Using First Saturday Lime in Chicken Coop and Run

Using First Saturday line in Chicken coop and run

Today, I want to share my personal experience with using First Saturday Lime in my chicken coop and run.

If you’re wondering what First Saturday Lime is and how it can benefit your flock, you’re in the right place. Over the years, I’ve discovered that this incredible product not only improves the overall hygiene of the coop but also enhances the well-being of my feathered friends.

So, let’s dive into the world of First Saturday Lime and explore its wonders together!

What is First Saturday Lime?

First Saturday Lime is a remarkable natural product that has become a game-changer for chicken enthusiasts like me. Derived from high-quality limestone, this eco-friendly wonder comes in the form of a finely-ground powder, making it easy to apply and incredibly versatile in its applications. Its rich calcium carbonate content makes it a treasure trove of benefits for our beloved chickens.

Why is calcium carbonate so crucial for our feathered friends, you may wonder? Well, calcium is an essential mineral for chickens, especially when it comes to egg production and overall health. A calcium-rich diet is crucial for the development of strong eggshells, promoting successful hatching and minimizing the risk of egg-related issues.

The Importance of Using First Saturday Lime

Maintaining a clean and hygienic chicken coop is crucial for the health and well-being of your flock. When I first ventured into raising chickens, I quickly realized that keeping the coop clean was a challenge, and the unpleasant odors seemed inevitable. However, my perspective on coop management completely transformed when I discovered the wonders of First Saturday Lime.

A Natural Deodorizer for a Pleasant Environment

One of the standout benefits of First Saturday Lime is its natural deodorizing properties. As soon as I started using it, the once lingering odors in the coop were noticeably reduced. The fine lime powder effectively neutralizes unpleasant smells, leaving the air fresh and clean. This not only benefits me as a chicken keeper but also contributes to a more enjoyable experience for my feathered friends.

A coop free from strong odors means that my chickens can breathe easy and feel more relaxed. The reduced smell minimizes stress among the flock, creating a happier atmosphere for them to roam and lay eggs. After all, happy and stress-free chickens are more likely to be productive layers, so First Saturday Lime became an essential part of my coop maintenance routine.

Pest Repellent Properties for a Healthier Flock

As if the deodorizing benefits weren’t enough, First Saturday Lime impressed me further with its natural pest repellent properties. Pests like mites, lice, and other unwanted critters can quickly become a nuisance in a chicken coop, leading to various health issues and discomfort for the flock.

With First Saturday Lime, however, I noticed a significant reduction in pest activity within the coop and run area. The lime’s repellent effect acts as a barrier against these unwelcome intruders, deterring them from infesting the space where my chickens reside. By creating a pest-free environment, I can safeguard my chickens from potential diseases that pests might carry, ultimately promoting their overall well-being.

Disease Prevention and Health Maintenance

Aside from preventing pest-related issues, using First Saturday Lime in the coop significantly contributes to disease prevention. A clean and odor-free environment, combined with the lime’s natural antimicrobial properties, helps in minimizing the risk of diseases spreading among the flock.

How I Use First Saturday Lime in My Coop

Now, let me take you through my step-by-step process of utilizing First Saturday Lime in my chicken coop and run.

  1. Cleaning the Coop

On the first Saturday of each month (hence the name “First Saturday Lime”), I begin by giving the coop a thorough cleaning. I remove all bedding material, droppings, and debris, ensuring a fresh start for my chickens.

  1. Sprinkling First Saturday Lime

Next comes the fun part! I sprinkle First Saturday Lime all over the coop’s floor and nesting boxes. The fine powder easily reaches the nooks and crannies, making it a breeze to apply. The moment the lime is spread, I can already notice the improvement in air quality, and I know my chickens will appreciate it too.

  1. Health Check and Record-Keeping

With the coop clean and fresh, I then conduct a quick health check on my chickens. I inspect each bird for any signs of illness or injury, trimming their nails and beaks if needed. I make sure to record any relevant information for future reference.

