how to keep chickens warm in very cold weather.

Keeping chickens warm during cold weather is crucial to their survival and overall health. Chickens are naturally equipped to handle colder temperatures, but they do require some additional care and attention when the temperature drops below freezing.

Failure to keep chickens warm can result in health problems, decreased egg production, and even death.

During the winter months, chickens will experience a drop in body temperature as their bodies work harder to stay warm. This can lead to a decrease in egg production or even stop egg-laying altogether.

Additionally, if chickens are not kept warm enough, they can suffer from frostbite on their combs, wattles or feet. This can be incredibly painful for them and potentially life-threatening.
Therefore, it’s important for chicken owners to take steps to help their feathered friends stay comfortable and healthy during the winter months. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and strategies for keeping chickens warm in very cold weather so that your flock can thrive all year round!

Coop Preparation

Insulating the coop with straw or hay

Keeping chickens warm in cold weather starts with preparing their coop. First, provide insulation by layering straw or hay on the floor of the coop.

This will create a thick, warm bedding that will keep your chickens cozy. However, don’t go too overboard with the bedding, as it could be a fire hazard if there are any heat lamps.

Sealing any drafts or cracks in the coop walls

Another way to keep your chickens warm during winter is to seal off any drafts or cracks in their coop walls. Use caulk or weather stripping to fill in gaps and prevent cold air from coming into their living space. This can also help keep pests out as well.

Adding a heat lamp for extra warmth

Consider adding a heat lamp to your chicken coop for some extra warmth. Place it high enough so your chickens won’t accidentally touch it and risk starting a fire.

Keep in mind that if you are using an incandescent bulb, it will not produce enough heat and you should use a ceramic bulb instead. Taking these steps will ensure your flock stays warm, happy and healthy during those freezing winter months!

Feeding and Watering

Providing high-energy feed to help chickens maintain body heat

During colder months, it’s important to adjust your chickens’ diet to provide more energy. This means providing a higher percentage of fat in their feed.

You can do this by adding things like sunflower seeds or dried mealworms to their feed. Be sure not to overfeed your birds as obesity can lead to health problems.

Keeping water from freezing by using heated waterers or changing water frequently

One of the biggest challenges during the winter is keeping your chickens’ water from freezing. A frozen water source can lead to dehydration and serious health problems for your birds.

One solution is investing in a heated waterer, which will keep the water at a temperature above freezing. Another option is changing out the water frequently throughout the day, ensuring that fresh, unfrozen water is always available for your birds.

Bedding and Nest Boxes

Using Deep Litter Bedding to Provide Insulation and Warmth

One of the best ways to keep chickens warm in cold weather is by using deep litter bedding. This involves adding a thick layer of straw or wood shavings to the floor of the coop. As the chickens scratch around, their droppings mix with the bedding, creating compost that generates heat.

The deeper the litter, the more insulation and warmth it provides. It’s important to keep adding fresh bedding as needed, so that there’s always enough material for your feathered friends to burrow into.

Adding Extra Bedding to Nest Boxes for Added Insulation

Chickens lay eggs in nest boxes, which are essentially small cubbies inside the coop lined with bedding material. During cold weather, it’s a good idea to add extra insulation to these boxes by putting in more bedding than usual. This helps keep eggs from getting too cold and potentially cracking or not hatching properly.

Some chicken owners even wrap their nest boxes with blankets or other insulating materials for added warmth. Just make sure there’s still enough space for your hens to move around comfortably while they’re nesting!

Chicken Health and Comfort

Checking for signs of frostbite on combs, wattles, and feet

When the temperatures drop, chickens are at risk of getting frostbite on their combs, wattles, and feet. It’s important to check your birds regularly for any signs of frostbite.

Look for red or purple areas that appear swollen or puffy. These areas can be painful and may even bleed.

If you think your chickens have frostbite, bring them inside to warm up as soon as possible. You can also apply petroleum jelly to the affected areas to promote healing.

Keeping chickens active with toys or treats

Chickens need exercise and mental stimulation just like any other animal. When they’re stuck inside due to cold weather, it’s important to find ways to keep them entertained and active. One option is to hang a cabbage or lettuce from the ceiling of the coop.

Chickens love pecking at hanging vegetables! You can also scatter scratch grains around the coop floor so they have something to scratch for.

Another idea is to provide a hanging mirror or shiny object for them to peck at – this will keep them busy while also providing some entertainment! By keeping your chickens active with toys or treats, you’re helping them stay healthy both physically and mentally.


Keeping chickens warm in very cold weather is essential for their health and egg production. To achieve this, you need to take several steps, including preparing the coop, providing adequate feed and water, adding extra bedding to nest boxes, checking for signs of frostbite on combs and feet, and keeping your chickens active with toys or treats. Insulating the coop with straw or hay is an excellent way to keep it warm during winter.

It would be best if you also sealed any drafts or cracks in the coop walls to prevent cold air from entering. Adding a heat lamp provides extra warmth that your chickens need during extremely cold weather.

Feeding your chickens high-energy feed helps them maintain body heat. You can also offer snacks like cracked corn or oats before bedtime as they help generate heat through digestion.

Keeping water from freezing by using heated waterers or changing water frequently ensures that your birds stay hydrated at all times. The deep litter method provides insulation and warmth for your chickens; it’s important always to add extra bedding when needed.

Check for signs of frostbite on combs and feet as it’s common during winter; provide Vaseline on their combs to prevent this. Your chicken’s health is vital; keep them active with toys like swings and hanging cabbages filled with treats; this helps them stay healthy both physically and mentally.

By following these tips on keeping chickens warm in very cold weather, you will ensure that your flock stays warm throughout the winter months. With adequate preparation, you can rest easy knowing that your birds are comfortable and happy no matter what Mother Nature throws their way!

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