Category Archives: Chickens

Can You Keep One Chicken?

Raising chickens has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many individuals and families opting to keep them as pets or for their eggs. There are numerous benefits to raising chickens, from the joy of providing a happy and healthy life for animals, to the enjoyment of collecting fresh eggs every day. Additionally, chickens are […]

The Golden Beauties: A Guide to Buff Orpington Chickens

Backyard chicken keeping has become increasingly popular over the years, and Buff Orpingtons have emerged as a top choice for many enthusiasts. These charming birds are as beautiful as they are friendly, making them an excellent addition to any flock. Buff Orpington chickens were first bred in England by William Cook in the late 19th […]

Why Chickens Lay White Eggs: Genetics, Breeds, & Environment.

Chicken eggs come in an array of colors, from the classic white and brown to more exotic hues like blue and green. The colors that chickens lay are determined by genetics, so certain breeds will always lay a specific color. However, there are some breeds that can lay more than one color depending on their […]

Chicken Eggs: Surprising Facts

For many of us, eggs are a staple in our diets. They’re versatile and can be cooked in a myriad of ways: boiled, fried, scrambled or baked. Not to mention they’re incredibly cost-effective and packed with nutrition. But have you ever stopped to think about where these little powerhouses come from? That’s right – chickens! […]

Chicken Wormer with No Egg Withdrawal: A Safe and Effective Solution for Poultry Health.

I understand the joy and satisfaction that comes from raising chickens. However, keeping our feathered friends healthy is essential to ensure their well-being and the quality of the eggs they provide. One common challenge that backyard chicken keepers face is dealing with worm infestations. In this article, I will share my experiences with using a […]

Setting the Right Price for Your Farm Fresh Eggs.

Setting the Right Price for Your Farm Fresh Eggs

When you have a flock of chickens and plenty of eggs, it’s natural to think about selling them. But how much should you charge for your farm-fresh eggs? Is $4 a dozen a fair price? Some people might argue that store-bought eggs are cheaper, but that’s not always the case. In this article, we’ll discuss […]

How to Get Rid of Mites on Chickens: A Guide for Chicken Keepers.

How to Get Rid of Mites on Chickens: A Guide for Chicken Keepers.

I understand how distressing it can be to find little bugs crawling on your skin. In my experience, these bugs are usually mites or chicken lice, and they can be quite common in chicken coops. In this article, I’ll share my experience with mites on my chickens, and some of the ways I’ve found to […]

Special Breakfast for Happy Hens: A Nutritious Meal Idea for Your Flock.

I woke up this morning and decided to make a special breakfast for my feathered friends. I gathered some eggs, shells, quick oats, and birdseed, and whipped up a delicious meal that my hens absolutely loved. In this article, I’ll share with you why this breakfast is so nutritious for chickens and how you can […]

Creative Alternatives to Tarps for Providing Shade and Shelter for Your Hoop Coop.

Building a hoop coop is an exciting project for any chicken owner, but figuring out the best way to provide shade and shelter can be a bit challenging. While tarps are a popular option, they may not be the most durable or effective choice. In this article, I’ll share some alternative options for providing shade […]

How to Keep Chicks from Filling Their Waterer with Pine Shavings.

How to Keep Chicks from Filling Their Waterer with Pine Shavings.

As someone who has raised chicks before, I can relate to the frustration of constantly finding pine shavings in their waterer. It seems like no matter what I did, those little fluff balls always found a way to make a mess. After trying a few different methods, I found some effective solutions to keep my […]

To Feed or Not to Feed Chickens Scraps? Pros and Cons You Need to Know.

To Feed or Not to Feed Chickens Scraps? Pros and Cons You Need to Know

One of the things that you might be wondering is whether or not feeding your chickens scraps is a good idea. Some people believe that feeding chickens scraps can make their eggs taste funny, while others think it’s a great way to save money on chicken feed. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and […]

Gasping for Air: Understanding the Possible Reasons Why Your Chicken is Struggling to Breathe.

It is concerning to see your beloved bird gasping for air. Not only is it a worrying sight, but it can also indicate an underlying health issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. In this article, I will be discussing the possible reasons why your chicken may be gasping for air and […]

Keeping Your Chickens Happy and Busy: Ideas for Your Run.

Keeping Your Chickens Happy and Busy: Ideas for Your Run.

