The Best Chicken Breeds for Egg-Laying and Gentle Dispositions

The Best Chicken Breeds for Egg-Laying and Gentle Dispositions

I completely understand the desire to expand your flock with the perfect breed of chickens. But with so many breeds to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which one will be the best fit for your family and your needs. When it comes to selecting the ideal chicken breed, there are several factors to consider, such as their egg-laying ability, temperament, ease of care, and appearance. In this article, I will explore some of the best chicken breeds that meet all of these criteria and share my personal experiences with them.

Egg Production

First and foremost, you want a chicken that lays a good amount/size of eggs. While all chicken breeds lay eggs, the frequency and size can vary greatly. If you’re looking for high egg production, there are several breeds that excel in this area. Rhode Island Reds are a popular choice for their consistent laying of smaller cream-colored eggs. Black Sex Links also make excellent layers and are known for their ability to produce large, speckled brown eggs. Cinnamon Queens and ISA Browns are two other breeds that lay well and consistently.

Temperament Matters

Another essential factor to consider when selecting your new chickens is their temperament. If you have children or other pets, you want to ensure that your chickens are gentle and easy to handle. Buff Orpingtons are known for their good-natured temperament and are a great choice for families with young children. Bielefelders are also a gentle breed and can make excellent pets due to their calm and quiet disposition. Black Star chickens are another breed that tends to be calm and quiet, and they are also good for petting.

Ease of Care

When it comes to ease of care, you want a breed that is low maintenance and easy to care for. Australorps are one of the best breeds for beginners because they are hardy and easy to care for. They are also good layers of large brown eggs, making them a practical choice for backyard farmers. Leghorns are another low-maintenance breed that makes a great choice for those looking for an easy-to-care-for chicken. While they may not be the prettiest breed, they are consistent layers of large white eggs.


Lastly, appearance may not be the most crucial factor when selecting your chickens, but it’s still worth considering. If you’re looking for a breed that’s not only an excellent egg layer but also a beautiful addition to your backyard flock, there are several options to choose from. Lavender Orpingtons are a stunning breed that lays small cream-colored eggs. They are also known for their gentle temperament, making them a great choice for families. Speckled Sussex is another breed that is not only beautiful but also an excellent layer of large brown eggs.

My personal experience with different chicken breeds has been fantastic, and I would like to share some of my favorites with you.

Which Chicken Breeds Are Best for Egg Laying and Family-Friendly?

If you are looking to add some new feathered friends to your backyard flock, it can be overwhelming to decide which breeds to choose. There are so many options out there, and it can be hard to know which ones are the best egg layers and family-friendly. Here are some suggestions from other chicken keepers to help you narrow down your choices.

Bielefelders: Big, Gorgeous, and Gentle

Bielefelders are a breed of chicken that originated in Germany in the early 1970s. They were bred specifically for their excellent egg-laying ability, gentle temperament, and beautiful appearance. These birds are quite large, with hens weighing in at around 7-9 pounds and roosters weighing in at around 9-11 pounds. Their large size makes them an impressive addition to any backyard flock.

One of the unique features of Bielefelders is that they are feather sexable at hatch. This means that male and female chicks can be distinguished from each other by the color and pattern of their down feathers. This makes it easy to select only female chicks for your flock, eliminating the risk of accidentally getting roosters, which can be noisy and aggressive.

Bielefelders have a quiet, calm, and gentle temperament, which makes them a great choice for families with young children or other pets. They are known to be very docile and friendly, making them easy to handle and tame. They are also a relatively quiet breed, which is a big plus if you have close neighbors.

One of the biggest draws of Bielefelders is their excellent egg-laying ability. They are known to lay jumbo-sized pinkish-tan eggs that are sure to impress. They are also very consistent layers, producing up to 230 eggs per year. Their eggs have a rich, creamy flavor and are great for baking and cooking.

In terms of appearance, Bielefelders are truly stunning birds. They have a distinctive black and gold pattern on their feathers that is absolutely gorgeous. Their feathers are also very soft and silky, making them pleasant to touch and pet. The hens have a beautiful red comb and wattle, which adds to their overall attractiveness.

