Easy Chicken Coop Upgrades for Happier Hens

Chicken coops are an important part of keeping backyard chickens. They provide a safe and secure place for chickens to roost, lay eggs, and eat.

However, many chicken owners may not realize how easy it is to improve their coop to make it more comfortable for their feathered friends. In this article, we’ll explore some simple upgrades that can make all the difference in the quality of life for your chickens.

The Importance of Chicken Coops

Before diving into specific upgrades, let’s talk about why chicken coops are so important. Aside from providing shelter from harsh weather conditions and predators, a good coop also ensures that your chickens have a safe place to roost at night. This is crucial because without a secure place to sleep, chickens are susceptible to being attacked by predators such as raccoons or foxes.

The Benefits of Upgrading Your Chicken Coop

If you’re already keeping chickens in a basic coop setup, you might be wondering why you should bother upgrading it. The truth is that upgrading your chicken coop can have numerous benefits for both you and your birds.

Firstly, improving the coop can help keep your birds healthier. A well-ventilated coop with plenty of space helps prevent the spread of disease among your flock.

Additionally, providing nesting boxes encourages hens to lay eggs in one spot instead of scattering them around the coop where they could get dirty or broken. Furthermore, improving your chicken’s living quarters can actually increase egg production!

Hens need between 12-16 hours of light per day in order to lay eggs consistently year-round. By adding artificial lighting or windows to the coop, you can ensure that they get enough light even during the darker months.

In short: upgrading your chicken coop is a win-win situation for you and your birds. Let’s dive into some easy upgrades you can make to improve their quality of life!

Adding a Roosting Bar

Give Your Chickens a Comfy Place to Sleep

Chickens need a good night’s rest, just like humans do. That’s where a roosting bar comes in handy. A roosting bar provides a comfortable perch for chickens to sleep on and helps keep them safe from predators that might lurk around the coop at night.

To install one, first measure the length of your coop and cut a piece of wood or PVC pipe to size. Next, drill two holes on either end of the bar and attach it securely to the walls of your coop using screws or brackets.

Installing Nesting Boxes

Giving Your Hens Some Privacy

Nesting boxes are essential for egg-laying hens because they provide a private and comfortable space for them to lay their eggs. Without nesting boxes, hens may lay their eggs anywhere in the coop, making it difficult for you to find them all.

To install nesting boxes, find or build boxes that are large enough for your hens to comfortably fit inside (about 12″ x 12″ x 12″) and attach them securely to the wall of your coop. You can also add bedding material such as straw or wood shavings for added comfort.

Adding Ventilation

Giving Your Chickens Fresh Air

Proper ventilation is important in order to prevent respiratory issues among chickens and ensure they are getting enough fresh air. To add ventilation without spending too much money, consider adding vents near the top of your coop walls or installing small windows that can be opened and closed as needed. Another option is to add mesh wire screens over existing openings in your coop walls.

Providing More Space

Giving Your Chickens Room to Roam

Chickens need plenty of space to move around and exercise. If your coop is on the smaller side, there are several creative ways to increase space.

One option is to use vertical space by adding shelves or perches that chickens can jump up on. Another option is to add an outdoor run that gives chickens more room to roam and explore.

Improving Lighting

Giving Your Chickens a Brighter Future

Lighting is an important factor in egg production as it signals hens when it’s time to lay eggs. To improve lighting in your coop, consider adding windows or skylights that allow natural light in during the day.

You can also install artificial lights on a timer so that they come on early in the morning and turn off after dark, mimicking natural daylight hours. Giving your chickens a brighter future will ensure you get plenty of delicious eggs from them year-round!


Upgrading your chicken coop can have a number of benefits for both you and your chickens. By adding a roosting bar, nesting boxes, ventilation, more space, and improved lighting, your chickens will be happier and healthier. They will produce more eggs and be less prone to disease.

You will also benefit by having a cleaner coop that is easier to maintain. These easy upgrades are affordable and can make all the difference in the world.

If you’re looking for an easy way to improve your chicken coop, look no further than these simple upgrades. You don’t need to spend a lot of money or have any special skills to add a roosting bar, nesting boxes, ventilation, more space or improved lighting.

With just a few hours of work, you can give your chickens the home they deserve – one that is comfortable and safe. So why not try it out?

Gather some materials and get started on upgrading your coop today! Your chickens (and their eggs) will thank you for it!

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