When Do Turkeys Lay Eggs After Mating?

Turkeys are fascinating birds known for their majestic plumage and delicious meat. But did you know that turkeys also have a unique mating and egg-laying process? In this article, we’ll explore how long after mating turkeys lay eggs.

The Mating Process of Turkeys

During the turkey mating season, which typically occurs in the spring, male turkeys will perform a courtship display to attract female turkeys. This display involves puffing out their feathers, spreading their wings, and making vocalizations to impress the females.

Once a female turkey has chosen her mate, she will allow him to mount her for copulation. The male turkey will then fertilize the female’s eggs internally.

The Egg-Laying Process of Turkeys

After fertilization occurs, the female turkey will begin to produce eggs. Unlike other birds that lay eggs in nests right away, a turkey will store her eggs in her body until she has laid enough to make a clutch.

A clutch is typically made up of around 10-12 eggs. Once she has laid all of the eggs in her clutch, she will begin incubating them by sitting on them for approximately 28 days until they hatch into poults.

While it may seem like a straightforward process for other bird species to lay their eggs immediately after fertilization occurs, turkeys have an intricate process involving storing their eggs until they have enough to make a full clutch. Understanding this process sheds light on the unique biology and behavior of these impressive birds.

Turkey Mating Season:

When does turkey mating season occur?

Turkey mating season usually occurs during springtime, between March and May. This is when the days start to get longer and the weather starts getting warmer.

During this time, male turkeys, or toms, become more active and begin displaying their feathers in order to attract a mate. This period of increased activity is known as “strutting.”

How long does turkey mating season last?

Turkey mating season typically lasts for about two to three months. During this time, female turkeys, or hens, will mate with multiple males in order to increase their chances of producing healthy offspring. After the mating season is over, males will stop strutting and return to their normal behavior patterns.

Females will then begin preparing for egg-laying and nesting. Although turkey mating season only lasts for a few months each year, it’s an important time for these birds as it sets the stage for successful reproduction later on down the line.

Egg Production Timeline

Overview of the Stages of Egg Production in Turkeys

Before we dive into how long it takes for eggs to develop after a turkey mates, let’s first discuss the stages of egg production. The process begins with the formation of the egg yolk inside the hen’s ovary.

Once it is fully developed, the yolk moves down through a funnel-like structure called an oviduct. Along the way, different parts of the egg, such as albumen and the shell, are added to create a complete egg.

Explanation of How Long It Takes for Eggs to Develop After Mating

After a turkey mates, fertilization typically occurs within 24 hours. However, it takes around 25 hours for an egg to develop from start to finish and be ready for laying. This means that once fertilization occurs, it will take approximately one day before a turkey can lay an egg.

It’s important to note that not all eggs will become fertilized even if mating occurs. A hen may lay infertile eggs without ever mating with a male turkey.

Additionally, even if fertilization does occur, not all eggs may hatch due to various factors such as temperature and humidity during incubation. Understanding these stages can help us better understand how long it takes for turkeys to lay eggs after mating and what factors may impact this timeline.

Factors Affecting Egg Laying Timeframe


Age is an important factor that affects the timing of egg laying in turkeys. Young turkey hens may take longer to start laying eggs compared to mature ones. Typically, turkeys start laying eggs between 5-7 months, but younger birds could take up to 9 months.

Likewise, older hens may lay fewer eggs than their younger counterparts. So, if you’re considering raising your own turkeys for egg production, it’s essential to consider the age of the birds.


The health of a turkey hen can also affect its egg-laying timeframe. Sick birds may take longer to lay eggs or not lay any at all.

Some common diseases that impact turkey egg production include respiratory infections and parasitic infestations. In addition, poor nutrition can negatively impact the health and productivity of turkey hens, leading to delayed or reduced egg-laying.

Environmental Conditions

The environment also plays a crucial role in determining when a turkey will begin laying eggs after mating. Factors such as temperature and light exposure can affect the bird’s reproductive hormones and thus its ability to produce eggs. Turkeys need at least 12-14 hours of daylight per day for best results in terms of egg production.

Also, if they are exposed to extreme temperatures (hot or cold), their reproductive systems may get disrupted leading to delayed or reduced egg-laying. While there is a typical timeframe for when turkeys begin laying eggs after mating, various factors can affect this timeline significantly – including age, health status and environmental conditions – which should be taken into account if you’re planning on raising your own flock for optimal productivity and success!

Average Timeframe for Egg Laying After Mating

Now that we understand the general egg production timeline, let’s talk about how long it takes for a turkey to lay eggs after mating. On average, it takes about 28 days for a female turkey to lay eggs after mating. This time includes the approximately 14-day period of egg development in the ovaries and another two weeks or so for the formation of the eggshell and other final processes.

Detailed Explanation of the Typical Timeframe

During this 28 day period, female turkeys will typically lay one egg every day or every other day until their clutch is complete. A typical clutch size can range from around 10 to 15 eggs depending on various factors such as age and breed. Once a turkey has laid her last egg, she will begin incubating them for around 28 days before they hatch.

Discussion of Variations or Exceptions

It’s important to note that while most female turkeys will lay their eggs within this general timeframe, there are always exceptions. Some turkeys may take longer than average to begin laying their eggs after mating due to factors such as stress or illness. Additionally, certain breeds of turkeys may have different egg-laying patterns than others which can affect how long it takes them to begin laying after mating.


In this article, we’ve discussed the various factors that can affect the timing of egg laying in turkeys after mating. We’ve also explored the average timeframe for egg-laying and some exceptions to it.

It’s important to keep in mind that there is no hard and fast rule for when a turkey will lay eggs after mating. However, understanding the factors that can affect egg-laying timeline can help to predict when eggs may be expected.

Age and health are two major factors that can impact egg production in turkeys. Younger birds are less likely to lay eggs promptly after mating compared to older birds who are more experienced at producing eggs.

Environmental conditions such as temperature and lighting also play a role in determining when turkey eggs will be laid. If the environment is not conducive to egg production, then it may take longer for a turkey to lay her eggs.

Overall, while there is some variation in how long after mating turkeys lay their eggs; it usually takes around two weeks or slightly longer before a turkey lays her first clutch of eggs after successful breeding. By keeping these factors in mind, turkey owners can better anticipate when they might expect their hens to begin laying their precious cargo of delicious and nutritious eggs!

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