Buff Orpingtons: Good Egg Layers and Great with Kids

Buff Orpingtons are a fantastic option for families who are looking for a friendly and affectionate chicken breed that also lays plenty of eggs. These birds are known for their sweet and docile nature, which makes them perfect for children to interact with. They have a friendly personality and love to be held and cuddled, which makes them an ideal choice for those who want a pet-like bird.

One of the most notable traits of the Buff Orpingtons is their egg-laying ability. They are reliable layers and can produce around 200-280 eggs per year. The eggs are large, brown, and have a rich and delicious flavor that will enhance any dish. Buff Orpingtons are also known for laying eggs consistently throughout the year, even during the colder months when other breeds may slow down or stop laying altogether.

Buff Orpingtons are medium-sized birds with soft, fluffy feathers that are a beautiful golden-buff color. Their plump and round body shape adds to their charming appearance. They are hardy birds that can adapt well to different climates and are also known to be relatively low maintenance.

Cinnamon Queens: Super Sweet and Great Egg Layers

Cinnamon Queens are a hybrid breed of chickens that were developed by crossing Rhode Island Reds and Production Reds. They are known for their consistent laying of large brown eggs and can lay up to 300 eggs per year. Their docile and friendly personality makes them a great addition to any backyard flock, especially for those with children. They are known for being very social and are often the first to come running when their owners arrive.

In addition to their excellent egg-laying capabilities and sociable personality, Cinnamon Queens are also highly adaptable birds that can thrive in a range of environments. They are very hardy and can tolerate cold temperatures well, which makes them ideal for those who live in colder climates. They are also very low maintenance and don’t require a lot of special care or attention.

One of the reasons that Cinnamon Queens are so popular among chicken keepers is their striking appearance. They have beautiful cinnamon-colored feathers that are often mottled with black, white, or gray, and their striking plumage makes them a beautiful addition to any backyard flock. Overall, if you’re looking for a friendly and productive breed that can also add a splash of color to your flock, Cinnamon Queens are definitely worth considering.

Sapphire Gems and Lavender Orpingtons: Sweet and Consistent

Sapphire Gems and Lavender Orpingtons are two chicken breeds that are not only sweet and affectionate but also consistent layers of eggs. Sapphire Gems, also known as Sapphire Blue Plymouth Rocks, are a newer breed that has gained popularity among chicken keepers for their friendly personalities and beautiful blue coloring. They are also known for their excellent egg-laying abilities, producing large brown eggs almost every day. These birds are easy to care for and make great pets for families.

Lavender Orpingtons are another breed that is highly sought after for their sweet disposition and consistent egg-laying abilities. These birds are a variety of Buff Orpingtons, but with a unique lavender coloring. They are gentle and docile, making them great pets for children and families. Lavender Orpingtons lay small cream-colored eggs, but they are still excellent layers and can provide your family with a steady supply of eggs.

Whether you choose Sapphire Gems or Lavender Orpingtons, you can be sure that you are getting a sweet and consistent egg layer that will quickly become a beloved member of your flock. These breeds are not only great for their egg-laying abilities but also for their friendly and gentle personalities, making them an excellent choice for families with children or other pets.

Leghorns: Consistent Layers with Large White Eggs

Leghorns are an efficient breed of chicken that are well-known for their egg-laying abilities. They are medium-sized birds with a slender build and a distinctive upright posture. While they may not be the most attractive or colorful chickens, they more than make up for it with their productivity. Leghorns are among the most reliable layers of all chicken breeds and are capable of laying around 280-320 large white eggs per year.

One of the reasons why Leghorns are such consistent layers is that they are very active and independent birds. They are alert and active, and enjoy foraging and exploring their environment. This makes them an excellent choice for free-range systems, as they are able to find a lot of their own food. Leghorns are also relatively low-maintenance, as they don’t require much in the way of specialized care.

