Why Are My Chickens’ Feet Turning Red? Common Causes and Solutions.

red chicken feet

I have noticed that sometimes my chickens’ feet turn red, which can be concerning. After doing some research, I learned that this could be several reasons, ranging from harmless conditions to more serious health issues. In this article, I will discuss why your chickens’ feet might be turning red and what you can do about it.

Why do chickens’ feet turn red?

Here are some of the common reasons why chickens’ feet turn red:

  • Genetics: Some chicken breeds naturally have red feet, so if your chickens are of a breed that typically has red feet, then there is nothing to worry about. Examples of such breeds include Rhode Island Reds, Leghorns, and Orpingtons.
  • Sunburn: Believe it or not, chickens can get sunburnt just like humans! If your chickens spend much time outside in direct sunlight, their feet may turn red. The skin on their feet is fragile and has little protection from the sun’s UV rays, which can cause sunburn.
  • Irritation: If your chickens’ feet come into contact with something that irritates their skin, such as chemicals or rough surfaces, it can cause the skin to turn red. This is similar to a rash or allergic reaction in humans.
  • Mites and other parasites: Mites and other parasites can cause irritation and damage to a chicken’s feet, leading to redness and other symptoms. This can include itching, scabbing, and even deformities in severe cases.
  • Fungal infections: Fungal infections can also cause chicken feet redness. Bumblefoot is a common fungal infection, caused by bacteria that enter the skin through a small cut or scrape. This infection can cause swelling, redness, and even pus-filled abscesses.

How to address red feet in chickens

If you notice that your chickens’ feet are turning red, it is important to take action to address the underlying cause. Here are some tips on how to address red feet in chickens:

  • Provide shade: If you suspect that your chickens’ feet are turning red due to sunburn, provide shade in their outdoor area. This can be in the form of trees, umbrellas, or a covered coop.
  • Avoid irritants: If you suspect that your chickens’ feet are turning red due to irritation, remove any potential irritants from their environment. This can include chemicals, rough surfaces, or other substances that could be causing the irritation.
  • Treat parasites: If you suspect that your chickens have mites or other parasites, it is important to treat them promptly to prevent the infestation from spreading. There are several treatments available for external parasites, such as dusting powders and sprays.
  • Treat fungal infections: If your chickens have a fungal infection, such as bumblefoot, it is important to treat it promptly. Your vet can prescribe antibiotics or antifungal medication to address the infection. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove any abscesses or damaged tissue.

Preventing red feet in Chickens

The following are some tips on how to prevent red feet in chickens:

  • Provide shade: As mentioned earlier, providing shade can prevent sunburn and help keep your chickens’ feet healthy. Ensure enough shade to cover your chickens’ entire outdoor area.
  • Keep the coop clean: A clean coop can help prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi that can cause infections in your chickens’ feet. Clean the coop regularly and provide clean bedding to keep your chickens’ feet healthy.
  • Inspect regularly: Regularly inspect your chickens’ feet for any signs of redness, swelling, or other symptoms. Catching any issues early can help prevent them from becoming more serious.


In conclusion, there are several reasons why your chickens’ feet might be turning red, ranging from harmless genetics to more serious health issues such as infections and parasites. If you notice that your chickens’ feet are turning red, it is important to take action to address the underlying cause promptly. Providing shade, removing irritants, and treating infections and parasites are all important steps in addressing red feet in chickens.

In addition to addressing the underlying causes, preventing red feet in chickens is also important. Providing shade, keeping the coop clean, and regularly inspecting your chickens’ feet can all help prevent redness and other foot-related issues.

As a chicken owner, it is important to pay attention to your chickens’ feet and overall health. By taking proactive steps to address any issues and prevent future problems, you can help ensure that your chickens stay healthy and happy.

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