Do Free Range Chickens Need Grit?

Free-range chickens are the chicken breeds that are allowed to roam freely outdoors, getting access to natural sunlight and fresh air. These birds can range from commercial egg-layers to heritage breed chickens, and they all share one thing in common – their need for adequate nutrition.

Feeding free-range chickens may seem simple, but it’s not as easy as tossing table scraps out the back door and letting them fend for themselves. Free-range chickens require a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients necessary to keep them healthy and productive.

Free-Range Chickens

Free-range chickens are domesticated birds that have been given access to roam outdoors freely. They can scratch for bugs or worms in the soil, dust bathe in dry dirt or sand, and enjoy fresh greens or grasses.

Compared to their caged counterparts, free-range chickens have more space to move around, which can be beneficial for their well-being. These birds also get access to natural sunlight and fresh air that can improve their overall health.

Providing free-range chickens with a balanced diet is essential because it ensures that they get all the nutrients they need for growth and development. A balanced diet includes protein sources like mealworms or crickets; grains such as corn or wheat; fruits such as berries; vegetables like spinach, kale, or carrots; and grit. Grit is an essential component of a chicken’s diet because it helps break down food in their gizzard—an organ responsible for grinding up food before it enters the small intestine where nutrients get absorbed into the bloodstream.

Without grit in their diets, free-range birds can develop digestive problems leading to malnutrition—also known as “starve-out.” Providing free-range chickens with a balanced diet is not only essential for their overall health but also for producing quality meat and eggs.

Chickens that receive improper nutrition may lay fewer eggs, have stunted growth, or even produce abnormal shells. So, it’s essential to provide these birds with the right diet to ensure they thrive.

What is Grit?

Chickens require grit in their diet to help them digest their food. Grit is made up of small, hard particles such as sand, tiny rocks, and stones.

Chickens do not have teeth to chew their food before swallowing, so the grit in their gizzard grinds and crushes the food they consume into smaller pieces that can be easily digested. Grit comes in two types: insoluble and soluble.

Insoluble grit includes small stones or pebbles that do not dissolve in the chicken’s digestive system. Soluble grit can include materials like oyster shells that dissolve slowly over time.

Chickens need a proper balance of both types of grit to support their digestion properly. Without enough grit, chickens may become sick or even die because they are unable to break down their food efficiently.

The Gritty Truth: Do Free-Range Chickens Need Grit?

Grit is an essential part of a chicken’s diet and plays a crucial role in their digestive system. It is made up of small stones or pebbles that the chicken ingests, and it helps to grind down food in their gizzards, which makes it easier for them to digest.

When free-range chickens are given access to grit, they can more efficiently process their feed and absorb nutrients. This means they can produce better quality eggs, have stronger immune systems, and grow healthier overall.

While providing grit to free-range chickens has many benefits, some experts believe that it may not be necessary. If these birds have access to rough surfaces like gravel or concrete, they will naturally pick up small stones and pebbles while foraging for food. Additionally, many commercial feeds already contain a certain amount of grit mixed into the pellets.

However, other factors such as age and size of the chicken also come into play when deciding whether or not they need additional sources of grit. Overall though, giving free-range chickens access to grit is good practice if you want your birds to thrive in your backyard flock.

Factors to Consider When Deciding Whether to Provide Grit

Age and Size of the Chickens

When it comes to deciding whether or not to provide grit for your free-range chickens, age and size are two important factors to consider. Young chicks will need chick-sized grit, while adult birds will require larger-sized grit. The size of the grit is important because if it’s too small, it won’t effectively grind down their food in their gizzard.

Additionally, if your chickens are on the larger side, they may need a larger size of grit than smaller breeds. It’s essential to select an appropriate size of grit that is suitable for the age and size of your flock.

Type of Feed Provided

Another important factor to consider when deciding whether or not to provide grit for your free-range chickens is the type of feed you’re giving them. If you’re feeding them whole grains such as corn or wheat, they’ll need a sufficient supply of grit because these foods are more difficult for them to digest without it.

However, if they’re eating a commercial feed that already contains pre-ground ingredients, then providing additional commercial grit may not be necessary. It’s crucial that you understand what nutrients your flock needs from their diet so that you can adjust their diet accordingly.

Availability of Natural Sources of Grit in the Environment

While providing commercial grit is an option, some people prefer relying on natural sources instead. Free-range chickens have access to many natural sources such as small rocks or pebbles in soil or dirt patches around their environment that can serve as excellent sources of natural grit. These sources meet their needs without needing extra supplementation by humans.

Keep in mind; however; not all environments may have enough natural sources available consistently enough year-round. Determining whether or not free-range chickens need supplemental gritty materials requires more than a simple yes or no answer.

Instead, it depends on the factors discussed above. By taking into account these factors, you can make an informed decision about providing grit for your free-range chickens to help ensure that they have a healthy digestive system and maintain optimal health and well-being.

How to provide grit to free-range chickens

Free-range chickens need access to grit to help them digest their food properly. While they might be able to find some natural sources of grit in their environment, providing additional grit is often necessary. Here are some ways you can provide it:

Different types of commercial grit available

Commercial grit is a readily available option for providing additional nutrients to your free-range chickens. There are various types of commercial grit available, including granite, oyster shell, and limestone.

Each type has a unique set of benefits that can help improve the health and wellbeing of your birds. Granite is often used as poultry grit as it contains small particles that can break down food in the gizzard properly.

Oyster shell has a high calcium content which helps support strong eggshell production in hens. Limestone is also rich in calcium and other essential minerals but should be used with caution since overfeeding this type of poultry may lead to high levels of calcium carbonate in their system.

Natural sources of grit that can be added to their environment

Free-range chickens can find natural sources of gravel or small stones on the ground that they will naturally pick up and swallow as needed. However, if you own a large flock or have limited outdoor space for your birds then providing them with supplemental natural resources would be more helpful.

Some examples include crushed eggshells which contain calcium and other minerals which are essential for good bone development; sand or soil mixed with fine gravel; ground-up clam shells and seashells are also good sources since they contain high levels of calcium carbonate. By ensuring your free range chickens have access to both commercial poultry grit options and natural alternatives, you provide them with adequate digestion support as well as essential vitamins and minerals for overall health.


Free-range chickens have a lot of advantages over their caged counterparts, but it’s important to make sure they’re getting all the nutrients they need. While there are differing opinions on whether grit is essential for free-range chickens, the benefits of providing them with this important source of minerals cannot be ignored.

In this article, we’ve talked about what grit is and why it’s important for chickens. We’ve explored whether free-range chickens need grit and discussed some factors to consider when deciding whether to provide it. We’ve looked at different ways you can provide grit to your free-range flock.

If you want your free-range chickens to thrive, it’s essential that they have access to a balanced diet that includes adequate amounts of grit. This will help ensure that they’re getting all the minerals and nutrients they need to stay healthy and lay delicious eggs.

Remember, happy hens lay more eggs and produce higher quality meat. So don’t skimp on their diet!

By providing your chickens with enough grit in addition to other essential nutrients such as protein and calcium you’ll be ensuring top-notch health in your flock. So get out there today and start improving your free-ranging chicken’s diet!

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