How Long Can Chicken Be Frozen Before It Goes Bad

I've always wondered how long I can keep chicken in the freezer before it goes bad. Well, I did some research, and in this article, I'll share what I've learned.

We'll discuss the recommended freezer storage time for chicken, signs of spoiled frozen chicken, proper packaging and freezing techniques, safe thawing methods, and tips to extend the shelf life of frozen chicken.

So, let's dive in and find out how long we can keep that chicken frozen!

Key Takeaways

  • Recommended freezer storage time for chicken is about nine months.
  • Signs of spoiled frozen chicken include discolored patches, dry leathery texture, ice crystals, and a wrinkled or shriveled appearance.
  • Spoiled frozen chicken can potentially make you sick, so it is important to check for signs of spoilage before consuming.
  • Proper packaging, labeling, and freezing techniques, as well as safe thawing methods, help preserve the quality and extend the shelf life of frozen chicken.

I can't believe I've had this chicken in the freezer for over six months. I bought it with the intention of cooking it right away, but life got in the way, and it ended up forgotten at the back of the freezer.

Now that I've finally found it, I'm wondering if it's still safe to eat. I know that freezing can preserve food, but there must be a limit. How long can chicken actually be frozen before it goes bad?

From my research, it seems that the recommended freezer storage time for chicken is about nine months. However, this can vary depending on the type of chicken and the storage conditions.

It's important to always check for any signs of freezer burn or spoilage before consuming frozen chicken.

Signs of Spoiled Frozen Chicken

The article mentions that it's important to always check for any signs of freezer burn or spoilage before consuming the frozen chicken. This ensures that we are not consuming chicken that has gone bad and could potentially make us sick. To help you identify these signs, I have created a table below:

Signs of Freezer Burn Signs of Spoilage
Discolored patches Foul odor
Dry, leathery texture Slimy texture
Ice crystals Off taste
Wrinkled or shriveled appearance Visible mold
Loss of flavor

Proper Packaging and Freezing Techniques for Chicken

A good way to ensure that your frozen chicken stays fresh is by properly packaging it and using the correct freezing techniques. Here are three key tips to help you preserve the quality of your frozen chicken:

  1. Seal it tightly: Make sure to remove any excess air from the packaging before sealing it. Air can cause freezer burn and affect the taste and texture of the chicken.
  2. Use freezer-safe containers: Opt for airtight containers or freezer bags that are specifically designed for freezing food. Avoid using regular plastic bags as they may not provide adequate protection against freezer burn.
  3. Label and date your packages: To keep track of how long the chicken has been frozen, it's important to label each package with the date of freezing. This will help you use the oldest chicken first and prevent any potential waste.

Thawing Frozen Chicken Safely

To safely thaw frozen chicken, it's important to follow proper food safety guidelines and avoid leaving it at room temperature for an extended period of time. Thawing chicken at room temperature can promote bacterial growth and increase the risk of foodborne illnesses. Instead, I recommend using one of the following safe methods: refrigerator thawing, cold water thawing, or microwave thawing.

Refrigerator thawing is the safest method as it allows the chicken to thaw slowly and evenly. Simply place the frozen chicken in a sealed container or airtight bag and let it thaw in the refrigerator for 24 to 48 hours.

If you need to thaw the chicken more quickly, you can use the cold water method by placing the chicken in a leak-proof bag and submerging it in cold water. Change the water every 30 minutes until the chicken is thawed.

Lastly, microwave thawing can be done by using the defrost setting on your microwave. Be sure to cook the chicken immediately after thawing to ensure it reaches a safe internal temperature of 165°F.

Tips to Extend the Shelf Life of Frozen Chicken

I always freeze my chicken with airtight packaging and store it at the coldest part of the freezer, so it stays fresh longer. But there are a few other tips I've learned along the way to extend the shelf life of frozen chicken:

  1. Label and date: It's important to label each package of frozen chicken with the date it was frozen. This way, you can keep track of how long it has been in the freezer and use the oldest ones first.
  2. Use quality freezer bags: Investing in good quality freezer bags can make a big difference. They provide an extra layer of protection against freezer burn and help maintain the quality of the chicken.
  3. Avoid frequent temperature changes: Opening the freezer door frequently or leaving it open for too long can cause temperature fluctuations, which can affect the quality of the frozen chicken. Try to minimize these changes to keep your chicken fresh for longer.


In conclusion, it's important to follow recommended freezer storage times for chicken to avoid spoilage. Signs of spoiled frozen chicken include a change in texture, color, or odor.

Proper packaging and freezing techniques can help maintain the quality of frozen chicken. When thawing frozen chicken, it should be done safely to prevent bacterial growth.

By following these guidelines and tips, you can extend the shelf life of frozen chicken and ensure its safety for consumption.

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