamins, and minerals.

You can feed them a combination of commercial feed along with fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and mealworms as treats. It’s important to note that they need access to clean water at all times.

Health concerns to watch out for

Like all poultry breeds, Cream Legbars are susceptible to certain health issues such as respiratory infections or parasites like mites or lice. You can prevent most health problems by maintaining good sanitation practices by keeping their living environment clean and dry at all times. Additionally, ensure their coop is free from drafts during cold weather months as this could lead to respiratory infections.

If you notice any unusual behavior or symptoms in your flock, seek veterinarian advice immediately before it becomes an outbreak among other members of the flock. Taking care of Cream Legbars requires patience and attention but isn’t too difficult once you establish healthy habits like ensuring they receive adequate nutrition & housing maintenance tasks like cleaning their habitats regularly while keeping records of medical information on each bird!

Breeding and Incubation

How to breed Cream Legbars

Breeding Cream Legbars is a fun and rewarding experience for backyard chicken enthusiasts. The breed is autosexing, meaning that you can determine the sex of the chicks at hatch based on their feather color. Males will have lighter colored heads while females will have darker, more distinct markings.

To breed Cream Legbars, choose healthy, unrelated birds with desirable traits such as good egg production or unique coloration. Provide them with a clean living environment and a balanced diet to ensure optimal health.

Incubation period and hatching process

After breeding your Cream Legbars, it’s time to incubate the eggs. The incubation period for Cream Legbar eggs is typically 21-23 days. You can use an incubator or allow a broody hen to sit on the eggs.

During this time, it’s important to maintain proper temperature and humidity levels in order for the embryos to develop properly. Once the chicks begin to hatch, they will need warmth and protection until they are strong enough to join the rest of your flock.

It’s best to let nature take its course during hatching rather than interfering too much as this can cause harm to the developing chicks. Breeding and incubating Cream Legbars takes patience and dedication, but seeing those fluffy little chicks hatch is well worth the effort!

Fun Facts and Trivia

Unique Traits that Set Cream Legbars Apart from Other Breeds

One of the most unique traits of the Cream Legbar chicken breed is their autosexing abilities. This means that you can easily determine the sex of a chick just by looking at its down feathers, which have distinct patterns depending on whether it’s a male or female. Another interesting trait is that they lay blue or green eggs, which are not only aesthetically pleasing but also popular in gourmet markets.

Interesting Historical Facts about the Breed

The Cream Legbar was created in the 1930s by Reginald Crundall Punnett and Michael Pease at the Genetical Institute of Cambridge University in England. They crossbred three different breeds – the Leghorn, Barred Plymouth Rock, and Araucana – to create a new breed with excellent egg-laying abilities and striking appearance. The breed was officially recognized by the Poultry Club of Great Britain in 1958.

During World War II, Cream Legbars became increasingly popular for their reliable egg production during food rationing. They were also used for their meat, which was considered superior to other breeds due to their leaner muscle mass.

In recent years, Cream Legbars have regained popularity among backyard chicken keepers due to their unique features and friendly temperament. They are known for being curious and active birds that enjoy foraging for insects and exploring their surroundings.


Cream Legbars are a fantastic choice for backyard chicken keepers who want a beautiful, friendly, and productive breed. With their distinctive blue eggs and striking appearance, they are a source of joy and pride for any flock owner. Cream Legbars are also known for their friendly personalities and intelligence, making them delightful pets that are easy to bond with.

They are excellent egg layers that produce high-quality eggs year-round, making them both practical and enjoyable to keep. So if you’re considering getting chickens for your backyard flock, be sure to give Cream Legbars some serious consideration!

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