Mobile Chicken Coops

Raising chickens can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it takes careful planning and consideration to keep your flock happy and healthy. One important aspect of chicken farming is providing them with adequate shelter, which is where a mobile chicken coop comes in handy. A mobile chicken coop, also known as a chicken tractor or portable chicken coop, is a moveable enclosure that provides your birds with not only shelter but also access to fresh grazing areas.

With so many benefits to building your own mobile chicken coop, it’s no wonder that more and more backyard farmers are opting for this option over traditional stationary coops. One of the most significant benefits of using a mobile chicken coop is its ability to provide fresh grazing areas for your birds while protecting them from predators.

In addition to keeping them safe from predators such as raccoons and foxes, it allows them to enjoy the many benefits of being outdoors. Another advantage of a mobile chicken coop is that you can easily move it around your yard or property.

This enables you to rotate where your chickens graze regularly while also giving their previous area time to rest and regenerate. Having a mobile coop means less cleaning up after the chickens since they are not in one spot all the time.

This saves you time and effort in maintaining their living quarters. Now that you know some of the advantages of building a mobile chicken coop let’s dive into some details on how they work and how easy they are to build yourself!

Benefits of Mobile Chicken Coops

Easy Relocation

One of the biggest benefits of mobile chicken coops is their ability to be easily relocated. This means that you can move your coop to different areas in your backyard, which not only helps with the chickens’ health, but also reduces the damage caused by over-fertilization.

Additionally, mobile coops have wheels or a tow bar attached for easy transport. Whether you want to move it closer to the house for easier access or further away from predator zones, mobility is key.

Better Access to Fresh Grass and Insects

Mobile chicken coops give your chickens access to fresh grass and insects which are essential for their health and well-being. Chickens love nothing more than pecking at new grass and scratching up dirt for bugs. With a mobile coop, you can easily move it around your lawn or garden so that the chickens always have fresh vegetation and bugs to eat.

Protection from Predators

Another great benefit of mobile chicken coops is that they provide protection from predators. Since they are frequently moved around, predators such as foxes or raccoons will have a harder time finding them.

Additionally, most mobile coops are designed with strong materials such as wire mesh and sturdy wood frames, which provides extra security against any potential predator attacks. Overall, using a mobile chicken coop has many advantages over traditional stationary ones – from keeping your chickens healthy and happy with fresh grass and insects to providing protection against predators – it’s clear that having a mobile option can change how you raise backyard chickens forever!

Types of Mobile Chicken Coops

When it comes to mobile chicken coops, there are several different types available. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on your specific needs and preferences. Here are a few of the most common:


A chicken tractor is essentially a lightweight, movable coop that can be easily pulled around your yard or garden. They typically have wheels and handles for easy maneuverability, and can range in size from small enough to house just a few chickens to large enough for a small flock.

The main advantage of a tractor is that it allows your chickens to graze on fresh grass and insects while still having access to shelter when needed. You can move the tractor around your yard or garden every few days to ensure that your chickens always have access to fresh food and avoid overgrazing in one area.


A chicken trailer is similar to a tractor but more spacious, making it ideal for larger flocks or those who want more space for their birds. They often come with ramps so your chickens can easily enter and exit the coop, as well as nesting boxes and roosting bars.

The main advantage of using a trailer is that they provide ample space for bigger flocks while keeping them protected from predators like raccoons or hawks. Trailers also allow you to relocate your flock easily if you need to change locations without disturbing them too much.


A wagon-style mobile coop is built on top of wheels making it easier to transport than other types of coops. These are best suited for farmers who need to move their flocks regularly such that they can graze in different pastures every few days.

The key benefit of using wagons is that they can be easily pulled by a vehicle such as a tractor or ATV. They are designed to carry a large number of chickens, making them an ideal choice for commercial poultry farmers.

When choosing the best mobile chicken coop for your flock, it’s important to consider the size of your flock, your budget, and your specific needs. Whether you choose a tractor, trailer or wagon-style coop, make sure to take good care of it so that it lasts for many years and provides your chickens with the shelter and protection they need.

Building Your Own Mobile Chicken Coop

Materials Needed

Building your own mobile chicken coop can be a fun and rewarding project. First, gather all the materials you will need.

You will need lumber for the frame, hardware cloth for the walls, roofing material (such as metal or shingles), wheels, and a handle to move the coop. You may also want to add nesting boxes and perches inside the coop.

Design Considerations

When designing your mobile chicken coop, consider factors such as size, weight, and ease of mobility. The coop should be large enough to accommodate your flock comfortably but not too heavy that it becomes difficult to move around. A rectangular shape is often the easiest to build and maneuver.