Cleaning the CoopThoroughly clean the coop, removing bedding and debris.Provides a fresh start for the chickens and creates a clean environment for better health.
Sprinkling First Saturday LimeSprinkle First Saturday Lime all over the coop’s floor and nesting boxes.Natural deodorizer neutralizes odors, reducing stress for the chickens and promoting a pleasant atmosphere.
Health Check and Record-KeepingInspect each bird for any signs of illness or injury, recording relevant information.Enables early detection of health issues, facilitating timely intervention and better flock management.
How I Use First Saturday Lime in My Coop

The Benefits of First Saturday Lime in My Chicken Run

It’s not just the coop that deserves some lime love; my chicken run gets treated too! Using First Saturday Lime in the run has been equally rewarding, and here’s why:

  1. Dust Bath Improvement

Chickens love their dust baths, and I noticed that adding First Saturday Lime to the designated dust bath area enhances its effectiveness. The lime helps to control mites and lice, ensuring my chickens stay happy and healthy.

  1. Odor Control

Just like in the coop, First Saturday Lime helps neutralize unpleasant odors in the chicken run. This is particularly helpful during rainy seasons when the ground can get muddy and smelly.

Dust Bath ImprovementEnhances effectiveness of the chickens’ dust bath, controlling mites and lice, promoting healthier and happier chickens.
Odor ControlNeutralizes unpleasant odors in the chicken run, creating a fresher environment for the chickens to roam and enjoy their space.
Pest RepellentActs as a barrier against pests, deterring infestation and reducing the risk of disease transmission among the flock.
The Benefits of First Saturday Lime in My Chicken Run

Tips for Using First Saturday Lime Safely

As I’ve learned from my experience, while First Saturday Lime is an amazing product, it’s essential to use it safely and responsibly.

  1. Wear Protective Gear

When handling First Saturday Lime, I always wear a dust mask and gloves to avoid inhaling the fine powder and to protect my skin from irritation.

  1. Keep the Coop Ventilated

Proper ventilation in the coop is crucial, especially when using any form of powder. Good airflow helps prevent the buildup of dust, ensuring a healthy environment for both chickens and chicken keepers.

FAQs about First Saturday Lime

1. How does First Saturday Lime compare to other coop cleaning products in terms of effectiveness and safety?

First Saturday Lime stands out as an all-natural and eco-friendly product, making it safe for chickens and the environment. Its dual action as a deodorizer and pest repellent sets it apart from many conventional cleaning products. While other products may provide similar benefits, First Saturday Lime’s natural composition makes it a preferred choice for many chicken keepers.

2. Are there any specific precautions or guidelines to follow when applying First Saturday Lime in the coop and run?

When applying First Saturday Lime, it’s essential to wear a dust mask and gloves to avoid inhaling the fine powder and protect your skin from irritation. Additionally, ensure proper ventilation in the coop during application to minimize dust buildup.

3. Can First Saturday Lime be used in other types of animal enclosures, such as rabbit hutches or goat pens?

Yes, First Saturday Lime can be used in various animal enclosures, including rabbit hutches and goat pens. Its natural deodorizing and pest-repellent properties make it beneficial for other animals as well.

4. Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with using First Saturday Lime in the coop?

When used as directed, First Saturday Lime is generally safe for chickens and the coop environment. However, excessive use may raise the coop’s pH level, potentially affecting the composting process of chicken waste. Proper application is crucial to avoid any adverse effects.

5. Does First Saturday Lime have any additional benefits for chickens, apart from its deodorizing and pest-repellent properties?

Beyond its primary deodorizing and pest-repelling properties, First Saturday Lime’s high calcium content is beneficial for chickens’ egg production and overall health. A calcium-rich diet is essential for strong eggshells and better overall well-being.

6. How does First Saturday Lime affect the pH level of the coop environment, and does it impact the composting process of chicken waste?