As a chicken owner, one of the main concerns is to keep the birds happy and busy in their run. Chickens that are bored and have nothing to do can easily become agitated and start pecking at each other, which can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, it’s important to provide a stimulating environment for […]

Discovering Red Chicken Breeds: Feathers & Personalities

Red chicken breeds have been an important part of the poultry industry for over a century. The history of these chickens dates back to the early 1800s when farmers began selectively breeding chickens with red feathers for better meat quality and egg production. The first red chicken breed was the Rhode Island Red, which gained […]

Bantam Chicken Egg Colors

Bantam chickens, also known as miniature chickens, are small versions of standard chicken breeds. They’ve become incredibly popular among backyard chicken keepers due to their compact size, friendly personalities, and ability to thrive in smaller spaces. Unlike their larger counterparts, bantam chickens can lay eggs that come in a rainbow of colors. Egg-ceptional Variety When […]

Mixing Chicken Breeds: Can Standard Chickens, Bantams, and Seramas be Free-Ranged and Housed Together?

Raising chickens is a rewarding experience. You get fresh eggs, meat, and fertilizer while enjoying the company of these fascinating creatures. However, one question that many beginners ask is whether different types of chickens can coexist in the same environment. Specifically, can standard chickens, bantams, and seramas be free-ranged and housed together? In this article, […]

Ultimate Guide to Weatherproofing Your Chicken Coop

If you own chickens, you know that they require a safe and secure place to roost at night. A weatherproof chicken coop is essential to ensure their safety, health, and well-being. Chickens are incredibly resilient birds, but they cannot withstand extreme temperatures, high humidity, and other harsh weather conditions. By weatherproofing your coop, you can […]

Essential Tips for Raising Happy and Healthy Chicks | Beginner’s Guide.

Essential Tips for Raising Happy and Healthy Chicks | Beginner’s Guide.

There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to raising healthy and happy chicks. In this article, we will cover the best practices for ensuring your chicks grow up healthy and strong, as well as some things to look out for along the way. Stick to Chick Crumble for Nutritional Balance Raising […]

Small Chicken Hatcheries in Phoenix

Are you considering adding chickens to your backyard? If so, you’re not alone. More and more people are discovering the joys and benefits of raising their own chickens, from having a fresh supply of eggs to enjoying the company of these fascinating birds. In Phoenix, small chicken hatcheries are making it easier than ever for […]

Brahma Chicken Complete Breed Profile – Care, Size, Eggs, Weight

Brahma Chicken Characteristics

The Brahma originally named Brahmaputra (Brahmapootra) after a river in India, is an American Chicken Breed, developed from birds that had been imported from the Chinese port of Shanghai.  In the chickens giant hall of fame, the Brahma chickens sit up there, together with other giant breeds like the Jersy Giant,  with Brahma cockerels weighing […]

Which is Better – Metal Feeders or Plastic Feeders?

Are you grappling with the decision of which feeder material to choose for your beloved flock of chickens? We understand the importance of finding the perfect balance between functionality, durability, and cost-effectiveness when it comes to selecting the right chicken feeder. That’s why we’re here to guide you through the debate of metal feeders versus […]

How Chicken Fruit and Vegetable Feeders Work

Vegetables and fruits not only make great treats for chickens but are also nutritious. While they are not to be a replacement for their daily balanced diet, vegetables and fruits will add some nutrients to your chickens.  So the question here is not if chickens will eat vegetables and fruits, but where the vegetable and […]

Can you Keep Chickens with Dogs?

Dogs have been said to be man’s best friend and chickens are the cheapest provider of proteins to humanity. Dogs will offer companionship, protect people and their properties. Chickens are not only great companions but also provide eggs and meat. Can you keep chickens with dogs?  We have heard horrifying encounters between dogs and chickens. […]

Chicken Feeders that Prevent Wastage of Chicken Feed

Chickens scratch everywhere they can when feeding. This will include the chicken feeder. If the feeder is not made in a way that prevents waster, the feed will be scattered all over the floor. This will lead to wasted feed.  Chicken feed accounts for 70% of the cost of keeping chickens. It is this feed […]

How to Hang a Chicken Feeder: Reduce Waste, Keep Feed Clean, and More

I first started by placing chicken feed on the floor. Then I realized that in no time there would be no signs of feed on the ground. My chickens would still be hungry. They would scatter the feed all around. Turn around and look at me, expecting more feed.  Then I started using flat containers […]

Red Chicken Poop? A Detailed Look at Causes of Reddish Chicken Poop.

Why is my Chickens Poop Red? A Detailed Look at Causes of Reddish Chicken Poop.

