Category Archives: Gardening

Exploring the Use of Raw Wool in Composting: My Experience and Insights

Recently, I came across the idea of using raw wool as a composting material. Intrigued by the concept, I decided to give it a try and see how it would contribute to my composting process. In this article, I will share my personal experience with using raw wool in composting and explore the time it […]

Bokashi Juice Smells Like Vomit

Picture this: a magnificent elixir bubbling and fermenting, teeming with the secrets of nature’s decomposition process. Welcome to the enchanting world of Bokashi Juice! But what exactly is this mysterious potion? Allow me to enlighten you. Bokashi Juice is a byproduct of the bokashi composting method – an ingenious technique originating from Japan that harnesses […]

Budget-Friendly DIY Composting Bins: Easy and Sustainable Solutions

I’m thrilled to share my experience with you on creating budget-friendly composting bins. Composting is an excellent way to reduce waste, nourish your garden, and promote sustainability. If you’re like me, a beginner with a limited budget, you’ll find these do-it-yourself (DIY) ideas helpful. Let’s dive right in! The Pallet Box Method One of the […]

From Waste to Gold: Creating a Compost Bin for Chicken Poop

One of the most effective and environmentally friendly methods I’ve discovered for repurposing chicken waste is using a compost bin for chicken poop. In this article, I will share my experiences and insights into creating and maintaining a compost bin for chicken poop, explaining its benefits, providing practical tips, and demonstrate why it is a […]

My Experience with Starting a Bokashi Culture at Home.

Bokashi composting caught my attention as an efficient and odor-free method of recycling organic waste. After researching various suggestions online, I decided to give it a try. In this article, I will share my personal experience and the process I followed to start a bokashi culture at home. So, if you’re curious about this fascinating […]

Heat Lamps For Vibrant Plant Growth

In the world of gardening and plant cultivation, the idea of using heat lamps to aid in plant growth has gained significant attention. While sunlight remains the primary source of energy for plants, heat lamps have become a popular supplement, especially in regions with colder climates or limited access to natural light. The concept behind […]

What to Do with Spent Dirty Coop Straw: Creative Ideas for Recycling and Reusing.

What to Do with Spent Dirty Coop Straw: Creative Ideas for Recycling and Reusing.

If you’re a backyard chicken keeper like me, you’ve likely wondered what to do with the spent dirty straw from your coop. Instead of simply discarding it, there are numerous eco-friendly options for recycling and reusing this valuable resource. In this article, I will share some creative ideas that fellow chicken enthusiasts have come up […]

Bokashi with Wood Chips: Boost Soil Fertility

Meet bokashi, the Japanese term for fermented organic matter. This composting method relies on bacteria to break down waste into soil-enriching goodness, and it’s become increasingly popular with gardeners in recent years. Unlike traditional composting, which relies on oxygen-loving bacteria to break down material, bokashi fermentation is an anaerobic process that takes place inside an […]

Composting Kids’ Coloring Pages: A Colorful Addition to Your Sustainable Garden

Composting Kids' Coloring Pages: A Colorful Addition to Your Sustainable Garden

Recently, my kids have become quite artists, and their collection of coloring pages keeps growing. It got me thinking, can I compost all these colorful creations? I decided to dive into the topic myself and find out if kids’ coloring pages can indeed be composted. Join me on this colorful journey as we explore the […]

Composting Sourdough Starter: Debunking Myths and Maximizing Benefits.

Using Used Hamster Bedding in Compost: Exploring the Possibilities.

I often find myself with surplus sourdough starter. It’s a common dilemma among sourdough enthusiasts: what should I do with the excess starter? While some bakers might think that tossing it in the compost bin is a convenient solution, there are concerns about whether sourdough starter is suitable for composting. In this article, I’ll delve […]

Where To Buy Bokashi Mix

Now that we understand the wonders of Bokashi mix, let’s talk about why finding a reliable source for high-quality mix matters. When it comes to Bokashi composting, the quality of the mix directly impacts its efficacy. High-quality Bokashi mix ensures a healthy population of beneficial microbes, allowing for successful fermentation and rapid compost breakdown. On […]

Creating Your Perfect Indoor Wall Garden With Grow Lights: A Comprehensive Guide

Indoor wall gardens with grow lights are becoming increasingly popular among urban dwellers who want to bring nature indoors. These gardens are typically composed of a vertical array of plants that grow on a wall-mounted structure. Grow lights provide the necessary light for the plants to thrive, making it possible to grow a wide variety […]

Where To Keep Bokashi Bin

When it comes to placing your Bokashi Bin, one of the first things you should consider is accessibility and convenience. After all, it’s all about making your life easier, right? You want that bin situated in a spot that’s easily accessible from your kitchen or food preparation area. Imagine slicing those juicy oranges or chopping […]

Creative Finished Compost Storage Ideas for Limited Spaces.

If you are an avid composter with limited space and an HOA to consider, finding suitable storage solutions for finished compost can be a challenge. While traditional compost piles in the yard may not be feasible, there are alternative options that allow for efficient compost storage without violating any regulations. In this article, I will […]

Transforming Weeds and Spent Plants into Compost: A Composting Journey.