First Saturday Lime has an alkaline nature, which can raise the coop’s pH level if overused. Proper application is vital to avoid disturbing the composting process of chicken waste, which thrives in a slightly acidic environment.

7. Are there any testimonials or success stories from other chicken keepers who have used First Saturday Lime?

Yes, many chicken keepers have shared their positive experiences with First Saturday Lime. Testimonials often highlight its effectiveness in controlling odors, repelling pests, and promoting a healthier coop environment.

8. Can First Saturday Lime be used year-round, or are there any specific considerations for using it during certain seasons?

First Saturday Lime can be used year-round, but consider adjusting the application frequency based on the season and environmental conditions. In hot and humid climates, more frequent application may be necessary to manage odors and pests.

9. Are there any recommended alternatives to First Saturday Lime for chicken coop maintenance, especially for those with limited availability of the product?

Diatomaceous earth, vinegar solutions, and essential oil-based repellents are among the alternatives that can complement or substitute First Saturday Lime for coop maintenance.

10. How long does the effects of First Saturday Lime last before needing reapplication, and does its efficacy vary depending on the size of the coop and the number of chickens?

The effects of First Saturday Lime can last for several weeks, but reapplication may be needed earlier in heavily soiled or larger coops with more chickens.

11. What other eco-friendly and natural products can complement the use of First Saturday Lime for a more sustainable chicken-keeping approach?

Essential oils with pest-repelling properties, natural diatomaceous earth, and herbal supplements can complement First Saturday Lime to promote sustainable chicken-keeping.

12. Are there any scientific studies or research supporting the claims and benefits of First Saturday Lime for chickens?

While there may be anecdotal evidence, comprehensive scientific studies specifically supporting First Saturday Lime’s benefits for chickens might be limited.

13. Can First Saturday Lime be safely used with chickens of all ages, including chicks and laying hens?

Yes, First Saturday Lime is safe for chickens of all ages, including chicks and laying hens.

14. How does First Saturday Lime impact the overall health and egg quality of chickens over an extended period?

The improved coop environment, reduced stress, and enhanced calcium intake from First Saturday Lime can contribute to better overall health and potentially improved egg quality in chickens over time.

15. Is First Saturday Lime effective in deterring specific pests, such as flies or rodents, that might pose additional challenges to chicken keepers?

First Saturday Lime’s pest-repellent properties can help deter flies, mites, lice, and other common pests that can be troublesome for chicken keepers.

16. What are the potential drawbacks or limitations of using First Saturday Lime in the coop, if any?

Overapplication can affect the coop’s pH level and the composting process of chicken waste, so using First Saturday Lime with moderation is important.

17. Can First Saturday Lime be used in conjunction with other coop cleaning and disinfecting methods?

Yes, First Saturday Lime can be used alongside other coop cleaning and disinfecting methods, as long as there are no conflicting chemicals.

18. Are there any specific storage requirements for First Saturday Lime, and what is its shelf life?

Store First Saturday Lime in a dry place, away from moisture. When stored properly, it has a long shelf life, retaining its effectiveness over time.

19. Are there any customer support channels or resources available for chicken keepers who have questions or need assistance with using First Saturday Lime effectively?

For any inquiries or assistance with using First Saturday Lime, you can check the manufacturer’s website or contact their customer support team.

20. How has the use of First Saturday Lime impacted the author’s overall chicken-keeping experience and the health of their flock?

As shared in the article, using First Saturday Lime has significantly improved the coop’s cleanliness, reduced odors, and contributed to healthier and happier chickens, enhancing the overall chicken-keeping experience for the author.


Incorporating First Saturday Lime into my chicken coop and run maintenance routine has been a game-changer for me. The natural deodorizing and pest-repelling properties make for happier chickens and a more enjoyable chicken-keeping experience overall.

Remember, a clean and healthy coop means healthier and happier chickens. So, give First Saturday Lime a try, and see the difference it can make in your feathered friends’ lives.

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