Hardwood Chips for Chicken Run

If you’re a backyard chicken owner, then you know how important it is to maintain the health and wellbeing of your flock. One way to do that is by providing them with high-quality bedding material such as hardwood chips. Not only are they natural and sustainable, but they offer several benefits to your chickens.

Firstly, hardwood chips provide excellent insulation against the cold during winter months. They also absorb moisture and help regulate temperatures during warmer seasons.

This keeps the coop dry and reduces the risk of bacterial and fungal infections. Secondly, hardwood chips promote natural pest control by attracting beneficial insects such as earthworms that break down organic matter.

This helps keep harmful pests like mites and fleas at bay. Hardwood chips provide a comfortable surface for chickens to dust bathe in.

Dust bathing is a crucial activity for chickens as it helps them remove excess oil from their feathers which can lead to infestations or blockages in their skin pores. Overall, using hardwood chips as bedding material is an excellent investment for your backyard chicken setup.

In this article, we’ll discuss different types of hardwood chips available, how to apply them correctly in your chicken run, maintenance tips to ensure longevity, potential drawbacks, and more! So let’s dive right into it!

Types of Hardwood Chips

When it comes to choosing the right type of hardwood chips for your chicken run, there are several options to consider. Each type of hardwood has its own unique properties that can benefit your chickens in different ways.


Oak is a popular choice for hardwood chips in chicken runs because it is affordable, readily available, and durable. Oak chips are naturally pest resistant and slow to break down, which means they can provide long-lasting bedding for your chickens.


Hickory is another excellent option for chicken run bedding. It has a distinct aroma that can help repel pests and insects while also providing a natural source of enrichment for your chickens. Hickory chips are also known for their absorbent qualities, which makes them ideal for keeping the chicken run clean and dry.


Maple chips are a great choice if you’re looking to create a soft, fluffy bed for your chickens. They are lightweight and absorbent, which means they can help keep the chicken run dry while also providing a comfortable place for your birds to rest. Maple chips are also known for their sweet aroma, which can add a pleasant scent to the coop area.

Other types of hardwoods that can be used as bedding in chicken runs include cherry wood, ash wood, and birch wood. Ultimately it’s up to personal preference which kind of hardwood chip you choose but make sure that they do not contain any harmful chemicals or additives that could affect the health of your flock!

The Benefits of Using Hardwood Chips in a Chicken Run

Natural Pest Control

One of the most significant benefits of using hardwood chips in a chicken run is the natural pest control they provide. Chickens are notorious for attracting pests like mites, fleas, and ticks.

However, hardwood chips contain natural oils that repel these pests and keep them at bay. This means that chickens living in a run with hardwood chip bedding are less likely to suffer from pest infestations.

Dust Bathing

Another benefit of using hardwood chips in a chicken run is the opportunity for chickens to dust bathe. Dust bathing is an essential part of a chicken’s hygiene routine.

By rolling around in dry dirt or sand, chickens can rid themselves of excess oil and dirt on their feathers while also helping to control parasites like lice and mites. Hardwood chips provide an excellent material for dust bathing because they are soft and absorbent.

Nutrient-Rich Soil

Using hardwood chips as bedding in a chicken run can also improve the soil quality over time. As the chips decompose, they release nutrients into the soil that can help plants grow healthier and stronger. This means that you can eventually use the bedding as compost or even plant directly into it.

In addition, if you have a vegetable garden nearby, you can use the nutrient-rich soil to fertilize your plants. There are several benefits to using hardwood chips as bedding for chickens in a run environment.

From providing natural pest control to improving soil quality over time, these chips offer many advantages over traditional methods of chicken bedding such as straw or hay. Consider giving this method a try and see how your chickens thrive!

How to Use Hardwood Chips in a Chicken Run

The Right Amount of Chips

When it comes to using hardwood chips in your chicken run, there are a few things you should keep in mind to get the best results. First and foremost, you need to use the right amount of chips.

Generally speaking, you’ll want at least a two-inch layer of chips on the floor of your chicken run. This will provide enough cushion for your birds when they move around, while also absorbing moisture and keeping odors under control.

Application Methods

There are two primary application methods when it comes to hardwood chips: scattering and deep litter. With scattering, you simply scatter the chips over the floor of your chicken run until they have formed a thick layer.

