Category Archives: Chickens

Pricing Meat Birds: How to Determine the Right Price to Sell Your Birds.

\Pricing Meat Birds: How to Determine the Right Price to Sell Your Birds

As someone who raises meat birds and sells them to buyers, I understand the struggle of figuring out the right price point. Many people are interested in buying meat birds, but they don’t know how much they should be paying. In this article, I’ll share my experience with pricing and selling meat birds to help […]

Names for Baby Chickens

When it comes to baby chickens, there’s more to their names than meets the eye. From just-hatched chicks to fully-grown hens and roosters, each stage of a chicken’s life has its own unique name. Understanding the distinctions between these names is important for anyone who works in the poultry industry or simply enjoys keeping chickens […]

How to Choose Eggs for Incubation: A Guide for Beginners.

How to Choose Eggs for Incubation: A Guide for Beginners.

The process of selecting eggs for incubation can be confusing. With several hens and roosters in your flock, how do you determine which eggs are best for hatching? In this article, I’ll share my personal experience and tips on how to choose eggs for incubation. Check for Fertilization Before Selecting Eggs The first step in […]

Exploring the PawHut Chicken Coop: A Cozy Haven for Your Feathered Friends.

Hey there, fellow chicken enthusiasts! If you’re on the hunt for a comfortable and functional chicken coop, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’ll be sharing my personal experience and insights on the PawHut Chicken Coop. This popular coop has gained a reputation for its durability, thoughtful design, and affordability. So, join […]

Light Brahma Chickens – all you need to know.

The Light Brahma chicken is one of the varieties of the Brahma Chicken that is recognized by the American Poultry associations Standards of Perfection and the British Standards of Perfection.  The light Brahma is fully feathered, with feathers at the feet, and is classified as Asiatic, due to its origin from Asia.  The heavy feathers, […]

Medicine for Sick Chickens: A Comprehensive Guide

Raising chickens can be a very rewarding experience. These delightful creatures provide us with fresh eggs and meat, and they make great pets too! But, just like any other animal, chickens can get sick. Keeping your flock healthy is important not only for their well-being but also for their productivity. Sick chickens may lay fewer […]

What Age Can Chickens Eat Watermelon

Chickens, like any other living creature, require a balanced diet to maintain good health and vitality. A balanced diet for chickens consists of a combination of grains, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and protein sources such as insects or meat. Feeding them exclusively on one type of food can lead to nutritional deficiencies or obesity. As backyard […]

The Ultimate Guide to Premier Chicken Waterers.

If you’re a chicken owner, you know that keeping your flock healthy and happy is a top priority. One of the most important aspects of poultry care is ensuring that your birds have access to clean water at all times. But how do you choose the right waterer for your feathered friends? The Idea of […]

Enhance Your Chicken Run with Shrubs.

If you’re raising chickens in your backyard, you’ve likely put a lot of thought into creating a safe, comfortable environment that allows your birds to thrive. One often overlooked aspect of chicken run landscaping is the use of shrubs and other greenery. However, planting shrubs in your chicken run can have numerous benefits for both […]

DIY Incubator: How We Built a Self-Regulating Incubator For Under $100.

When my wife and I decided to start incubating our own chicken eggs, we quickly realized that buying a commercial incubator could be a costly investment. However, we were determined to give it a try and decided to build our own incubator using an old broken refrigerator. It turned out to be one of the […]

The Dangers of Teflon Pans for Your Indoor Chickens: A Cautionary Tale.

I never thought that a kitchen accident could have such a devastating effect on my flock. One day, I came home to find five of my three chickens dead. It turns out that leaving a Teflon pan on the stove had released toxic fumes that instantly killed them. I was devastated and couldn’t believe that […]

Why Are My Chickens’ Feet Turning Red? Common Causes and Solutions.

red chicken feet

I have noticed that sometimes my chickens’ feet turn red, which can be concerning. After doing some research, I learned that this could be several reasons, ranging from harmless conditions to more serious health issues. In this article, I will discuss why your chickens’ feet might be turning red and what you can do about […]

Should Vaccinated Chicks be on Non-Medicated Feed? The Answer You Need to Know.