In addition to being good egg layers, Leghorns are also relatively hardy and can adapt to a variety of climates. They are generally healthy and disease-resistant, and can thrive in both hot and cold environments. Leghorns are also a good choice if you are looking for a breed that can integrate well with other chicken breeds, as they are not known for being aggressive towards other birds.

Rhode Island Reds: Full of Personality and Great Egg Layers

Rhode Island Reds are a wonderful addition to any backyard flock due to their full-of-personality nature and excellent egg-laying capabilities. These birds are known for their inquisitive and outgoing nature, which makes them great pets for families. They are also incredibly hardy and can tolerate a variety of weather conditions, making them perfect for those living in areas with unpredictable weather.

One of the most appealing aspects of Rhode Island Reds is their consistent egg-laying. While their eggs may be smaller in size and cream in color, they make up for it in their quantity. They can lay around 250-300 eggs per year, which is a great amount for any family looking to enjoy fresh eggs. They are also known for their ability to lay eggs even during the colder months, making them a reliable source of eggs throughout the year.

Rhode Island Reds are also easy to care for and low maintenance, making them a great breed for beginners or those who are looking for a low-maintenance bird. They are hardy and can adapt to various environments, which means they can thrive in both rural and urban settings. Overall, if you’re looking for a breed that is full of personality, easy to care for, and consistently lays eggs, Rhode Island Reds are an excellent choice.

Black Sex Links are a crossbreed of Rhode Island Reds and Barred Plymouth Rocks, resulting in a breed that is not only a great egg layer but also calm and quiet. They are a popular choice for backyard farmers due to their low-maintenance nature and their ability to produce large, speckled brown eggs.

Aside from their impressive egg-laying capabilities, Black Sex Links are also known for their friendly personalities. They are easy to handle and are not prone to aggressive behavior, making them a great choice for families with children.

In addition to their pleasant temperament, Black Sex Links also have a unique and eye-catching appearance. Their feathers are mostly black, with distinctive white or gold markings on their necks and chests. The speckled eggs they lay have shades of orange and blue, which adds a nice pop of color to any egg basket.

Australorps and Speckled Sussex: Top Picks for Egg Laying and Family-Friendly

Australorps are a top pick for beginner chicken keepers because they are low maintenance and hardy, making them easy to care for. They have a friendly and docile temperament and are great with kids, making them a popular choice for backyard flocks. They are excellent egg layers and will consistently produce large brown eggs, making them a practical choice for those who want to raise chickens for eggs.

Speckled Sussex, on the other hand, are a beautiful addition to any backyard flock. These birds are known for their striking appearance with their speckled feathers and gentle demeanor. They are docile and friendly, making them a great choice for families with kids. They lay large brown eggs and are reliable layers throughout the year, providing a steady supply of fresh eggs for your family.

Both Australorps and Speckled Sussex are great choices for those who want to raise chickens for eggs and as pets. They are easy to care for and will quickly become a beloved part of your family.

ISA Browns: Large Eggs and Amazing Temperament

ISA Browns are one of the most popular chicken breeds because of their amazing temperament and excellent egg-laying ability. They are known for being docile and friendly, making them a perfect choice for families with kids. These birds love human interaction and are always eager to socialize, making them great pets.

Another reason for their popularity is their excellent egg-laying ability. ISA Browns are known to lay over 300 large brown eggs each year, making them one of the most productive egg-laying breeds. Their eggs are also known for their rich flavor and excellent nutritional value.

In addition to their friendly temperament and excellent egg-laying ability, ISA Browns are also known for their adaptability. They can thrive in various climates and environments, making them a great choice for backyard chicken keepers across the globe.


There are many chicken breeds to choose from when looking for good egg layers with a gentle disposition that are easy to care for. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and specific needs. Some breeds like Rhode Island Reds and Black Sex Links are known for their consistent egg-laying and pretty feathers, while others like Silkies require special care but are adorable additions to any flock. Whatever breed you choose, taking the time to properly care for and interact with your chickens will result in happy and healthy birds that provide you with delicious eggs for years to come. With the variety of breeds available, there is sure to be one that is a perfect fit for your family and flock.

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