It is also important to consider ventilation and access points for cleaning. Adding windows or vents will improve air circulation while doors or removable panels make cleaning easier.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Now that you have all of your materials and design considerations in mind, it’s time to start building! Begin by constructing the base frame of the coop using 2×4 lumber. Add corner braces for stability.

Next, attach hardware cloth to the frame using staples or screws. This will be your walls.

Add a roof made from metal or shingles for weather protection. Install wheels on one end of the base and a handle on the other end so that you can easily move it around your yard.

Add nesting boxes and perches inside the coop according to your flock’s needs. With these step-by-step instructions in mind, building a mobile chicken coop can be an enjoyable DIY project that allows you greater flexibility with caring for your backyard chickens!

Caring for Your Mobile Chicken Coop

The Importance of Maintenance

One of the key benefits of a mobile chicken coop is that it allows your chickens to access fresh grass and insects, which can help keep them healthy and happy. However, this also means that your coop can get dirty quickly and require regular cleaning. Proper maintenance is essential to ensure the health and safety of your chickens.

Cleaning Your Coop

The first step in maintaining your mobile chicken coop is to clean it regularly. Start by removing all the bedding and nesting material, as well as any uneaten food or droppings. Use a rake or shovel to remove any debris from around the coop.

Then, use a gentle cleaning solution such as vinegar diluted in water to clean the walls, floors, and nesting boxes. Rinse everything thoroughly with water and allow it to dry completely before adding new bedding.

Inspecting for Damage

In addition to cleaning, it’s important to inspect your mobile chicken coop regularly for any signs of damage or wear. Check the roof for leaks, make sure the doors are secure, and inspect all hardware such as hinges and latches. Repair any damage immediately to prevent predators from getting in.

Keeping Pests at Bay

Another important aspect of caring for your mobile chicken coop is keeping pests at bay. This includes rodents, insects like mites or ticks who may try to take up residence in your chickens’ feathers! A good way to prevent pests from entering is by placing wire mesh around the bottom perimeter of your mobile chicken coop.

Maintaining Temperature Control

It’s crucial that you maintain temperature control within your mobile chicken coops so that they’re comfortable all year round! Be mindful of how much sunlight exposure they get during hotter months – you may need to move them into the shade during the day – and insulate your coop or add heat lamps during colder weather. By following these maintenance and care tips, you can ensure that your mobile chicken coop remains a healthy environment for your chickens to thrive in.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mobile Chicken Coops

How many chickens can fit in a mobile coop?

This is a common question among those who are considering building or buying a mobile chicken coop. The answer depends on the size of the coop and the size of your chickens.

As a general rule, you should allow 4 square feet of space per standard-sized chicken. However, if you have bantam breeds, they require less space and you can fit more in your coop.

It’s important not to overcrowd your birds as this can lead to stress and health issues. So before settling on a number, make sure to research the specific needs of your flock.

How often should you move it?

Another common question is how often you should move your mobile chicken coop. This also depends on several factors such as the size of the coop, the number of chickens, and how much grass and insects are available in that area.

A good rule of thumb is to move it every 1-2 days or when the ground becomes bare or overly soiled with droppings. Moving frequently allows your chickens access fresh grass and insects which are important for their diet.

What type of terrain is suitable for a mobile chicken coop?

The terrain for a mobile chicken coop should be flat or slightly sloped with well-drained soil that doesn’t get too muddy when it rains. Avoid putting them on steep hillsides where they could tip over easily or swampy areas where water might collect around them during rainy weather.

What materials do I need to build my own mobile chicken coop?

The materials needed will depend on how elaborate or simple you want your design to be but here’s an example list: lumber (pressure-treated wood is recommended), hardware cloth (for ventilation), roofing material (such as metal sheeting or shingles), wheels, axles, and hitch. It’s important to make sure that your materials are sturdy and can withstand movement as well as provide adequate ventilation for your chickens.


Mobile chicken coops are a fantastic option for backyard chicken keepers. They provide numerous benefits such as allowing for easy relocation, better access to fresh grass and insects, and protection from predators. Additionally, they provide an opportunity for chickens to exercise and explore their environment in a safe way.

One of the best things about mobile chicken coops is that you can build your own! By following some simple steps and using readily available materials, you can create a custom home for your chickens that fits your needs and preferences. This not only saves money but also provides a sense of pride in building something yourself.

To ensure the health of your chickens, it is crucial to properly maintain and care for your mobile chicken coop. This includes regular cleaning, monitoring for pests or diseases, and providing adequate food and water. By taking these steps, you can help prevent illnesses or other issues that could harm your flock.

Overall, mobile chicken coops present an exciting option for backyard chicken enthusiasts who want to give their birds the freedom to roam while keeping them safe from predators. Whether you decide to build your own or purchase one pre-made, investing in a mobile coop will benefit both you and your feathered friends in countless ways!

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