I know that ensuring the health and well-being of my flock is of utmost importance. One question that often arises is whether or not to feed chicks vaccinated for Marek’s disease with medicated feed. After doing some research and consulting with other chicken experts, I can confidently say that there is no issue with feeding […]

Guide to Chicken Coop Panels: Building Safe & Stylish Homes

Raising backyard chickens has become a popular trend in recent years. Not only do they provide fresh eggs, but they are also great pets for families to enjoy. However, it is important to ensure that your feathered friends are living in a safe and comfortable environment. This is where chicken coops come in. Chicken coops […]

The Ultimate Guide to Rainwater Chicken Waterers: Benefits, Types, and Setup.

I understand the importance of providing my chickens with clean and fresh water at all times. However, keeping their water source clean and free from contaminants can be a daunting task, especially when using traditional waterers. That’s why I turned to a rainwater chicken waterer as a solution to my problem. In this article, I […]

Keeping Snakes Away from Chicken Coops: Effective Strategies for Snake Prevention.

Snakes can pose a significant threat to the safety of chickens in your coop. It’s crucial to take proactive measures to keep these slithery intruders away from your feathered friends. In this article, we will explore practical and effective strategies for preventing snakes from entering your chicken coops. From creating physical barriers and utilizing natural […]

Why Does My Chicken Sound Like a Goose? Understanding the Causes and Solutions.

As a chicken owner, you may have noticed that your chickens make a variety of sounds. While some of these sounds are familiar and expected, others may surprise you. One of the most unusual sounds a chicken can make is a honking noise, similar to that of a goose. In this article, we will explore […]

Setting Up the Perfect Chicken Coop: A Comprehensive Guide.

Raising chickens at home has become increasingly popular in recent years. And for good reason! Not only are backyard chickens a fun and unique addition to your household, they also provide families with fresh eggs and meat. However, it’s important to keep in mind that chickens need space, protection, and care in order to thrive. […]

The Ideal Chicken Run Size: Factors to Consider and Pros/Cons of Different Sizes

I know that providing a good quality of life for your feathered friends is essential. One of the most important things to consider when setting up a chicken coop is the size of the chicken run. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that determine the ideal chicken run size and why it matters. Why […]

The Barred Rock Rooster Chick: Everything You Need to Know.

I’ve raised and kept many different breeds of chickens over the years, but one of my personal favorites has to be the Barred Rock. In this article, I’ll be focusing on Barred Rock rooster chicks specifically, providing a detailed guide on their characteristics, care, and suitability for backyard chicken keeping. Barred Rock chickens are a […]

Best Chicken Breeds for Small Yards.

Raising chickens in small spaces like yards or coops has become a trending activity, with many people opting for it instead of buying eggs from the grocery store. There are several benefits to this, including having a constant supply of fresh, organic eggs that are free from hormones and chemicals. Not to mention, raising chickens […]

Free Chicken Coop Plans: Your Guide to Building a Cozy Home for Your Chickens

Chicken Coop Cost: A Comprehensive Guide

As an avid chicken enthusiast, I understand the importance of providing a safe and comfortable home for our feathered friends. If you’re considering building a chicken coop, you may be on the lookout for free plans that can guide you through the process. In this article, I’ll share valuable information and resources on finding free […]

Benefits & Controversies of Fertilized Egg Eating

When it comes to eggs, most people don’t give much thought beyond how they want them cooked. But there’s a special kind of egg that’s starting to gain more attention – the fertilized chicken egg. Yes, you read that right – a chicken egg that has been fertilized by a rooster. At first glance, this […]

Commercial chickens for eggs

Do you ever wonder where the eggs in your fridge come from? Chances are, they were laid by commercial chickens. Commercial chicken farms are responsible for producing the vast majority of eggs consumed in the world today. These large-scale operations utilize various breeds of chickens and advanced management techniques to maximize egg production. In this […]

My Experience with Deep Litter Method for Chicken Coops: Lessons Learned and Tips for Beginners.

