Guide to Chicken Feeder Shelters for Your Flock

Chickens are great pets and can even provide you with fresh eggs every day. However, to keep your chickens healthy and happy, it’s important to provide them with proper care and shelter.

One of the important components of chicken care is the provision of food. It’s essential that the feed is kept dry, clean, and protected from pests such as rodents.

A chicken feeder shelter is a structure designed to protect your chicken feed from various weather elements, pests, and rodents that may cause damage or contaminate the feed. The feeder shelter will make sure that your chickens have access to clean and dry food anytime they need it.

Importance of Providing Shelter for Chickens

Just like humans need shelter to survive harsh weather conditions, chickens also need adequate protection in their living environment. Besides providing food protection, having a feeder shelter ensures that chickens have somewhere to go during hot summer days or cold winter nights when they aren’t roosting inside their coop. This can be beneficial in reducing heat stress during extreme temperatures.

Providing a feeder shelter for your flock saves you money by preventing feed waste due to exposure or contamination while ensuring optimal nutrition for your birds. It’s also an affordable way to keep your chickens safe from pests while giving them an additional shaded area outside their coop.

Types of Chicken Feeder Shelters

When it comes to chicken feeder shelters, there are a variety of options available on the market. The size and capacity of the shelter can vary depending on how many chickens you have.

Some designs also allow for easy access to the feed, while others require manual refilling. Here are some basic design features and types of chicken feeder shelters:

Basic Design and Features

The most basic design for a chicken feeder shelter includes a container to hold the feed and some sort of covering to protect it from weather elements. Many designs also include an opening for chickens to access the feed. While simple in design, this type of shelter can be effective in keeping food dry and preventing pests from accessing it.

DIY Options

If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, DIY chicken feeder shelters can be made using simple materials such as PVC pipes or plastic containers. These types of shelters can be customized to fit your individual needs, such as adding more openings or increasing capacity.

Commercially Available Options

For those who prefer not to make their own shelters or want something with more features, there are commercially available options on the market. Some designs feature automatic feeders that dispense food at timed intervals, while others have larger capacities for those with larger flocks.

It’s important to research and compare different options before making a purchase to ensure that the shelter meets your specific needs. With these different types of chicken feeder shelters available, it’s important to consider what will work best for you and your flock while keeping their safety and well-being in mind.

Benefits of Chicken Feeder Shelter

Protection from Weather Elements

One of the biggest benefits of having a chicken feeder shelter is that it provides protection to your chickens’ feed from weather elements. You don’t want your chicken feed to get wet or damaged due to rain, snow, or intense sunlight.

These weather conditions can promote the growth of bacteria and mold in the feed, which can make your chickens sick. A chicken feeder shelter will help keep the feed dry and fresh and protect it from getting damaged.

Reducing Feed Waste

Another advantage of having a feeder shelter is that it reduces the amount of feed waste. When you place the feed on an open surface, chickens often scratch and scatter it around while looking for their favorite morsels.

This causes unnecessary waste, as well as makes feeding time messy and difficult. With a mini-shelter over the feeder tray or container, you will reduce this wastage as most scattered food will end up back into the tray/container.

Preventing Pests and Rodents Accessing The Feed

A major issue that poultry owners face is pests like mice and rats stealing eggs or eating chicken food in open areas. A properly sealed feeder shelter will prevent such pests from accessing your chickens’ food supply altogether since they would have no way to gnaw through a sturdy material like plastic or metal coverings.

Additionally, some types have secured bases with legs which elevate them off the ground reducing risks even more. By providing your hens with access to their own private feeding space by using a feeder shelter will not only help keep their food fresh but also improve their health by giving them an element of protection from weather elements while minimizing wastage and keeping unwanted visitors away!

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Chicken Feeder Shelter

Size and Capacity: What Works Best for Your Flock?

Choosing the right size and capacity for your chicken feeder shelter is crucial. You don’t want the shelter to be too small and cramped, as that can lead to overcrowding and stress among your chickens. On the other hand, you don’t want it to be too big either, as that would result in unnecessary expenses.

Your selection should depend on the number of chickens you have. For instance, if you have a large flock of 20 or more chickens, a feeder with a capacity of at least 30 pounds would suffice.