I have witnessed the abundance of weeds and spent plants that accumulate on a regular basis. It got me thinking about the possibility of composting these organic materials instead of simply discarding them. Additionally, we frequently receive a lot of wood chips, which could potentially be utilized in the composting process. In this article, I […]

Mushrooms in My Compost Bin: The Vital Role of Fungi and Mushrooms in Composting.

Mushrooms in My Compost Bin: The Vital Role of Fungi and Mushrooms in Composting.

Recently I noticed something unusual in my compost bin – mushrooms! At first, I wasn’t sure what to make of it and wondered if it was a cause for concern. After doing some research, I discovered that mushrooms in my compost bin are actually a positive sign. In this article, I’ll share my findings and […]

What Grow Lights Are Best For Tomatoes

Tomatoes are some of the most beloved vegetables (or fruits, depending on who you ask) in the world. They taste great in salads, sandwiches, sauces, and so much more. But did you know that growing tomatoes can be tricky? Especially if you live in areas with limited sunlight or harsh weather conditions. That’s where grow […]

Backyard Chickens Electric Fence: Ultimate Guide to Protecting Your Flock

Are you considering raising chickens in your backyard? If so, you’re not alone. More and more people are discovering the joys of keeping backyard chickens. Not only do they provide fresh eggs for your kitchen table, but they also make great pets and can be wonderful for teaching children about responsibility and animal care. An […]

Are Grow Lights Good for Houseplants?

Growing houseplants can be a great way to liven up your living space. However, providing enough light for plants to thrive can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have access to natural sunlight. That’s where grow lights come in! In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using grow lights for houseplants and provide […]

Elevated Temperatures in Composting and Its Impact on Helpful Bacteria

Elevated Temperatures in Composting and Its Impact on Helpful Bacteria

Recently, I’ve noticed that my compost bin has been maintaining mildly elevated temperatures between 120 and 130 degrees Fahrenheit for about two weeks. This sustained heat has left me wondering about its effect on the helpful bacteria and overall composting progress. In this article, I’ll share my experiences and insights on the topic, providing a […]

The Great Worm Debate: Buying Worms for Composting – Necessity or Luxury?

The Great Worm Debate: Buying Worms for Composting - Necessity or Luxury?

As an enthusiastic gardener and avid composter, I’ve often come across the topic of adding worms to the compost pile. Some swear by the benefits of introducing these wiggly creatures, while others question the necessity of buying them. Intrigued by the ongoing debate, I embarked on a journey to explore the role of worms in […]

Using Used Hamster Bedding in Compost: Exploring the Possibilities.

Using Used Hamster Bedding in Compost: Exploring the Possibilities.

I always strive to find sustainable solutions for managing waste. Recently, I found myself wondering if the used bedding from my hamster’s cage could be used as compost material. After doing some research and experimenting, I discovered that hamster bedding, which is typically made of paper and rich in nitrogen, can indeed be a valuable […]

What Is Bokashi And Why Do We Use It?

Welcome to the world of Bokashi, a fascinating and mysterious method for composting that has been used for centuries in Japan and other parts of Asia. If you’re tired of traditional composting methods that take ages to break down organic matter, don’t work well in small spaces, smell terrible or attract pests, then you’re in […]

Can I Garden Without Compost?

Can I garden without compost?

I understand the importance of nutrient-rich soil for the success of my plants. Compost is often hailed as the “black gold” of gardening due to its ability to improve soil structure and fertility. However, what if you don’t have access to compost? Can you still garden successfully? In this article, I will share my personal […]

Bokashi Magic: The Secret to Thriving Gardens.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your garden’s soil health and plant growth, you might want to try using bokashi compost. But what is bokashi, exactly? What is Bokashi? Bokashi is a type of composting that uses beneficial microorganisms to break down organic matter. The term “bokashi” comes from the Japanese word for […]

Bran-Free Bokashi

Traditional Bokashi composting is often accompanied by the faithful companion known as bran. Bran, my dear friends, is like the sidekick to your composting superhero. It plays a vital role in this organic adventure by providing a rich source of beneficial microorganisms that aid in breaking down organic waste through fermentation. Think of bran as […]

what to grow In an indoor garden: Deciding What to Grow

Indoor gardening is an excellent way to bring the beauty and benefits of nature into your home. Whether you live in an apartment or house, having an indoor garden can help you create a calming and relaxing environment. Not only that, but it can also improve the air quality of your living space by removing […]

Chicken Poop Fertilizer: Is It Worth the Mess?

Many gardeners and farmers wonder whether chicken poop is good for their plants. In this article, I’ll explore the benefits of using chicken poop as a fertilizer, its potential drawbacks, and some tips on how to use it effectively. What is Chicken Poop Fertilizer? Chicken poop fertilizer is made from the droppings of chickens. It’s […]

Bokashi vs Composting: The Fermentation Battle for Waste Supremacy

We’ve all heard about composting, the process of breaking down organic matter to create nutrient-rich soil. But have you ever heard of bokashi? This lesser-known, yet highly effective method of organic waste management is gaining popularity in sustainable living circles. What is Bokashi? Bokashi is a Japanese term that means “fermented organic matter.” It’s an […]

What Grow Lights To Use For Succulents.

