Examining the Plainfield, NJ Chicken Keeping Ordinance: Balancing Freedom and Community Harmony.

I was disheartened to learn that an ordinance was passed in Plainfield, NJ in 2021, prohibiting the non-commercial raising and keeping of chickens within the city limits.

In this article, I will delve into the implications of this ordinance and discuss the potential benefits of allowing backyard chicken keeping in urban areas.

Join me as we explore the topic from a first-person perspective and shed light on the value that small-scale chicken keeping can bring to communities.

Understanding the Plainfield Chicken Ordinance

In 2021, Plainfield, NJ, a vibrant city with a diverse community, passed an ordinance prohibiting the non-commercial raising and keeping of chickens within the city limits.

This decision raises questions about the reasons behind such a prohibition and its potential impact on residents who aspire to engage in backyard chicken keeping. Let’s delve deeper into the topic to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

The Importance of Urban Chicken Keeping

Connection with Nature and Food Source

One of the primary reasons why individuals choose to keep backyard chickens is to establish a deeper connection with nature and their food source. Raising chickens allows people to witness firsthand the entire life cycle of these incredible creatures, from hatching to egg-laying. It fosters an appreciation for where our food comes from and encourages a more sustainable lifestyle.

Self-Sustainability and Food Security

In today’s fast-paced world, many people are striving for self-sustainability and food security. By keeping chickens in their backyards, individuals can have a direct and reliable source of fresh eggs, reducing their dependence on commercial egg production. This promotes a sense of autonomy and resilience within the community, empowering individuals to take control of their food supply.

Educational Opportunities

Backyard chicken keeping provides excellent educational opportunities, especially for children. It teaches them about responsibility, compassion, and the natural processes of life. Kids can learn how to care for animals, understand the importance of providing a nurturing environment, and develop a sense of empathy towards living creatures. These lessons contribute to their personal growth and understanding of the world around them.

The Benefits of Allowing Backyard Chicken Keeping

Sustainable Waste Management

Chickens are excellent waste managers. They naturally consume food scraps, kitchen leftovers, and garden waste, transforming them into nutrient-rich compost for gardens. Allowing backyard chicken keeping in urban areas promotes sustainable waste management practices, reducing the strain on landfills and encouraging a circular economy mindset.

Pest Control and Natural Lawn Maintenance

Chickens are known for their natural pest control abilities. They eagerly consume bugs, insects, and even small rodents, helping to keep pest populations in check. In urban areas where pests can be a common nuisance, backyard chickens offer an environmentally friendly and chemical-free solution. Additionally, their pecking behavior helps to aerate the soil, promoting healthier lawns and gardens.

Community Building and Social Interaction

Backyard chicken keeping has the potential to foster community building and social interaction. It serves as a common interest that brings neighbors together, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and even surplus eggs. Community chicken-keeping initiatives can organize coop tours, workshops, and educational events, strengthening neighborhood bonds and promoting a sense of camaraderie.

Finding a Middle Ground

While the ordinance in Plainfield, NJ prohibits non-commercial chicken keeping, it’s crucial to address concerns about noise, odor, and proper care of chickens. It is possible to find a middle ground that allows responsible backyard chicken keeping in urban areas. Implementing regulations and guidelines can ensure that chicken keepers adhere to best practices and maintain the well-being of their chickens while being considerate of their neighbors.

Clearly Define Guidelines

To strike a balance between individual freedoms and community harmony, it is important to clearly define guidelines and regulations for backyard chicken keeping in urban areas like Plainfield, NJ. These guidelines can address concerns related to noise, odor, and the proper care of chickens while allowing residents to engage in responsible chicken keeping. By establishing specific rules, the city can ensure that chicken keepers adhere to best practices and maintain the well-being of their chickens, while also being considerate of their neighbors.

  • Noise Control: Establishing guidelines for noise control is crucial to address potential concerns from nearby residents. Limiting the number of chickens per household and specifying appropriate coop design can help minimize noise levels. Additionally, providing education on noise-reducing measures such as soundproofing coop structures can further mitigate potential disturbances.
  • Odor Management: Proper waste management is essential for controlling odors associated with chicken keeping. Guidelines can include instructions on composting chicken waste effectively, maintaining clean coops, and regularly removing waste to prevent unpleasant odors. Educating chicken keepers on proper waste disposal methods and providing resources for composting can contribute to odor control efforts.
  • Health and Safety: Ensuring the health and safety of both chickens and residents is paramount. Guidelines should outline recommended practices for chicken care, including proper nutrition, access to clean water, regular veterinary check-ups, and appropriate vaccination schedules. It is important to emphasize the responsibility of chicken keepers to maintain a clean and disease-free environment.
  • Zoning and Space Requirements: Clearly defining zoning regulations and space requirements for backyard chicken keeping is necessary to prevent overcrowding and maintain a harmonious community. Guidelines can specify the minimum square footage required per chicken, coop placement restrictions, and appropriate setbacks from neighboring properties. This ensures that chickens have adequate space to roam, minimizes the impact on neighboring properties, and promotes the overall well-being of the chickens.
  • Education and Resources: Providing educational resources and workshops for aspiring chicken keepers can contribute to responsible chicken keeping practices. Workshops can cover topics such as coop construction, chicken health and nutrition, waste management, and proper handling techniques. By offering resources and support, the community can empower chicken keepers with the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain healthy and happy chickens.
  • Monitoring and Enforcement: Establishing a monitoring and enforcement mechanism can ensure compliance with the established guidelines. Designating a department or committee responsible for overseeing chicken keeping practices and responding to complaints can help address any issues promptly. Regular inspections and open communication channels between chicken keepers and city officials can foster a collaborative approach to maintaining compliance and resolving concerns.


While the passing of the ordinance in Plainfield, NJ may have initially prohibited non-commercial chicken keeping, it is important to recognize the potential benefits and value that backyard chicken keeping can bring to urban communities.

By implementing clear guidelines and regulations, addressing concerns, and providing resources and support, a middle ground can be achieved that allows responsible and sustainable chicken keeping practices. This promotes a sense of self-sufficiency, connection with nature, and community building while maintaining harmony within the city.

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