Material Used for Construction: Durability is Key

When it comes to building a chicken feeder shelter, the material used for construction plays an essential role in determining its durability. Your choice should be based on factors such as location, climate conditions, and budget. Many people choose wood due to its availability and affordability.

However, wooden feeders are prone to rotting if not properly maintained or treated with water-resistant coatings. Galvanized steel feeders are also popular due to their durability and resistance against harsh weather elements.

Ease of Cleaning and Maintenance: Keep It Clean!

Keeping the chicken feeder clean is vital for the health of your birds as well as reducing feed waste caused by contamination from dirt or debris build-up. Therefore, selecting a feeder that is easy to clean is essential.

A good design should allow easy access for cleaning purposes without disassembling or dismantling any part of it entirely. Opting for removable components such as trays or lids will make cleaning less cumbersome and time-consuming while promoting better hygiene maintenance practices.

How to Build a DIY Chicken Feeder Shelter

Required Materials and Tools

If you’re interested in building your own chicken feeder shelter, you’ll need to gather some materials and tools first. Here are some of the things you’ll need:

  • A sheet of plywood
  • Two 2×4 wooden beams
  • Nails or screws – A saw
  • Measuring tape – Sandpaper

You can find most of these materials at your local hardware store. Additionally, some stores may have pre-cut materials for the size of the shelter you want to build.

Step-by-step Instructions with Images

Once you have all the necessary materials, building a chicken feeder shelter can be done with a few simple steps. Here’s how:

  1. Measure and cut the plywood board into four pieces: two sides, one bottom, and one top piece.
  2. Cut two 2×4 wooden beams into four pieces: two for the lengthwise supports and two for the crosswise supports.
  3. Nail or screw one lengthwise support beam onto each side piece of plywood.
  4. Nail or screw one crosswise support beam between each side piece at both ends.
  5. Attach the bottom piece to the frame using nails or screws.
  6. Attach hinges to one side of the top piece, then attach it to the frame on that same side using screws.
  7. Use sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges on your feeder shelter. Now that your DIY chicken feeder shelter is complete, remember that regular cleaning is important for keeping chickens healthy and happy!

Maintenance Tips for Chicken Feeder Shelters

Regular Cleaning Routine

Just like any other outdoor equipment, chicken feeder shelters are susceptible to dirt, dust, and grime buildup. To ensure that your feathered friends have access to clean feed at all times, it is crucial to establish a regular cleaning routine.

Depending on the number of chickens you have and their feeding habits, you may need to clean the shelter once every week or two. Start by removing any leftover feed from the troughs or dispensers and disposing of it properly.

Next, use a brush or hose to remove any debris from the surface of the shelter. Finish off by wiping down the inside and outside of the shelter with a mild detergent solution.

Inspection for Damages or Wear and Tear

To ensure optimal performance of your chicken feeder shelter, it is essential to inspect it regularly for damages or wear and tear. Check for cracks, holes, rust spots, or broken parts that may compromise its structural integrity.

Keep in mind that pests such as raccoons and rodents can easily damage chicken feeder shelters in their attempts to access feeders. If you notice any damages during your inspection, repair them promptly before they escalate into more significant problems.

Replacing Worn-out Parts

With constant use over time, some parts of your chicken feeder shelter may become worn out faster than others. For instance, plastic dispensers tend to crack more easily than metal ones due to exposure to UV rays from direct sunlight.

When replacing worn-out parts such as dispensers or hinges on doors, ensure that you source high-quality replacement parts that are compatible with your specific model of chicken feeder shelter. By following these maintenance tips for your chicken feeder shelter regularly, you will not only extend its lifespan but also keep your feathered friends happy and healthy!


Chicken feeder shelters are a crucial aspect to providing proper care for your chickens. These structures offer essential protection from weather elements and pests, while also significantly reducing feed waste. Additionally, they can provide your feathered friends with a safe and comfortable feeding environment.

It’s important to prioritize the well-being of your chickens by providing them with appropriate shelter, including a chicken feeder shelter. Not only will this help maintain their health and safety, but it can also improve egg production and promote healthy body weight.

By investing in a quality feeder shelter or building your own DIY version, you’re taking an important step towards ensuring the happiness and longevity of your beloved flock. Remember: happy chickens make happy owners!

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