What to Use in the Bottom of Your Chicken Coop: Scoopable Options.

If you’re looking for a solution to clean your chicken coop easily, look no further. There are plenty of options available to use in the bottom of your coop that will make cleaning a breeze.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular options and discuss their benefits and drawbacks.


Sand is a common choice for the bottom of a chicken coop due to its convenience and effectiveness in preventing the buildup of harmful bacteria. However, not all sand is created equal, and it’s important to use the right type to ensure maximum benefits.

One of the key advantages of sand is its ease of cleaning. With a long-handled cat litter scooper, you can quickly and easily scoop out the poop piles, leaving a clean surface behind. This is especially helpful for those who want to keep their coop clean and sanitary.

Another advantage of sand is its ability to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria. Because sand is granular, it allows air to circulate through it, which helps to dry out any moisture and prevent bacterial growth. This is important because bacteria can cause illness in your birds and lead to unpleasant odors in your coop.

When using sand, make sure it’s at least 4 inches deep. This depth allows for proper absorption and prevents odors from escaping. It’s also important to replace the sand periodically to ensure that it remains fresh and effective at preventing bacterial growth.

However, there are also some disadvantages to using sand. It can be heavy and difficult to move around, and it may require a lot of effort to clean out completely. Additionally, sand can be abrasive and may cause wear and tear on your coop’s floor over time.

Despite these drawbacks, many chicken owners find that sand is a great choice for the bottom of their coops. It’s easy to clean, effective at preventing bacterial growth, and can help keep your coop smelling fresh and clean. If you decide to use sand in your coop, make sure to choose a fine variety, keep it at least 4 inches deep, and replace it periodically to ensure optimal benefits.

Drop Boxes

Drop boxes are a simple and effective way to keep your chicken coop clean and tidy. They are particularly useful for those who prefer not to use sand as a bedding material. Drop boxes are placed underneath the roosts where the chickens sleep, and they collect all the droppings that fall from above. The advantage of using drop boxes is that they are easy to clean and maintain, just like a litter box. You can simply slide out the box, scrape off the poop and dispose of it in a compost bin or trash can.

Drop boxes are typically made of wood, but you can use any material that is sturdy enough to hold the weight of the birds. The boxes should be large enough to collect all the droppings, and they should be positioned at an angle to allow the poop to roll off easily. You can line the boxes with a plastic liner to make cleaning even easier. Drop boxes can be used in conjunction with other materials such as sand, shavings or straw to make cleaning even more effective.

One important thing to keep in mind when using drop boxes is to ensure that they are at the right height. If the boxes are too low, the birds may end up roosting on them, making them less effective. On the other hand, if they are too high, it may be difficult to access them for cleaning. Ideally, the boxes should be placed a few inches below the roosting bars, at a height that allows for easy access.

Using drop boxes is a great way to keep your coop clean, but it’s important to note that they may not be suitable for all types of coops. For example, if you have a mobile coop that you move around your yard, drop boxes may not be practical. In such cases, sand or other bedding materials may be a better option. However, if you have a fixed coop, drop boxes can be a convenient and effective way to keep your coop clean and healthy.


Linoleum is a synthetic flooring material that is made from natural and renewable materials, such as linseed oil and cork dust. It is a popular choice for chicken coops as it is durable, water-resistant, and easy to clean. Linoleum can be installed over the wood floor of your coop, providing a smooth and seamless surface that’s easy to maintain.

One of the main advantages of using linoleum in a chicken coop is that it is resistant to moisture. Moisture can be a problem in chicken coops, especially during wet or humid weather conditions. Moisture can cause mold and bacteria growth, which can be harmful to chickens’ health. By using linoleum, you can help prevent moisture from penetrating the floor of your coop, which can make it easier to maintain a clean and healthy environment for your birds.

Another advantage of linoleum is that it is easy to clean. You can sweep up any debris or messes with a broom or use a damp cloth to wipe it down. Unlike other materials such as shavings or sand, linoleum does not require regular replacement, which can save you time and money in the long run.

However, it’s important to note that linoleum can be slippery, especially if it gets wet. To prevent any accidents or injuries, you should provide your chickens with a non-slip surface to walk on, such as rubber mats or textured surfaces.

Washed Construction Sand

Washed construction sand is a type of sand that is commonly used for chicken coop flooring. It has been specially washed to remove any impurities that may be present, making it a safe and healthy option for your chickens. It’s important to note that regular sand should not be used for chicken coop flooring, as it may contain harmful substances that can be harmful to your birds.

One of the advantages of using washed construction sand is that it’s easy to clean. You can use a cat litter scooper to easily scoop out any poop and dispose of it in a compost bin or trash can. This makes cleaning your chicken coop a quick and hassle-free process.

When using washed construction sand in your chicken coop, it’s recommended to have a depth of at least 4 inches. This allows for proper absorption and helps prevent odors from escaping. Additionally, it’s important to regularly check the sand for any signs of moisture or mold growth, as this can lead to health issues for your chickens.

Another benefit of using washed construction sand is that it can help prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria. Bacteria can easily thrive in moist environments, but the dryness of the sand can make it a less hospitable environment for these microorganisms.


Hemp is a natural and eco-friendly option for chicken coop flooring. It is made from the stalks of the hemp plant, which are processed to create a bedding material that is highly absorbent and has natural odor-controlling properties.

Hemp bedding is also non-toxic, which makes it a safe option for your chickens. However, it can be a bit more difficult to scoop out than sand or other options, and you’ll need to replace it more frequently.

It’s best to change out the hemp every six months or so to maintain a clean and healthy coop environment for your chickens. Overall, if you’re looking for a natural and sustainable option for your chicken coop, hemp bedding may be worth considering.

Pine Shavings

Pine shavings are a common choice for chicken coop flooring due to their absorbent and odor-controlling properties. However, cleaning pine shavings can be more challenging compared to using sand or drop boxes. If you decide to go with pine shavings, it’s important to use fine shavings and not coarser ones. Coarser shavings may not be as absorbent and can make cleaning more difficult.

To clean pine shavings, you can use a cat litter scooper to scoop out any visible poop or soiled areas. It’s best to do this regularly to prevent buildup and odor. You can also consider adding a layer of fresh shavings on top of the existing ones every so often to maintain cleanliness. However, keep in mind that adding too many shavings can lead to moisture buildup, which can create a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring is a type of synthetic flooring made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride) resin. It’s a popular option for chicken coop flooring because of its durability and ease of cleaning. Unlike other materials, vinyl flooring doesn’t absorb moisture or odors, making it a good choice for coops that are prone to dampness or humidity. You can easily sweep or wipe the surface to keep it clean, and it won’t harbor bacteria or parasites that can be harmful to your chickens.

However, because vinyl flooring doesn’t absorb moisture, it may require more frequent cleaning than other materials like sand or pine shavings. You may need to use a disinfectant solution to keep it clean and prevent bacteria or fungal growth. To make cleaning easier, you can place feed bags or other protective covers on the floor before adding bedding material.


There are many options available to use at the bottom of your chicken coop. Sand, drop boxes, linoleum, washed construction sand, hemp, pine shavings, and vinyl flooring are all viable options.

Each has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to choose the one that works best for your specific needs. Whatever option you choose, remember to keep the coop clean to ensure the health and well-being of your chickens.

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