Ground Cover for Chicken Run

If you own chickens, then you know how important it is to provide them with a healthy and safe environment. One crucial element of a chicken’s habitat that often gets overlooked is the ground cover. The ground cover refers to the material that covers the floor of your chicken run.

It can be anything from grass to wood chips or even straw. So why is ground cover so important for your chicken run?

Firstly, it improves drainage and soil quality. When chickens scratch around in bare dirt, they create dust baths, which can lead to soil erosion and compacted soil.

Adding ground cover helps absorb excess moisture from rain or watering and allows the soil to breathe, creating an ideal growing environment for plants that are beneficial to both your flock and the environment. This way, your chicken run floor will remain dry during wet conditions, reducing mud build-up as well as preventing fungal growth and bacteria that could lead to disease outbreaks.

Secondly, using ground covers also reduces risks associated with pests such as mites or worms which find their homes in bare dirt areas like those found in traditional runs without adequate covering materials for instance grasses or herbs among others. By having thick dense vegetation in an enclosed area where the chickens are free-range, parasites have less space to transmit diseases through direct contact with birds; hence they won’t be able to thrive nor breed effectively due lack of access to sunlight such plants provide which helps deter them from settling in overcrowded conditions too often seen when there’s no proper care given towards ground coverage management practices inside chicken pens.

Not only does using ground cover improve drainage and prevent parasites’ infestation but it also enhances the overall health and comfort level of your flock by providing them a more natural environment similar to what they would experience if allowed outdoors on pasture land instead of being kept indoors all day long without any exposure whatsoever except artificial light. In the sections that follow, we will explore some of the factors to consider when choosing ground cover and the best options available for your chicken run.

The Importance of Ground Cover in a Chicken Run

Keeping chickens can be a rewarding experience, but it also comes with several responsibilities. One of the most important ones is providing clean and safe living conditions for your birds.

A crucial aspect of this is ensuring that the ground in their run is covered properly. Ground cover has numerous benefits for chicken runs, including improved drainage and soil quality.

Without any cover, chicken droppings and other waste can accumulate on the ground, creating unsanitary conditions that can lead to disease and pest problems. Over time, this can also cause soil compaction and erosion, making it more difficult for vegetation to grow.

A layer of organic matter such as grass or herbs helps to absorb moisture from the soil, preventing waterlogging and maintaining a healthy balance of nutrients. This not only creates better living conditions for chickens but also encourages beneficial organisms like earthworms and microbes that contribute to soil health.

By choosing the right ground cover options for your chicken run, you can create a healthy ecosystem that benefits both your flock and the environment around them. Another advantage of using ground cover in chicken runs is that it reduces the risk of pests and diseases.

Open areas with bare soil are more susceptible to infestations from mites, lice, flies or other parasites that thrive in warm and damp environments. These pests can cause health issues for your birds as well as make their living conditions uncomfortable.

Covering the ground with plants or mulches provides shade, which helps keep temperatures down during summer months while reducing moisture levels naturally which inhibits breeding grounds for pests such as flies or mosquitoes. By limiting pest infestations at their source you will ultimately reduce overall maintenance costs while ensuring happier hens!

Factors to Consider When Choosing Ground Cover

Climate and Weather Conditions

The climate and weather conditions in your area can have a significant impact on the type of ground cover you choose for your chicken run. Some ground covers thrive in hot, dry climates, while others do better in cooler, wetter conditions. It’s important to consider the average temperature and rainfall in your area when selecting a ground cover for your chicken run.

If you live in an area with high temperatures and little rainfall, you may want to consider a grass like Bermuda or Ryegrass that is drought-tolerant. On the other hand, if you live in a cooler climate with plenty of rainfall, Fescue grass or clovers like Red or White Clover might be better options.

Soil Type and pH Level

The type of soil and pH level are also important factors to consider when choosing ground cover for your chicken run. Different types of ground covers grow best in different soil types, so it’s important to know what type of soil you have before making a decision.

If the soil is acidic (low pH), clovers like White Clover are excellent choices as they thrive best under these conditions. If the soil is alkaline (high pH), then Bermuda Grass will perform well as it prefers alkaline soils.

Cost and Availability

Cost and availability are also important considerations when selecting a ground cover for your chicken run. Some ground covers can be expensive to purchase initially but provide long-term benefits while others may be cheaper initially but require more maintenance over time. It’s essential to balance cost with long-term benefits when choosing which option to go for.

You don’t want something that will require constant replacement or maintenance; otherwise, it will end up being more expensive than what you would have spent on an option that requires less upkeep but provides more extended-term value. It’s also vital to consider the availability of the ground cover in your area as some options may not be readily available depending on where you live.

Best Ground Cover Options for Chicken Runs

If you’re looking for the best ground cover options for your chicken run, there are many choices to consider. Depending on the climate, soil type and other factors, some ground covers may be better suited than others. Here are some of the best options to consider:


Grasses are a popular choice for chicken runs because they provide a soft and durable surface that is easy to maintain. Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass that thrives in hot and humid climates.

It’s a great option if you live in an area with long summers because it’s drought-tolerant and resists wear and tear from chickens scratching around. Ryegrass is another popular choice because it grows quickly and has good resistance to foot traffic.

It’s also cold-tolerant, so it can survive winters in areas with moderate temperatures. Fescue grass is another good option because it’s adaptable to a wide range of soil types and can withstand heavy grazing from chickens.


Herbs are not only aromatic but also offer numerous health benefits to your chickens when eaten. Mint is an excellent option that repels pests while providing antiseptic properties that can help prevent respiratory infections in chickens. Thyme, on the other hand, improves respiratory health while oregano has antibacterial properties that promote healthy gut flora.


Clovers are another popular option due to their nitrogen-fixing properties which improve soil fertility naturally by converting atmospheric nitrogen into usable forms for plants growth. White clover is one of the most commonly used choices as it grows fast and provides excellent forage for chickens while enriching the soil with valuable nutrients like potassium or calcium. Red Clover also offers some benefits such as improving blood circulation but differs slightly from white clover as it needs less maintenance since it grows slower.

Other Options

If grasses, herbs or clovers do not suit your preference, you can always opt for other options such as wood chips or shavings or straw or hay. Wood chips are an excellent option if you’re looking for a long-lasting solution that also controls odors. Straw and hay are great alternatives if you’re on a budget and looking for something that is easy to access; however, the material can attract pests if not changed out regularly.


Using ground cover in a chicken run is highly beneficial for both the chickens and their owners. The right type of ground cover can reduce the risk of pests and diseases, improve soil quality and drainage, and enhance overall chicken health and comfort. With so many options available, it’s important to consider factors such as climate, soil type, cost, and availability when choosing the best ground cover for your specific needs.

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance option that provides year-round coverage in warmer climates, Bermuda grass may be your best bet. Its drought tolerance and sturdy growth make it ideal for high-traffic areas while also providing necessary shade for chickens during hot summer days.

Alternatively, fescue grass offers a softer blade that’s gentle on chicken feet while also providing ample nutrition in cooler climates. For those concerned about pests such as mites or lice, planting herbs like mint or oregano can act as a natural deterrent while providing fresh greens to supplement your chickens’ diet.

Additionally, clovers like white or red varieties offer easy maintenance with added benefits like nitrogen fixation that can improve soil quality over time. Ultimately, the best ground cover option will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Experimenting with different options may be necessary to find what works best for you and your flock. By considering the important factors outlined above, however, you’ll be well on your way to creating a healthy environment that benefits both you and happy hens alike!

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