Homemade Chicken Waterers And Feeders

If you’re a backyard chicken keeper, you know how important it is to provide your birds with clean water and nutritious feed. Just like any living creature, chickens need access to fresh water at all times in order to stay healthy and hydrated.

Without proper hydration, chickens can suffer from dehydration, heat stress, and other health problems that can be fatal if left untreated. Likewise, feeding your chickens well-balanced meals is crucial for their growth, development, egg production, and overall health.

Why Homemade Options May Be Preferred

Commercial chicken waterers and feeders are widely available online or at farm supply stores. However, many of these pre-made options can be expensive or not fit the specific needs of your flock. By making your own DIY chicken waterer or feeder at home using simple materials such as PVC pipes or plastic containers with poultry nipples, you can save money while also customizing the equipment to meet the exact needs of your feathered friends.

In addition to being cost-effective and customizable, homemade chicken waterers and feeders are also eco-friendly alternatives to traditional commercial products made from plastic or other non-renewable materials. Using recycled items like old tires or barrels as chicken feeders not only reduces waste but also adds a unique touch of creativity to your backyard setup.

Homemade Waterers

Materials needed for a DIY waterer

To make a homemade waterer, you will need the following materials:

  • A plastic container (such as a bucket or storage bin) with a lid
  • Poultry nipples (also known as chicken water nipples)
  • Drill with a 11/32 inch drill bit
  • Silicon sealant These materials are easy to find at your local hardware or farm supply store.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a simple waterer using a plastic container and poultry nipples

Follow these steps to create your own homemade chicken waterer: 1. Drill holes in the bottom of the container using an 11/32 inch drill bit.

The number of holes you drill will depend on the size of your flock. 2. Insert the poultry nipples into each hole, making sure they are tight and secure.

3. Apply silicon sealant around each nipple to prevent leaking. 4. Fill the container with water and screw on the lid.

That’s it! Your chickens can now easily access fresh, clean water without spilling it or getting it dirty.

Tips for maintaining and cleaning the waterer

To keep your homemade chicken waterer in good condition, follow these tips: – Clean it regularly: Empty and clean out the container every few days to prevent bacteria buildup.

– Check for leaks: Make sure all nipples are working properly and there are no leaks in the container or lid. – Protect from freezing: During cold weather, use a heated base or move indoors to prevent freezing.

– Provide enough space: Make sure there is enough space for all chickens to access the water at once. By following these tips, you can ensure that your homemade chicken waterer is effective, functional, and safe for your feathered friends.

Homemade Feeders

Materials needed for a DIY feeder

Creating a homemade feeder for your chickens is not difficult, and it only requires a handful of materials. To make the PVC pipe feeder, you’ll need:

  • PVC pipes: 4″ wide and 5-6 feet long.
  • PVC elbows: These will be used to join the sections of pipe together and create corners in the feeder.
  • PVC caps: These will be used to seal off the ends of the pipes so that they can hold chicken feed.
  • A saw or PVC cutter: To cut the PVC pipes into desired lengths.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a PVC pipe feeder with elbows and caps

To get started with making your own PVC pipe chicken feeder, follow these simple steps:

  1. Cut several lengths of PVC piping into equal sections, depending on how large you want your feeder to be. A length of about 5-6 feet should work well for most flocks.
  1. Add an elbow joint to one end of each section, facing outward. This will create corners in your feeder so that chickens can access feed from multiple sides.
  1. Add caps to each open end of the piping.

You can also drill small holes on each cap to allow rainwater drainage or add nipples at the bottom end for auto waterers if necessary.

Suggestions for adjusting the size of the feeder to accommodate different flock sizes

Adjusting your DIY chicken feeder’s size based on your flock’s needs is incredibly easy. Simply use longer or shorter lengths when cutting your PVC piping sections. By doing so, you can create larger or smaller feeding stations to accommodate different flock sizes.

Tips for filling, cleaning, and maintaining the feeder

To fill your DIY feeder with chicken feed, simply add it to the top of the PVC pipe. As chickens eat from the bottom ends of each section, gravity will move more feed down as necessary. To clean out any residue or dirt in the bottom of pipes, unscrew one or both caps on either end.

You can also use mild dish soap and water to clean your homemade feeder every few weeks. It is essential to sanitize them before transferring them back into the coop.

Alternative Homemade Options

Thinking Outside the Box for Chicken Waterers and Feeders

Creating your own homemade chicken equipment doesn’t always mean following a strict set of instructions. There are plenty of creative ways to make waterers and feeders that aren’t as conventional as the PVC pipe or plastic container options.

One alternative to consider is using buckets or containers with gravity-fed watering systems. Simply drill a small hole in the bottom of your container, fill it with water, and turn it upside down onto a plate or saucer.

As chickens drink the water, more will flow down from the container above. This is an easy option for those who want a low-cost solution without having to purchase any additional equipment.

Tires and Barrels: Repurposing Your Trash into Chicken Feeders

Another option for creating homemade chicken feeders is repurposing old items like tires or barrels. A tire can be cut in half and turned into two separate feeders that sit on the ground. Simply fill them up with your desired feed and let your chickens peck away at it throughout the day.

Alternatively, you can cut open one side of a barrel, attach legs to it, and use it as a large trough-style feeder for multiple birds at once. These repurposed options not only save you money but also reduce waste by giving new life to materials that would otherwise end up in landfills.

There are plenty of alternative homemade options for creating chicken waterers and feeders beyond just PVC pipes and plastic containers. Using gravity-fed watering systems with buckets or containers is an easy low-cost solution while repurposing old items like tires or barrels provides an eco-friendly way to give new life to trash while also saving money on equipment costs.


Homemade chicken waterers and feeders are a great option for poultry owners who want to save money, customize their equipment to fit their specific needs, and reduce their environmental impact. By using materials that are inexpensive or even repurposed from around the house, you can create high-quality waterers and feeders that will last for years to come.

If you’re new to raising chickens or have been doing it for years, there’s never been a better time to try making your own chicken equipment at home. Not only will you save money and reduce waste, but you’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing that your equipment was made with care and attention to detail.

Plus, as you become more experienced with poultry keeping, you may find that homemade options offer even more benefits than store-bought ones. So why not give it a try?

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