While the red color in chicken poop might be nothing to worry about, it is a good practice to determine if the reddish color is blood or not. Blood in the chicken droppings will most likely be a sign of coccidiosis. If it is not blood, then most likely it is shedding of intestinal linings. 

What Size of Chicken Feeder do I Need?

What Size of Chicken Feeder do I Need

What size of feeder do you need for your chickens? 4 chickens? 10 chickens? 100 chickens? We take a look on how to calculate the feeder size required for any number of chickens.

Getting the right size of a chicken feeder will not only cut on the time you need to refill but also keep your birds are well fed and they do not have to fight for space while feeding.

10 Quiet chicken breeds for backyards and homesteads.

Quiet chicken breeds for backyards and homesteads

When I first started keeping chickens in my backyard, I always wondered if the neighbors would come complaining about the noise.  One of the major concerns for any aspiring backyard chicken keeper is noise. Noise from chickens can be a nuisance in urban and suburban areas. In some localities, there are laws that keep urban […]

Are chickens better than ducks? Ducks vs chickens pros and cons.

Are chickens better than ducks? Ducks vs chickens pros and cons.

After you have been keeping chickens for a while, you may ask yourself if there is a need to add ducks to your poultry flock. This is an issue I am currently looking into. The kids want ducks. They think they are adorable. My wife says ducks are awesome and that I cannot finish one […]

Will My Chickens Fly Away? How to Prevent a Chicken from Flying Away.

will chickens fly away

Though it might sound absurd, a major concern of new poultry keepers is if their chickens will fly away. And never come back. They do not specifically worry if the chickens will fly to another city or country, but if they will get out of their enclosures. For backyard poultry keepers, the concern might be […]

How to Prepare Backyard Chickens for Winter

Come rain or snow, it is good to get chickens ready so that they can survive and remain productive throughout the frost.  Winter is coming. Temperatures drop. Snow falls. Hours of the natural light become less.  There is less food for predators. Your chickens become a target.  In this article, we cover some of the […]

Do chickens need light at night? Supplemental Lighting for chickens.

When I was constructing my chicken coop, I didn’t make any provision for artificial Lighting.  This is because I did not see the need at the time. Since it is time to install one, I am looking at the different discussions around the need for artificial lighting in the chicken coop.  The concept of supplemental […]

An In-depth look at automated coop doors

Do automatic chicken doors work? An In-depth look at automated coop doors

With an automatic chicken door, you do not have to worry about your chickens getting out of the coop in the morning and getting locked in the evening.  They will be securely locked in at night and automatically let out in the morning when the automatic chicken doors open according to the time you have […]

Can Heat Kill Chickens? 15 Creative Ways of Keeping Chickens Cool in Summer.

During my early days of keeping chickens, I noticed my chickens’ wings were droopy and they had their mouths open. There were panting. Initially, I thought they might be sick. I called a friend who informed me that that is the way chickens behave when it is too hot.  When it is hot, human beings […]

Get rid of rats and mice from your chicken coop.

Chicken coops can attract rats and mice because they offer shelter, food, water, and the perfect breeding ground. Whether the chickens and coop are yours or the neighbors,  prevention measures should be taken from the beginning. This is because is usually easier to prevent rats and mice from getting into the chicken coop than getting […]

Can my backyard chickens get salmonella?

Salmonella is a type of bacteria related to food poisoning in form of a disease called salmonellosis. It affects the intestinal tract of humans, chickens, and other poultry and mammals in general. According to a July 2010 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, humans can become infected with the Salmonella bacteria after eating […]

How does a Chicken Plucker Work?

As I was growing up, I never saw chicken being scalded. Never witnessed chicken being plucked using mechanical pluckers.  My grandmother, together with my mother would hold the chicken, and pluck it very fast before it lost its body heat. As long as the chicken was warm, the feathers would come out with little resistance. […]

Backyard Chicken Processing Equipment

Backyard Chicken Processing Equipment

I have been processing my own chickens for a while now. Along the way, I have learned that to make the process easy for you and your chickens, it is good to have the right chicken processing equipment.   This will not only make the butchering process shorter but also leave you with some energy to […]

Raising Cornish Cross Chickens

Butchering Cornish Chickens with Water Belly or Heat Stroke: Safe to Eat or Not?

Cornish cross (Cornish X) is the darling of the commercial chicken meat industry. Cornish X is also known also as Cornish Rock If you have bought broiler chicken meat at the grocery store, high chances are that the meat came from cornish cross chickens. The cornish cross, also referred to as the cornish rock is […]