With deep litter, you start with a thin layer (about an inch), and then add more chips as needed over time. The goal is to create a thick layer of composting material that can be turned into nutrient-rich soil.

Choosing Your Chips

When choosing hardwood chips for your chicken run, it’s important to select high-quality, untreated wood. Avoid using any type of treated lumber or chipboard as these materials may contain harmful chemicals that can be harmful to your birds’ health over time. Instead, opt for natural hardwoods such as oak or hickory that have been shredded into small pieces.

Maintenance Tips

Once you’ve applied your hardwood chips, it’s important to maintain them properly in order to achieve maximum benefits for your chickens. Make sure to mix and turn the bedding regularly so that it remains aerated and does not become compacted over time. Additionally, adding fresh layers of woodchips every few weeks will help keep odor and pests under control while ensuring that there is enough material available for composting purposes down the line.

Maintenance Tips for Hardwood Chips in a Chicken Run

Add Fresh Chips Regularly

One of the most important maintenance tips for using hardwood chips in a chicken run is to add fresh chips regularly. Over time, the chips will break down and decompose, becoming compacted and losing their ability to absorb moisture and control odors. By adding fresh chips every few weeks or as needed, you can keep the bedding clean and dry, which is essential for the health of your chickens.

Rake and Turn the Bedding

Another important tip is to rake and turn the bedding regularly. This helps to distribute moisture evenly throughout the bedding and prevent any areas from becoming too wet or damp. It also helps to aerate the wood chips, which can improve their ability to absorb odors.

Keep an Eye on Moisture Levels

As you maintain your hardwood chip bedding, it’s important to monitor moisture levels on a regular basis. If your chicken run becomes too wet or damp, it can lead to issues like mold growth or even respiratory problems for your chickens.

On the other hand, if it becomes too dry, it may not be as effective at controlling odors. Finding a good balance is key!

Remove Any Soiled or Moldy Chips

If you notice any areas of your hardwood chip bedding that are soiled or starting to mold, be sure to remove those chips right away. Leaving them in place could lead to more serious issues down the road. By following these maintenance tips for using hardwood chips in a chicken run, you can create a clean, safe environment that promotes health and wellbeing for your feathered friends!

Potential Drawbacks of Using Hardwood Chips in a Chicken Run

Cost: Is it Worth it?

One potential drawback of using hardwood chips in a chicken run is the cost. Unlike traditional bedding materials, hardwood chips can be more expensive to purchase and maintain. However, many chicken owners argue that the benefits of using hardwood chips outweigh the costs in the long run.

For example, hardwood chips provide natural pest control, which can save money on expensive pesticides and medications. Additionally, hardwood chips break down over time and create nutrient-rich soil that can be used for gardening or sold for profit.

Availability: Where to Find Hardwood Chips?

Another potential concern with using hardwood chips in a chicken run is availability. Depending on your location, it may be difficult to find a local supplier or retailer who sells high-quality hardwood chips suitable for use with chickens. However, with some research and networking within your community, you may be able to find local sources of wood products that can be turned into bedding material for your flock.

Other Considerations

It’s also important to note that not all types of wood are safe for chickens. Some woods contain toxins or chemicals that could harm poultry if ingested or used as bedding material. Before using any type of wood product as bedding material for your chickens, do your research and consult with a knowledgeable expert who can help you choose safe and appropriate options.

While there are some potential drawbacks or concerns with using hardwood chips as bedding for chickens such as cost and availability; these concerns need not prevent you from making an informed decision about what is best for your flock and their living conditions. By considering the benefits alongside these considerations – such as natural pest control and nutrient-rich soil – you will have a better understanding of whether this option is right for you and your feathered friends!


Using hardwood chips as bedding for your chicken run is a great choice, with many benefits for both you and your feathered friends. Not only do hardwood chips promote natural pest control and help with dust bathing, but they also provide nutrient-rich soil for gardening. Additionally, the maintenance process is simple and straightforward, making it an efficient option.

So if you’re looking to give your chickens a cozy home while also benefiting from natural pest control and soil enrichment, consider switching to hardwood chips as their bedding! Your chickens will thank you for it.

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