Temporary Chicken Fence

As a chicken owner, you know how important it is to keep your flock safe from predators. But what if you need to move them around your property or take them on the road?

That’s where a temporary chicken fence comes in handy. Unlike permanent fencing, temporary chicken fences are designed to be easy to install and remove as needed, without sacrificing functionality.

Importance of Using Temporary Chicken Fence

When it comes to protecting your chickens, there’s no such thing as being too cautious. Whether you’re worried about wild animals like coyotes or foxes, or domestic pets like dogs and cats, a temporary chicken fence can provide an added layer of security. It can also help keep your birds contained while they forage in different areas of your yard or garden.

Plus, if you’re taking your chickens on the road for shows or exhibitions, a portable fence can make transportation much easier and safer for everyone involved. With all these benefits in mind, it’s clear that a temporary chicken fence is an essential tool for any backyard poultry keeper.

Types of Temporary Chicken Fence

Electric Netting

Electric netting is a popular type of temporary chicken fence that is electrified to keep predators out. The fence has vertical and horizontal lines with small openings, which make it difficult for predators to enter. The netting is easy to install and can be easily moved around.

It usually comes in rolls of different lengths and heights, so you can choose the size that suits your needs. You can power it using a battery or electric outlet.

Poultry Netting

Poultry netting is another common type of temporary chicken fence that is made from strong mesh wire with small square openings. It’s lightweight, flexible, and easy to install on almost any surface.

Poultry netting comes in different sizes and heights, so it’s essential to choose the one that fits your chickens’ needs. The mesh wire makes it difficult for predators to penetrate, making it an effective option for safeguarding your chickens.

Plastic Mesh

Plastic mesh fencing is a fantastic option if you are looking for an affordable solution for temporary chicken fencing. It’s lightweight, flexible, easy to install, and reusable. Plastic mesh fences come in various sizes and colors which makes them ideal for different applications like garden fencing or pet enclosures.

However, plastic mesh may not be as durable as other options like electric or poultry netting since they are prone to breakage if any external forces apply pressure. Temporary chicken fences come in different varieties depending upon the needs and preferences of the farmer; therefore choosing an appropriate one could save your chickens from potential danger while keeping them safe within their allotted area!

Benefits of Using Temporary Chicken Fence

Protection from Predators

One of the primary benefits of using temporary chicken fence is that it provides protection for your chickens against predators. Chickens are at risk from a variety of predators including foxes, raccoons, and hawks.

A temporary chicken fence can keep these predators out and your chickens safe. The fencing material is strong enough to prevent animals from pushing through or digging under, providing a secure space for your feathered friends.

Flexibility and Portability

Temporary chicken fences are also known for their flexibility and portability. Unlike permanent fences, which can be difficult to move or adjust once they have been installed, temporary fences allow you to easily change the layout of your coop or expand it as needed. You can also take down the fence when you no longer need it, making it ideal for those who move frequently or only want a temporary solution.

Easy to Install and Remove

Another benefit of using temporary chicken fence is its ease of installation and removal. This type of fencing usually requires minimal tools and can be set up in just a few hours depending on the size of your coop area.

Additionally, removing the fencing after use is just as easy; you simply need to take down the stakes or anchors used to secure it into place. Using a temporary chicken fence offers many benefits such as protection from predators, flexibility in design, ease of installation and removal making it an ideal option for those who want an affordable yet durable solution that can easily adapt with their changing needs over time.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Temporary Chicken Fence

Size and shape of the area to be fenced

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a temporary chicken fence is the size and shape of the area you want to enclose. You need to measure the perimeter of your land and determine how much fencing you need.

Additionally, you should also consider any obstacles or uneven terrain that may pose challenges when installing your fence. If your land has lots of rocks, trees, or steep slopes, for example, then it’s important to choose a fence that can contour around these features.

Number of chickens to be enclosed

Another crucial factor is the number of chickens you plan on enclosing within your temporary chicken fence. If you own just a few chickens, then a smaller enclosure may suffice. However, if you have dozens or hundreds of chickens and need more space for them to roam around freely, then it’s important to choose a larger enclosure that provides enough room for all your birds without crowding them.

