Flock Blocks: The Nutritious & Fun Chicken Treat

Chickens are fascinating creatures that require love, care, and attention to thrive. One of the essential aspects of their care is providing them with an adequate diet to meet their nutritional needs.

While chickens enjoy a variety of treats, flock blocks have gained immense popularity among chicken keepers in recent years. These dense cubes come packed with nutritious ingredients that can benefit your birds’ health and well-being in various ways.

The Rise of Flock Blocks

Flock blocks were initially created for commercial poultry farms as a way to provide essential nutrients and minerals to a large number of chickens in one go. Later on, smaller flocks started using them as well because they found flock blocks to be both convenient and effective in promoting healthy bird behavior and nutrition.

Flock blocks offer numerous benefits that can enhance your chicken’s quality of life. They provide not only supplementary nutrition but also encourage natural behaviors such as pecking and scratching while simultaneously reducing boredom-induced stress levels. In this article, we will dive deeper into the world of flock blocks, exploring what they are, how they work, why chickens need them (and love them!), how to use them correctly, and even how you can make your own at home!

What are Flock Blocks?

Flock blocks are specially formulated treats for chickens that provide essential nutrients and minerals. Unlike other chicken treats like scratch grains which are often low in nutritional value, flock blocks are made with high-quality ingredients that promote healthy digestion, encourage natural pecking behavior while reducing stress and boredom.

How do Flock Blocks Differ from Other Chicken Treats?

Flock blocks differ from other chicken treats because they offer a concentrated source of nutrition and can keep chickens occupied for long periods. Unlike scratch grains which can be eaten quickly, flock blocks can last up to several weeks depending on the size of your flock and how often you provide them as a treat.

Types of Flock Blocks Available in the Market

There are several types of flock blocks available in the market including organic, herbal, or molting blocks. Organic flock blocks typically contain all-natural grains such as corn, wheat, and barley fortified with essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D to promote healthy egg production.

Herbal flock block varieties contain herbs such as oregano or thyme known for their immune-boosting properties. Molting blocks provide additional protein to support feather regrowth during molting season.

When selecting a flock block it’s important to read the label carefully to understand its nutritional content as well as any additives or preservatives that may be included. With so many options available in the market today it’s easy to find one that suits your specific needs whether you’re looking for an organic option or something more specialized like an immune-boosting variety.

Benefits of Flock Blocks for Chickens

Providing essential nutrients and minerals

Flock blocks are specifically designed to provide chickens with the vital nutrients and minerals they need to maintain optimal health. They contain a variety of ingredients such as grains, seeds, and vitamins that help supplement their diet.

For example, some flock blocks may contain calcium which helps strengthen their eggshells or protein-rich ingredients like mealworms that aid in muscle growth. By including flock blocks in your chicken’s diet, you can rest assured that they are getting all the essential nutrients they need.

Encouraging natural pecking behavior

Chickens are natural foragers who love to peck and scratch for food. Unfortunately, when confined to a small coop or run area, chickens may not have access to an adequate amount of things to peck at, leading to boredom and even aggression towards each other.

Flock blocks can encourage these natural behaviors by providing a peckable object that chickens can enjoy for hours on end. This not only satisfies their instinct but also keeps them occupied and reduces behavioral issues.

Reducing boredom and stress

As mentioned earlier, flock blocks can help reduce boredom by providing an activity-rich experience for your chickens. But beyond that, they also reduce stress levels by creating a calming environment in which your birds feel comfortable and safe.

When chickens feel stressed or anxious it can lead to negative behaviors such as feather plucking or egg-laying issues. Providing them with something fun like flock blocks can keep them relaxed and happy.

Promoting healthy digestion

Last but not least is the digestive benefits of feeding flock blocks to your feathered friends. A well-balanced diet is crucial for proper digestion in chickens, but sometimes it’s tough to get everything they need from feed alone.

Flock blocks can help stimulate their digestive system by providing a variety of ingredients that encourage healthy gut flora and regular digestive motility. This can lead to a healthier overall microbiome and better egg-laying productivity.

How to Use Flock Blocks

Placement in the Coop or Run Area

When it comes to placing flock blocks in your chicken’s living space, you’ll want to provide easy access while also making sure they don’t get dirty or wet. One option is to hang the block from a rope or chain at chicken head height in their run area.

Alternatively, you can place it in a location where chickens tend to congregate, like near their water source or roosting area. Just be mindful of where you put it so that it doesn’t get knocked over and become wasted.

Frequency of Feeding

Flock blocks are meant to be a supplemental treat rather than a substitute for your bird’s regular feed. Depending on the size of your flock and the size of the block itself, you may only need one every couple of weeks. However, if you have a larger group of chickens or a smaller block, consider providing them with one every week for more consistent access to essential nutrients.

Monitoring Consumption

It’s important to keep an eye on how much your chickens are consuming when it comes to flock blocks. While they’re not typically harmful when consumed in moderation, overconsumption could lead to digestive issues and nutrient imbalances within your flock.

Make sure that they’re not ignoring their regular feed altogether and only pecking at the block all day long. If you notice this happening, limit their access by removing it temporarily until they finish their main meal first before offering the block again.

DIY Flock Blocks

A Cheaper and More Personal Alternative

If you’re looking for a cheaper and more personal alternative to commercial flock blocks, why not make your own? Homemade flock blocks are easy to make with common household ingredients and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your flock. Plus, it’s a fun activity that can involve the whole family!

Simple Recipe for Homemade Flock Blocks

To make your own flock block, you’ll need the following ingredients:


  • 2 cups scratch grains
  • 1/2 cup cornmeal
  • 1/4 cup wheat bran
  • 1/4 cup molasses
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup water Instructions


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients.
  3. In a separate small bowl, mix molasses, honey, and water.
  4. Add wet ingredients to dry mixture and mix well.
  5. Spoon mixture into a greased muffin tin.
  6. Bake in preheated oven for about 30 minutes or until golden brown.

The Advantages of Making Your Own Flock Block

Making your own flock block has several advantages over buying commercial alternatives. Firstly, it allows you to control exactly what goes into it so you can ensure that your chicken is getting the nutrients they need without any harmful additives or preservatives.

Secondly, homemade flock blocks are typically less expensive than commercial ones in the long run since many of the ingredients are already available in most households. Making your own flock block can be an enjoyable hobby that allows you to bond with your chickens while providing them with nutritious treats!


Flock blocks are a great addition to any chicken’s diet. They provide important nutrients, minerals, and other benefits that help keep chickens healthy and happy. By feeding your chickens flock blocks, you can encourage natural pecking behavior, reduce stress and boredom, promote healthy digestion, and provide a tasty treat that your birds will love.

Whether you choose to buy pre-made flock blocks or make your own at home with simple ingredients, there are many options available to suit your needs. By following the tips outlined in this article for using flock blocks properly and monitoring consumption, you can be sure that your chickens are getting the most out of their treats.

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