Succulents are a popular type of plant known for their unique appearance and low maintenance requirements. These plants store water in their thick leaves and stems, allowing them to survive in hot, dry environments. While they can thrive in natural sunlight, many succulent enthusiasts choose to use grow lights to help their plants grow and […]

The Fastest Growing Vegetables To Grow Indoors.

For many people, the idea of growing vegetables indoors may seem like an odd concept. However, with the rise in popularity of indoor gardening, it’s quickly becoming a trendy and practical way to enjoy fresh produce all year round. There are numerous benefits to growing your own vegetables indoors. Firstly, you have complete control over […]

Composting for Beginners: Choosing the Right Composter for Small Households.

Composting for Beginners: Choosing the Right Composter for Small Households.

I understand the excitement and questions that come with it. With a household consisting of just one person and a cat, my composting needs are relatively modest. I’ve been pondering the type of composter to choose, the ideal size for my needs, and reliable brands that I can trust. If you’re in a similar situation […]

Mulching Leaves for Faster Decomposition: My Lawnmower Method Success Story

Mulching Leaves for Faster Decomposition: My Lawnmower Method Success Story

As an enthusiastic composter, I’m always on the lookout for ways to speed up the decomposition process and transform organic waste into nutrient-rich compost. Recently, I reached out for advice on how to effectively mulch up my leaves, and someone suggested using a lawnmower. Intrigued by this idea, I decided to give it a try. […]

Green Dreams: Indoor Herb Garden with Grow Lights

Have you ever thought about growing your own herbs, but couldn’t because you don’t have a garden or outdoor space? If you’re someone who loves to cook or appreciates the benefits of fresh herbs, an indoor herb garden might be the perfect solution for you. Not only do indoor herb gardens add greenery and fragrance […]

Why Bokashi Smells: Understanding & Tackling Odor

If you are passionate about reducing food waste and have an interest in gardening, then bokashi composting is definitely something you should consider. Bokashi is a Japanese term that means “fermented organic matter.” It’s a simple process that uses microorganisms to break down food scraps and other organic materials into compost. Bokashi composting differs from […]

Bokashi Fermentation: How to Know When It’s Ready

Are you tired of using chemical-laden fertilizers in your garden? Do you wish there was a more natural way to enrich your soil and produce healthier plants? Well, look no further than Bokashi! Bokashi is a Japanese term that means “fermented organic matter.” It’s an all-natural, anaerobic composting process that uses beneficial microorganisms to break […]

Composting Cardboard with Printing: Is it Safe for Your Compost?

Composting Cardboard with Printing: Is it Safe for Your Compost?

One common item that often finds its way into my compost pile is cardboard. It’s a readily available source of carbon and helps create a well-balanced compost. However, a question that often arises is whether it matters if the cardboard has printing on it. In this article, I will share my experiences and insights on […]

Shedding Light On Indoor Plant Growth: Natural Vs. Artificial Light.

Plants need light to grow, and when you’re growing plants indoors, it’s important to provide them with the right kind of light. Without enough light, your plants won’t be able to photosynthesize properly, which means they won’t be able to produce the energy they need to grow and thrive. So what kind of light is […]

Coffee Grounds: A Guide to Composting and Sustainable Gardening.

Coffee Grounds: A Guide to Composting and Sustainable Gardening.

I have discovered a remarkable secret that brings joy to both my morning routine and my garden’s thriving greenery – composting coffee grounds. In this article, I will share my journey and insights into the world of composting coffee grounds, providing you with a comprehensive guide to harnessing their power for sustainable gardening. Join me […]

Bokashi Living Kitchen Composter

Bokashi composting, my dear reader, is a fascinating method of breaking down organic waste using a specialized fermentation process. Derived from the Japanese word “bokashi,” meaning “fermented organic matter,” this technique involves the use of airtight containers and beneficial microorganisms to transform your kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich compost. Unlike traditional composting that relies on aerobic […]

Effective Storage Solutions for Worm Castings: My Experience and Recommendations

I often find myself faced with the challenge of needing to store worm castings when I can’t use them immediately but still need to free up a tray. Over time, I have discovered various storage methods that help preserve the quality and potency of these valuable worm-produced fertilizers. In this article, I will share my […]

Finding Meaningful Ways to Thank My Egg-Giving Neighbor

Living in a close-knit community has its perks, one of which is the occasional act of kindness that reminds us of the beauty of human connections. In my case, I have been fortunate enough to have a neighbor who keeps chickens and generously shares a dozen fresh eggs with me every week. As a token […]

Grow Lights and Eye Health: The Truth Revealed.

As indoor gardening gains popularity, more and more people are turning to grow lights to cultivate their plants. Grow lights are artificial light sources that emit different wavelengths of light to promote plant growth. They are used by indoor gardeners to supplement natural light and create ideal growing conditions for their plants. What Are Grow […]