Type of predators in the area

It’s essential to consider the types of predators that live in your area such as raccoons or foxes as they can pose a significant threat to your flock. Choose a temporary chicken fence that is designed specifically with predator protection in mind by featuring sturdy wire mesh or fencing materials that are hard for these critters to penetrate. Electric netting can also be an effective deterrent against predators as they quickly learn not to touch it due to its electric shock mechanism.

Tips for Installing a Temporary Chicken Fence

Clearing the Area Before Installation

Before installing a temporary chicken fence, it is important to clear the area of any debris, rocks, or other objects that may prevent the fence from sitting flat on the ground. This will ensure that there are no gaps between the fence and the ground where predators can enter. Additionally, clearing the area will make it easier to install and remove stakes or anchors.

Proper Placement and Orientation of the Fence

When placing a temporary chicken fence, it is essential to orientate it correctly so that chickens cannot escape or predators cannot enter. Ensure that you position it in such a way that there are no gaps between fences or gates where chickens might sneak out or predators might sneak in. It’s also essential to ensure that the orientation of your chicken fence aligns with your coop door if you have one since this will ease movement in and out of their living space.

Securing The Fence With Stakes Or Anchors

If you want your temporary chicken fence to serve its purpose well enough, always remember to secure it with strong stakes or anchors before leaving your chickens unattended. Stakes should be driven into damp soil at an angle away from the direction you want your fence supported; this makes it difficult for outside pressure like wind to push them over. Anchors are best suited for sandy soils since they offer a firmer grip than stakes would in such soils.

They require a hole dug deep enough into which they can be inserted before being covered up with soil around them for sturdiness sake. Use twist-ties/zip ties on all vertical posts at all corners & gates which helps hold everything together when conditions like heavy wind come around.

Maintenance and Care for Temporary Chicken Fence

Regular cleaning and inspection for damage or wear

One of the key things to keep in mind when using a temporary chicken fence is that it needs to be regularly cleaned and inspected for any signs of damage or wear. This is especially important if you’re using a mesh or netting fence, as these can easily get snagged on branches, rocks, or other obstacles.

To clean your fence, start by removing any debris or dirt that has built up. You can use a broom or brush to sweep away dirt and dust from the mesh.

If there are any stubborn spots, you can use a hose to gently wash them away. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as this could damage the mesh.

Once your fence is clean, it’s important to inspect it thoroughly for signs of wear and tear. Look for holes in the mesh, broken stakes, or other types of damage that could compromise its effectiveness.

Storing properly when not in use

When you’re not using your temporary chicken fence, it’s important to store it properly so that it stays in good condition and lasts as long as possible. The best way to store your fence will depend on the type you have. If you have an electric netting fence, make sure to disconnect the energizer before storing it.

You should also roll up the netting tightly and secure it with zip ties or twine. If you have a poultry netting fence, you can fold it neatly into a compact size and store it in a dry location.

For plastic mesh fences, make sure they are completely dry before storing them away. You can roll them up tightly like an electric netting fence or fold them into compact sizes like poultry netting.

Regardless of which type of temporary chicken fence you have, always store it in a dry location to prevent any moisture buildup or damage. Proper storage will help ensure that your fence lasts for many years to come.


Temporary chicken fences are an effective way to keep your chickens safe and contained while still allowing them the freedom to roam. In this article, we have discussed the different types of temporary chicken fences, their benefits, factors to consider when choosing a fence, tips for installation and maintenance.

The benefits of using a temporary chicken fence are numerous. It provides protection from predators while still allowing chickens to roam and forage freely. It is also flexible and easy to install and remove when needed.

We have covered three types of temporary chicken fences in this article: electric netting, poultry netting, and plastic mesh. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks depending on individual needs.

When deciding which type of temporary chicken fence is best for you, it is important to consider factors such as the size and shape of the area to be fenced, the number of chickens being enclosed, and the type of predators in your area.

To ensure proper installation of your temporary chicken fence it’s important that you clear the area beforehand, install stakes or anchors for added support where necessary, properly orientate or position your fence relative to predators so that they cannot crawl under it but not too close either as they could reach over it with their claws.


To ensure that your temporary chicken fence lasts as long as possible it’s essential that you regularly clean it off debris or even manure build-up. You should also inspect regularly for any damage or wear so that repairs can be made before they become too severe which may cause a hazard both inside or outside fencing areas leading to possible predation or chicken escape.

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