I was excited to try out the deep litter method for my coop. I had read about its benefits in terms of reducing odor, providing insulation, and producing compost for the garden. However, I quickly discovered that there was a downside that nobody had warned me about: the dust. In this article, I’ll share my […]

Causes of Salpingitis & Lash Eggs in Chickens

Chickens are fascinating creatures that can bring joy and entertainment to any backyard. However, keeping chickens healthy and happy requires a bit of knowledge and effort. One health issue that chicken owners should be aware of is salpingitis, a common condition that affects the reproductive tract of hens. Salpingitis can lead to the formation of […]

How to Get Rid of Ammonia Smell in Your Deep Litter Method Coop.

As someone who uses the deep litter method, I understand the frustration that comes with a coop that smells like ammonia. It’s not only unpleasant for you, but it can also be harmful to your chickens. So, what can you do to solve this problem? In this article, I’ll share some tips and methods for […]

My Chicks Have Poopy Butts: How to Safely Clean Them

It’s common to come across poopy butts in your chicks. This can be a serious problem if left unattended as it can lead to health issues for your chicks. Fortunately, there are several ways to safely clean poopy butts without hurting your chicks. In this article, I’ll be sharing some tips and tricks that have […]

How Much Space Do Chickens Need To Be Free-Range?

Free-range chickens have become increasingly popular as more people look for sustainable and humane ways to obtain eggs and meat. Unlike commercially raised chickens, free-range birds are allowed to roam freely outdoors, scratch in the dirt, and peck at plants and insects. This results in healthier birds that produce better quality meat and eggs. The […]

Golden Comet Chicken Breed Guide

Golden Comet chickens are a popular breed in the poultry industry, known for their docile temperament and high egg-laying ability. These chickens are a hybrid breed, created by combining genes from two different breeds to produce an offspring with desirable traits. The Golden Comet was developed by crossing Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns in […]

Can Chickens Control Ticks? The Surprising Solution to Your Tick Problem.

If you live in a rural area, you may have encountered the pesky problem of ticks. Ticks are small, blood-sucking parasites that can transmit diseases to both humans and animals. They thrive in grassy and wooded areas, which is why they are commonly found in rural areas. If you’re dealing with a tick problem, you […]

Cattle Panel Chicken Coops: A Practical and Affordable Solution for Your Flock.

If you’re seeking an innovative and cost-effective solution to house your feathered friends, then look no further than cattle panel chicken coops. These remarkable structures have been gaining popularity among chicken enthusiasts for their practicality, affordability, and customization options. In this article, I’ll guide you through the benefits and features of cattle panel chicken coops, […]

Hemp Bedding Vs Pine Shavings: Which is Best?

I know firsthand the importance of providing a comfortable and healthy environment for my feathered friends. One aspect of chicken care that often goes overlooked is the type of bedding used in their coop. In this article, I will compare two common types of bedding: hemp bedding and pine shavings, to help you make an […]

Discover the nutritional value of chicken eggs

Chicken eggs are a staple food consumed by millions of people around the world. They are versatile, easy to cook, and can be enjoyed in many different ways. But did you know that eggs are also incredibly nutritious? A Brief Overview of Chicken Eggs as a Staple Food Chicken eggs have been consumed by humans […]

why is my chicken’s chest swollen?

As a chicken owner, you may have experienced worrying about your beloved bird’s health. One day, you notice that your chicken’s chest is swollen, and you start to wonder what could be causing this issue. A swollen chest in chickens can be a sign of several underlying conditions that require attention and care. This article […]

Types of Cameras of the Chicken Coop and Run

Cameras for the chicken coop and run

Security for your coop and run are of uttermost importance. You will want to know if any predator is trying to break into the chicken coop. Since you cannot be there all the time, you will need to install a security camera. Cameras in the coop and run are not only for security but also […]

The Truth About Cedar Shavings and Chickens: Are They Really Toxic?

Are cedar shavings really toxic to chickens? My grandson bought several bags and spread them on the coop floor and in the nesting boxes. As a backyard chicken owner, I can relate to wanting to provide the best possible environment for my feathered friends. When my grandson recently bought several bags of cedar shavings and […]